Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Licensed To Lie

The loudest man in the room is usually the weakest. Also be wary of the trumpet blowers, they are usually the ones with the least to say. What's going on? (Not so fast-) What does that mean? People usually have a good feeling about government based task forces like maybe they are out for the greater good.
 It turns out that many are just out for themselves. Lets take a look at Burn baby burn- I wanted to see those executives from Enron burn down below and any thought of a task force going after them was music to my ears. Task Force 129 is a formidable force the big difference is that we do things legally and by the book. Sidney Powell wrote a brilliant and prescient book in 2014- (Licensed to Lie-)  Its great to go after the fraudsters as long as they are the right ones, not some agenda driven zealot based corruption filled witch hunt eerily reminiscent of the Russian hoax.
 Andrew Weissmann the pit-bull prosecutor hurt innocent people, 85 thousand jobs at Arthur Anderson which they knew were never even real crimes. It is a constitutional requirement to hand over any exculpatory evidence favorable to the defense- (The Brady Bill of 1963)  Weissmann prosecuted some very powerful mobsters- Colombo, Gambino, Genovese crime member families and was quite high on himself. The problem is that (nobody would ever know) because the prosecutors control the evidence as well as most of the facts. His zealot based task force prosecuted  four innocent Merrill Lynch executives and they all went to jail.
 The Dept Of Justice has a long history of burying exculpatory evidence and they did this with impunity on a regular basis. If you control all of the evidence then you control most of the facts so this can usually control the outcome. Powell states that their has been an epidemic of Brady violations over the years. The problem is that these zealot based prosecutors that are part of these high end Task forces never did any time themselves. They fancy themselves as untouchable and above the law. The Merrill Lynch executive became traumatized from the adjudication which put his family through the wringer and he became traumatized from all of the legal wrangling and jail as well as attempting to adjust to life on the outside..
   Jail traumatizes, these zealot based government backed witch hunts have irrevocably damaged countless people over the years. PTSD  for starters from the stress of it all and of course jail makes it much worse. They can afford to put many people through the legal wringer because they have unlimited resources at their disposal. They have weaponized our criminal justice system.
 So what did Weissman get for being an unscrupulous zealot that hurt thousands of people at Arthur Anderson and for  prosecuting four innocent Merrill Lynch executives that all went to to jail? A promotion to the FBI where he became general counsel and Deputy Director.  

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