Monday, January 18, 2021

Pharma Minions

 Breath free or die- corrupt minions and mouthpieces for the medical maphia and MSM Lisa Guerro Inside Edition pathetic display of ignorance and apathy- A courageous woman telling her the way it is- Is Guerroro really trying to tell us that people that don't wear masks and buy into this predictive programing  brainwashing scam are the reason why people are dying of Covid?

 There is zero evidence to support this absurdity of a claim- treating this woman like a leper 6 feet away and wearing a muzzle Gueeoro looks and acts like a ridiculous circus clown and is trying to force us to look like her- Its not going to happen- scamdemic fraud on so many levels- Fauci deep state weasel along with many others- Why doesn't anybody on MSM speak out and support us- cowardice bought and paid for shills- mask mouth these muzzles do a lot more harm then good- self suffocation devices sounds like attempted murder to me- fails OSHA level healthy environmental oxygen level- These are medical devices only a doctor should prescribe-

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