Thursday, August 17, 2017

Recovery Out Loud

I am a certified alcoholic and drug addict. I specialize in going to jail, being in institutions and becoming homeless. Without a spiritual reprieve on a daily basis I am doomed. I live (recovery out loud). I try to have healthy shame as opposed to toxic shame but have plenty of co-dependence to back me up. This means that I want to save the people, dogs, dolphins, whales and everything else in between. This isn't healthy without proper boundaries and took me to places that I hope to never go back to.
   It's time to come out of the closet because alcoholics and drug addicts have been known to have enough shame as it is. In my humble opinion coming out of the closet shows humility as long as it's done in a healthy way. We have a major problem going on right now, that is why we need some rock and roll soldiers to let people know that there really is a solution. There are a lot of real pros, many of these people write articles that make it into Sober World. They are doing everything they can to raise awareness as well as to spread education. I believe in k-9 therapy over wolf therapy because dogs are mans best friend. Wolves are too independent and even as hybrids there was a reason why they weren't born and bred to be around us.
  There is a lot of negatives and not enough positives but this will soon change. The difference between healthy shame and toxic shame is like good hdl and bad ldl cholesterol. The problem with the word anonymous is that it may have a tendency to elicit toxic shame like maybe we shouldn't be proud to be who we are and what we are. I am a certified alcoholic, this means that I can share my experience strength and hope. Nothing was worse for me then when I wanted to be sober but was really dry and binging but still acted like I had all of the answers. I would much rather be a certified alcoholic then a certified interventionist or sober coach. The simple reason for this is because I would rather show people that the rooms may be the answer instead of getting a commission for sending somebody to some rehab. Not that there is anything wrong with this per se because most of this is still gods work and most of the people are really in it for the right reasons.
   But why would I want to send somebody to a place where they might get some quack telling them that they need meds because they probably have bi-polar or schizophrenia or what ever other bs disorder they made up. This means a lot of money for them and this is potentially ruining people for life. This is a criminal and fraudulent act that should be investigated quite thoroughly. Science can blend in with spirituality because a lot of  qualified people can break it down into simple terms. Once you leave the rehab one must continue on with the meetings and or therapy right away otherwise ones chances are less then average.
   The paradigm shift in this industry is coming in like a freight train at well over 100 mph as this national epidemic gets heated up. Sober Living can be quite beneficial in more ways then one. Recovery rates with real statistics are going to start coming out of the legitimate sober homes. This will be a testament to what people have been seeking all along. Doing the best one can to break it down into scientific empirical data sprinkled in with a dose of tranquil spirituality.    

Saturday, August 12, 2017


 I hate politics and  hate politicians but  decided that  I couldn't miss out on the opportunity of skimming through a New York Times best seller. I didn't learn anything, not that I was expecting to. I don't hate Hillary I just thought that she shouldn't represent the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. I was somewhat emotionally involved in the campaign because I thought The Donald was the answer to all of society's ills. I was then let down even more  by VT and their continued and ongoing full frontal assault on the Donald's character. This made me feel that their has to be some level of truth to what VT has been writing about.
    Politics are dirty and so are the operatives that run it. In the book Shattered they had names of people like The Mook- This made me think about The Mooch- The Mook vs the Mooch- Supposedly these democratic operatives were willing to fall on the sword for their queen bee Hillary. My next question is so why do political operatives have to take the fall when if the tables were turned I don't see the queen bees of the political world doing the same for them? That is the difference between a politician and a warrior. A politician will not only leave the man behind he or she will let the wolves and scavengers eat the body parts. Its kind of like what I read about what Iraq was like. Apparently the dead bodies were eaten by the wild dogs because they were so hungry.  A warrior will find your body and take you home where as the politicians  will leave the dagger right in your back where they feel that  it was supposed to have been all along. As long as it means that it will take them to where they wanted to be all along which was way ahead of you.
   I want Hillary and her political operatives to respond to what Roger Stone has to say. He wrote  some great books and he stands behind his sources. So my next question is if he wrote some great books and stands behind his sources then how was the queen bee even allowed to run for president to begin with? Drug running, Arkansides, I read that Arkansas was one of if not the dirtiest and most dilapidated crime and poverty stricken states in our country. Perfect breeding ground for political operatives. Mena Arkansas and the Chicago mob. It looks like the queen bees daughter is being bred for the dirty world of politics as well.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Fire And Fury

