Friday, June 28, 2019

High Priests

"Consider the corporate socialism we've seen on wall street- where the high priests of unfettered capitalism reign" Bernie Sanders in reference to the bail out of 08- He also quoted MLK-" socialism for the rich and rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor" Why should only the rich get bailed out while everybody else gets screwed- Sanders has a point so why not bail out the students that are crushed in student loan debt?
  The same people that made all of the money on wall street are now making all of the money on the adjustable rate student loans. These loans are very difficult to pay off considering the current standard of living for most Americans- Especially if you are in the helping people field- msws in social work, professors in universities, holistic chiropractors etc.. If one is an independent healer and they know how rigged insurance companies are and how the medical field is when it comes to acute care fixes and little or nothing is done except pill prescriptions for chronic care conditions- 
  How does one realistically pay off 200k when they are raising a family, paying off a mortgage, saving for their own children's college tuition and making the medium income of 40- 50k a year give or take a couple of dollars.
   Lets take a look how the middle class got screwed over after the bail out of 08- Many people lost their jobs and their homes, nobody went to jail and the rich got enabled to continue on with their plunder and pillage. If the 700 billion Tarp plan wasn't initiated we would have had another dust bowl is basically what it comes down to. The American who is plugging away doesn't affect the overall economy as much so his/her rugged capitalistic individualism is a pipe dream that will appear to never be able to come into fruition. The forgotten and neglected class, this is what Potus Trump acknowlges, that is why he was elected, he isn't a wall street insider. He knows what needs to be done and the only way it will work is to have a free market enterprise capitalist game plan for 2020 and beyond-

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