Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Ship Of Fools

If the Buddha said there is no fellowship with a fool then what would one state about the current (Ship Of Fools-) What do you think about Tucker Carlson's book Ship Of Fools? So far so good I respect Carlson especially after he confronted Bolton, the neo-con war hawk that never sensed a war that he didn't relish in, the latest being Iran
  Very impressive, Carlson, stated that Bolton was basically demented, their has been no humble acknowledgement of any of the past errors that the neo cons have created, specifically for the middle east quagmires. The sworn enemy of smugness pomposity arrogance and groupthink and I actually believe him. Insanity- doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results- Our Potus actually cares about collateral damage unlike his predecessors-
  The left that we have today is not really what most people think about when it comes to being a compassionate and loving liberal. They cant be given the benefit of the doubt due to their track records- Marxist radical ideals- Fabian socialism Saul Alinsky style- Sean Brennan communist-  admittedly (voted for communist presidential candidate Gus Hall in 76)- and Alinsky- 13 radical ideals to turn our country into a dilapidated fourth world wasteland. Obama stated that we could keep our doctor as premiums doubled and tripled and what else did he say "if you built a capitalist company "you didn't build that" That is why socialist Bernie and company aren't selling me, with his New Yawk accent he appears to be trying to hawk furniture or diamonds on the streets of Brooklyn.
   We should be grateful that we have a news outlet that are giving us the facts- holding people accountable- Carlson explains that what we have had is not really a left/right political system but rather (whoever benefits) and in the past it hasn't been America and our people. He explained how our leaders are fools on a sinking ship and that the talentless continued to prosper rising inexorably to positions of greater power. Tucker Carlson  is a solid patriot, good writer and unlike many others in the media today, he has the guts to call these people out. Here is another one of his classic quotes-" in politics as in life, nothing is really hidden only ignored "

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