One can mix fire and fury for great results but one should not mix drugs with drugs to fight this opiate epidemic. Just Say No never worked, infact this probably made it even worse and "no good very bad for you in every way" isn't horrible but still sounds too much like just say no.
    Prevention and education makes sense, Our Potus  just declared an Opioid emergency and he sounds serious in marshaling resources in the proper direction. A few months ago I read that Science was the answer for this epidemic however this is just not the case. Science is the problem to begin with. How does one rationally explain how a more powerful opiate then heroin is being used to keep addicts hooked for long periods of time? Cutting off the supply makes sense, that would mean utilizing our country's superior intel apparatus. One can do this with plain cloths informants, feds and leos to give the appearance that we don't live in a police state. Find out where it's coming from, every crack and crevice and every nook and cranny and start eliminating the supply. It appears that many leos are too busy responding to ods which is a major stressor and drain on the system all by itself. has a list of the 7 most dangerous prescription drugs. Science has a reproducibility crisis. This means that researchers are having a difficult time replicating previous studies. This puts the entire Science field in questionable territory as far as it's overall legitimacy. However that didn't prevent Big Pharma from going from a 1 trillion dollar industry in 2014 and projections are headed for around 1.3 trillion by 2018. The same companies that are selling these drugs are paying people to write the research. That is the dark side that Herbs-info is referring to. With this kind of money involved how hard would it be to have educated sounding doctors writing the medical journals?
  Lets take a look at vaccines for example. How much money was spent for a real study that compared the overall health of vaccinated children compared to children that didn't receive any vaccinations at all? I just saw a lot of parents raise their hands when asked if they felt that their child developed autism as a direct result of vaccines but this never made it to the mainstream news.
   The answer is homeopathic as opposed to allopathic. This premise holds true for the opiate epidemic where our President has now officially declared a National emergency. Spirituality supersedes science but not enough funding is headed in that direction. However it appears that a lot of holistic doctors are ending up dead under mysterious circumstances. This is what happens when one stands up to the Big Pharma war machine, a criminal cartel that is racketeering at it's highest levels. These are the people who own the feds and the doctors in an attempt to manipulate the research. Anybody or anything that stands in the way or threatens their stock dividends usually ends up floating in the river just like Dr Jeff Bradstreet and many others.   


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Pharmacogenomic Scam?

