Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Stand Downs

The Buddha said that there is no fellowship with a fool. We are not happy with a former fbi director who rigged an investigation and never turned over information to the DOJ. He took it upon himself to exonerate our former presidential candidate before doing a real investigation. Anybody else would have been fully prosecuted and be in an orange jump suit right now. Destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice and then they went all out to try to frame our Potus for something that never even existed.
  Stand downs for real investigations while they made up a fraudulent one at our expense. Petty process crimes, there was no legal precedent in the Hillary case because nobody else ever had the audacity to do something that egregious and brazen in our long history of foreign espionage crime cases. So just because there was no legal precedent that meant the FBI head shed wasn't supposed to do his job? That was an insult to everybody he represented within the law enforcement and intel communities and then he uses the word dude in a colloquial manner. FBI head sheds are not supposed to use the word dude especially to a subordinate.
   Comey is an unprofessional clown who tarnished the fbis reputation irrevocably and his entire gang of co- conspirators are going to go down in a ball of flames.  .

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