Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Globalist Frauds

What else did Carlson write about? Lets see the Libyan disaster, what was that when (we came saw and he died-) The Clinton crime machine is so arrogant especially after robbing from the poor people in Haiti. After making believe they were going to rebuild their infrastructure after the earthquake in 2010 they  proceeded to launder all of the dirty money into their foundation. Are their any updates from Charles Ortel, the forensic accountant in regards to the Clinton Foundation?
   If you are going to make bundles off of disaster capitalism at least try to make the country a better place. For example why turn Libya into a country that was much worse then it was before especially when they went in there under the phony guise of spreading democracy. Americas foreign policy establishment has a long history of turning countries into hell holes and nobody has ever been held accountable.
  Lets see what are they doing now- letting people come into our country, stand downs at the border, and then getting aided and abeded by these politicians in sanctuary cities- Migrants aren't migrants they are illegal aliens that must abide by the letter of the law just like the natural born citizens of the United States of America. Any politician that harbors illegal immigrants especially the ones that have committed crimes and are now hiding out in sanctuary cities need to be charged with obstruction of justice-
  It is abhorrent what these secular progressives or whatever they call themselves have done to our major cities- dilapidated sewers with feces, homeless and needles everywhere- La and NYC-  San Francisco is even worse-  If that isn't bad enough the Hollywood sect and phony billionaires who constantly beat the global warming/climate change drum as if it really was an imminent disaster. These people are the ones leaving the largest carbon footprint because they need some way to justify their lavish existence- Getting paid huge sums for banging the drum of imminent doom gloom and fear when there are solid and legitmite sources that can actually refute the veracity of all of this climate change drama.

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