Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Breath Free Or Die

 Did you ever wonder why you either struck out or kept hitting foul balls? That's because you suck at baseball- good in practice but crumbled under pressure- Ok let me put it another way- Did you ever wonder how and why helos went down lucky shot in the pitch dark from a hundred yards away by an rpg-

How about why our soldiers got stuck in a hell hole after our great generals said it would be over in a couple of months- Like who McEnery- I thought he was now a hero on the Trump Train- Kind of like just 2 weeks to flatten the curve- Maybe he meant if Bremer didn't fire the republican guard OIF would  have been over in record pace- Maybe he is not a real hero after all-

Did you ever wonder why when you suit up and show up they tell you to muzzle up and shut up- That's because you are not grateful-\ Did you ever see such brazen fraud with this election scam- it has been mind blowing- In our face arrogance this deep state is quite deep indeed much more then the 1% Yes- but its the 1 % that control it- 

MSM is very sick worse then any drug addict I ever witnessed- Even worse then you- don't be so self deprecating but important to keep it green. Like a drug addict they wont stop until something happens maybe their moment of truth- The tree of liberty needs to get refreshed form time to time with the blood of weasel traitors getting extirpated by patriots 

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