   SSRI withdrawal is hell on earth and many people commit suicide because of it. These doctors are flat out criminals that need to go to jail. SSRIs are supposed to be safe and effective but they are anything but. Isn't it bad enough that people are offing themselves because of these drugs but then to find out that these garbage pills haven't even been proven to be effective. They are giving people the very symptoms that they are supposed to be helping them with. Xanax that drug is Lucifer himself, I just watched this man talk about his benzo hell withdrawal on youtube. Seroquel, this drug should be banned. This drug is being prescribed off label for sleep, it is an elephant tranquilizer that has created horrific side effects. I came out of rehab and my brain was so screwed up from being on these meds..
   The problem is that how many of these doctors are telling their patients to get off all meds entirely? Kristin Fuller MD. wrote the Land Of The Free And Depressed. Depression is big business but it looks like it is the leading cause of disability aged 15-44. In 2010 it was estimated that depression led to 210 billion dollars in economic loss due to missed days of work and overall lack of productivity. But just think how much money these drug companies are making?
    Are they misdiagnosing people on purpose? Mostly not, people are explaining their symptoms and places are writing scrips just like in my case. Unfortunately the patients are not getting enough or any (informed consent.) You don't prescribe somebody Seroquel off label to help them sleep, especially a drug addict in recovery because we are drug seekers to begin with. Benzo withdrawal is hell in a bottle and makes people act clinically insane. Some say SSRIs are even worse and that is why so many people are killing themselves. They are even covering themselves by telling the world on these commercials what the side effects can be. Instead of poison labels they openly admit how sinister it all is. I am not buying into Pharmacogenomics either. How are they going to give you a DNA test to determine what antidepressant may work when none of them really do? This is going to be just another insurance company money maker with effective marketing. It is all hit and miss junk science to begin with so how is one's DNA going to tell everybody what med will really work this time? How about what is really going on, we have a greed monger society which is causing serious symptoms of anxiety and depression. We don't need more meds we need more spirituality because Science is dead.
  Up to 60 holistic doctors have died within a little over a year period and many of these deaths appear to have been suspicious. Erin Elizabeth talks about this, many families have hired their own investigation teams because official stories don't seem to be adding up.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Pharma Bro- Snake This guy is a snake and is the face of corporate greed. He is cocky and arrogant too, especially how he was able to inflate the price of a big pharma drug. A criminal operating in a world full of Big Pharma criminals. There are a lot of good feds out there and decent news people.
  The problem is that Fox news has a good old boys network that is not acceptable in a civilized world. If what those women allege is true about that Fox news anchor sending inappropriate pics of his private parts then this just confirms my overall consensus. What is this Bret Favre antics on Fox? O'Reilly, these people on that conservative news network are not grown ups. How does one end up with multiple sexual harassment lawsuits without fighting back or without it having some basis in truth? It all comes down from the top, this Fox news guy wants to run for Politics, The Senate- Anthony Weiner type narcissists who have an over exaggerated opinion of themselves. 

