Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dirty Zealots

Since there was no legal precedent in the Hillary case this meant that cardinal Comey was supposed to stand down. No reasonable prosecutor would have indicted in those circumstances, is that what he really said? So let me get this straight this was a foreign espionage case of epic proportions but the FBI director didn't want to indict because that would mean that the queen of the cartel wouldn't become our Potus.
  They were banking on her win but needed an insurance policy just in case. This is really dirty, a politicized fbi that didn't do their job in the biggest case of their careers. Comey is a hedge fund guy who didn't have the respect of the field agents getting their sleeves dirty everyday. Hedge fund guys are usually the ones with the ep details not the ones actually doing the protecting that is why he probably didn't even carry. Not only that Wolfgang isn't getting legitimate foia requests answered, this is not legal. FBI agents sign an oath pure as the virgin snow, at the very least we expect them to do their job and not stand down especially for the biggest case of their careers.
  The problem is that we had too many greedy lawyers with corporate interests working at the highest levels of the fbi/doj, not sworn leos that never went to law school. If it wasn't bad enough that they stood down for a major foreign espionage case they also created an insurance policy of egregious fraud across the board in order to try to frame our Potus. Most of our leos are pure as the virgin snow and couldn't even think of such an elaborate and dirty scam even if they tried, it is just not in them. William Barr never donated any money to any political campaigns, so this qualifies him as head and shoulders above any of the other dirty politicized zealots that worked around our former AG's

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