Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Send It To The Judge

 Tell it to the judge rather send it to the judge- What do you mean- You know you are supposed to pull over for all ems vehicle's- I thought it was a yield and stay 500 feet away? I don't know do you trust an leo that wears a muzzle? Unfortunately not so much anymore leos should not conceal their identity-

 Send it to the judge- When I was locked up in the holding bin waiting for one of many transcripts and confessionals there was a man that wrote a letter to the judge- He was basically begging for leniency and he read it to me-

 So you have your magnum opus manifesto what about your dying declaration? What's that- Its when the leos lawyers and professional investigators get  the deathbed confessional kind of like Law and Order ya something like that-

 What is the dying declaration- Actually it came through me in one of my past lives and it had something to do with Titanic intel- What was that like when the rich dick saved himself and then ended up losing it all and dying with the market crash of 29-

     Anyway the intel has something to do with the official story not being true- Kind of like the feds creation a year later and all of that good stuff ya something like that-

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