Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Stress Less Accomplish More

 What's the story? Stress Less Accomplish More- Emily Fletcher beautiful woman great meditation techniques- smart but easy to understand- I am aware that she mentions that our brains have a chemical imbalance but that goes against your claim what's your take on that?

 Its not my claim its very smart psychiatrists who substantiate the chemical imbalance myth is nothing more then being a scam in an attempt to shove antii psychotics down our throat-  The way nurse practitioners hand these meds out like candy at rehabs is a crime in itself-

 Fletcher isn't talking about that- She explains that our brain does have a chemical imbalance when not in unison or working together symbiosis combo of our left and right side- That is a chemical imbalance of sorts and this is the reason why there is an addiction epidemic- Getting bliss and fulfillment in the eternal now is what its all about.

 She is westernizing  a traditional eastern  practice and bringing it mainstream- She breaks down simple concepts that I never grasped before that is why she has a great future in this new world awakening of ours- Simple humble and happy she is a great mentor-

  What is your take on the Seattle is dying MAT program where they want to send people to RI and medicate them with suboxone for the rest of their natural born life?

 Not good- meds should only be used in short duration if at all. This long term lock down prescription isn't a good one to say the least- People need faith instilled not fear- Its the same concept as the Greenland ice cap and the shot of booze offered by the eskimo- What's the different between dope and booze nothing I rest my case- People can get off dope without meds and they don't have to be incarcerated in some kind of floating prison- These people are trying to brain wash the clients- One should not be made to  feel weak like they can never be part of society without a strong risk of relapse- Empowerment and faith can go along way- When one is made to feel like they are otherwise powerless over that first shot of dope unless they are on MAT is not a healthy prescription or recommendation.

 There is no such thing as chemical imbalance in the way big pharma is trying to sell therefore addicts don't need meds our brains need to be brought back to homeostasis because there was nothing ever really wrong with us to begin with

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