Friday, May 31, 2019

Nation In Chaos

"One just needs a few 5.0 plus earthquakes on the Richter scale to set up a lifetime of tremors and reverberations." What is going on? We have a nation in chaos and a press that does nothing except distract and make up stories. Their is only one honest main stream news outlet and this includes print media.
  For over two plus years we have had yellow journalism and pure propaganda, they are still trying to demonize the movement that wants to address the real issues. I change the channel to CNN  and watch Chris Cuomo with two men yelling over each other about who knows what. A news station that hardly any body watches however  it demonstrates a press that is in chaos. He had no command control over his two guests, it was easy to switch the channel back to the real news.
  We have a print media that is supposed to be liberal and compassionate that is ignoring a real humanitarian crisis on the west coast. People living on the streets, feces and needles everywhere, cops getting typhoid. Dr Drew was pressing the alarm button but still seems to be getting ignored by most. It seems obvious that the goal is to turn our country into fourth world Hoovervilles, this is what is happening with democrat run cities and stand downs at the border. I know what its like to be homeless, the one thing I learned was that the situation wasn't going to go away if it was ignored. If we have only one main stream news outlet with integrity that means that the rest are purposely ignoring the real issues and simply not doing their jobs. For over two plus years it was bogus headache induced yellow journalism and distractions that never went anywhere, just Stormy Daniel type lawyers who turned out to appear as dirty as they come.
  This is happening in our country right now, its a disgrace that there isn't a full court press to help these people in Cal. and Oregon to get back on their feet. god helps those who help themselves but they at least need to be given that chance

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