Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dirty Execs

If what we resist persists that also means that what we perceive is what we can achieve. That isn't original it is just a combination of what has already been written. That is correct because most of the great wisdom has already been written. If one can combine and  expand that is the best one can really ask for. "If you want a friend get a dog if you want two friends then get two dogs".
  We finally have a real Potus and a Dept. of Justice, what we had before was an abomination. If HSBC was charged and convicted criminally but only fined as if it were just a civil case that tells us what the problem was right there. Money laundering, violating the trading with the enemy act which is treason, laundered money for terrorists regimes like Iran, aided and abetted in this drug epidemic, laundered  money for deadly and violent Mexican/Columbian drug cartels and the DOJ gave the order to stand down. That is beyond unconscionable, now look what we have. The biggest abuse of power scandal in our nations history. Our drug epidemic has been enabled by the FBI/DOJ, politicians, dirty doctors and billionaire big pharma executives. Purdue Pharma was charged criminally and convicted criminally in 2007  but only fined a small pittance compared to what they actually made and that was well before they really cashed in with this opiate epidemic.
  The tables have officially turned with the 2016 election, look how desperately they tried to  take our Potus down and out. Their are a lot of serious crimes that  have been covered up. As soon as Potus Trump declared an opiate national emergency in 2017 that very same day the billionaire from Insys was arrested, charged, eventually convicted and will soon will  be sentenced. I have a strong feeling the sentence will not be a small pittance of a fine. According to law professor Richard Ausness this is only the tip of the iceburg as far as drug companies misconduct is concerned. Insys is a landmark Racketeering case, the federal prosecutor from Mass. has sent a strong message to all of the other dirty dealers in suits and white coats out there." No evil can befall a good man in this life or the next-" Socrates

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