Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Riding Dirty

 What's the difference between riding dirty and pissing dirty? The answer is obvious, I thought I was on the right side of the law but I was riding and pissing dirty? What do you mean- Guns and dope- the usual- Do you mean to tell me prescription meds is really dope?

Look out for number one but make sure you don't step in number two? Speaking of which what's the story with these people who leave poo bags on the ground- Ok they picked up their dogs business but if its still on the ground that is half measures-

The entire point of getting sober is to think about others right? Wrong that is a misconception because we are not character defective by our birthright that is where the original sin con game came into play- We are people doing the best we can and why do you think Al-Anon came into the woodworks- Its because when we are co-dependent and martyrs always worried and thinking about others that is when we can and will go down-

 Do you have experience with the non sober riding and pissing dirty worried about everybody else syndrome? Yes I do have first hand experience, I couldn't put two minutes together and not only was I riding and pissing dirty I was living in xanie bar hell- Why would a person go to any lengths to put themselves in hell?

 It has something to do with that original sin con game where we are supposed to be in perpetual suffering in order to be a good person? There is no way to look out for number one in those scenarios-

 You can take a horse to water but cant make him pee right what does that mean? It means if you cant take a leak in 1 hour you are walking dirty- It doesn't mean you are a dirty person it just means that issues need to be addressed- 

Do you mean to tell me we go through all of that just to get closer to source? Yes- the best thing my probie did for me was tow my car even though I had a legit script- Can you really get high taking prescribed meds- What kind of dumb question is that. You can only be a martyr if you are dealing with limited resources right? I would rather just take care of myself and not be a sounding board for others peoples baggage- 

 I don't want to talk about romance or finance but when one is willing and ready to take the steps out from hell I am willing to share

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