Friday, August 4, 2017

Dirty World Of Politics

Double Standard hypocrisy in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. The Dow is at 22,000 but what does that do for the working poor like me surrounded by less then 10 dollar per hour jobs? The EPI even states that the stock market is great for the fat cats but what about people who want to move out of a sober house in an attempt to be productive?  I am grateful and humble and would jump at the chance to work a 10 dollar per hour job because most work is noble.
  We have a politically incorrect judge named Dana Santino who is being put through the wringer for doing absolutely nothing wrong. She made a comment that was based in complete truth but just because she is now in the dirty world of politics people are trying to force her off the bench. What about Judicial Watch and focusing on who they have been targeting and why? We have a woman that ran for president that is as corrupt as they come but over the years there doesn't appear that  anybody  from Judicial Watch was ever able to launch a successful lawsuit. I am glad that at least some people try to go after the real criminals out there however we don't seem to read about this in the newspaper or see this on the nightly news. It appears that  Seth Rich possibly may be the latest victim to be added to the Clinton body count list but nobody ever seems to get in trouble. They are too busy focusing on the Dana Santinos of our world. When are we going to have money laundering investigations because people that are politicians aren't supposed to engage in that kind of activity.
    Our first female Muslim Judge was found floating in the Hudson River under suspicious circumstances, people should be asking questions about that as well. The issue comes down to really being a non-partisan and not getting your wheels greased by some influence peddler. Judicial Watch claims to be  non-partisan but Wikipedia claims that it is conservative. Conservative means that you are most likely slanted to the right or Republican side of the political spectrum so where are the real non partisan investigative outlets? Is their anybody out there who isn't funded or getting their strings pulled by at least somebody, I think not? Politics have completely screwed up our world. It's all about divide and conquer because unfortunately people have nothing better to do then to create drama and turmoil. Instead of promoting peace and love these fat cat string pullers pay puppets to do their dirty work. Instead of worthless campaign contributions people with disposable income should donate to real charities that aren't money laundering outlets or Wounded Warrior project scams that have the top dogs make all of the money and leave the warriors with little or nothing.                                           When you say something one should be prepared to back it up. I was wrong about not firing The Mooch- To call somebody a Paranoid Skitzo is unprofessional unless you really know what you are talking about. Dr P convinced me that Gen Kelly did the right thing.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Science Is Dead Mike Adams Health Ranger explains how writer Richard Harris knows how this junk Science scam works. "The result is billions of dollars in fraud, waste and unnecessary expedentitures on Big Pharma drugs that simply don't work." This has corrupted every facet of Science- Harris writes for NPR- He basically states that is why people end up getting sicker not healthier by taking Big Pharma drugs.
   The google war against fake news isn't real either because they are trying to filter out real journalists that target this type of junk science. The New York Post published an article- Medical Studies Are Almost Always Bogus- If their was one critique that I had on the Irresistible book it would be their focus on too much Science. Freud went back and fourth on god vs spirituality but for the most part he felt that god was dead and Science was king. The issue with  Irresistible is that having a belief greater then oneself can supersede different cognitive practices and so fourth. It appears that credible journalists like Mike Adams and Richard Harris are putting large dents is Science and their overall theories in general so what does this really say about Freud and all of his followers? You can mix science and spirituality as long as it makes sense but I can state that Big Pharma's drugs did a lot more harm then good to me. This challenges psychiatry because their apparently have been no real diagnostic tests to substantiate whatever somebody is diagnosed with.        Harris wrote a book about Sloppy Science. It is costing tax payers in excess of 28 billion per year. Harris explains how these people are all fighting for the research dollar funds because this is where tenure and promotions come into play. How many of these people would ever admit that most if not all of what they do is a hoax just like NASA? As confirmed in animal research all psychiatric drugs directly affect the brains normal chemistry by disrupting it. This means that it is causing not curing biochemical imbalances. By disrupting the brains homeostasis this is bound to do more harm then good. Any positive result is more then likely a Placebo type effect. This means that big pharma and their criminal syndicates are causing the very issue they are allegedly attempting to mitigate. Suicide ideation yes there is plenty of that to go around once people start taking these drugs. I believe that these antidepressant and anxiolytic companies are more liable then the Opiates that they make. In other words Delray Beach has a major lawsuit against this crime syndicate alleging fraud, deception and negligence. I believe that they need lawsuits for these other drugs as well because they are much more surreptitious. They seem to be untouchable because they seem to cover their backs even more so with these meds. How long are these warnings during their lame commercials? What a waste of time I cant even watch Law And Order without these pathetic commercials. If they cant advertise tobacco products then how are they allowed to air big pharma products? I believe that most pain management doctors are on the up and up however I cant state the same about many of these nurse PR actioners that are hooked into various treatment center facilities.      

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Fix Is In I read the 11 Tradition in the 12 and 12 over the weekend and nowhere in it does Bill state that the reason why he doesn't want people to reveal  their anonymity is because it would make AA look bad if somebody relapses. So where did that come from? Also my take on this Tradition is that people can do whatever they want but they don't pay anybody to be their spokesperson or salesman so to speak. From what I read one is able to state 12 step program without mentioning the actual name. Susan Cheever the woman who wrote the Fix article wrote a bio about Bill W. Apparently Bill was on the cover of Time magazine as well. So what is with all of the secret societies? Their is no secret societies, if people have something they should want to give it away freely especially in the press, radio internet and films. Susan is a professional on this and is very smart so I will defer to her judgment on this.
    I am trying to figure out how MCOs Managed Care organizations are able to get away with a dual diagnosis label when they know it's not true? John Majer PHD and Ted Bobak explain in Sober World how many facilities do this to satisfy insurance companies. So let me get this straight people are getting labeled fraudulently and getting misdiagnosed with premeditation and motive during the most crucial time period of their life and people are ok with this? This inevitably means (MAT or medication assisted treatment.) Many of these meds create the very symptoms that they are allegedly attempting to mitigate in many cases under false and fraudulent pretenses. The authors state how potentially damaging it is to medicate somebody especially within the first 30 days of abstinence. Is this being investigated and if so by whom? I don't read about the Task Force addressing this issue. This is the first article that I read that corroborates what my theory has been for well over 2 years now. The last paragraph of the article makes sense- "One must consider the highly litigious context of US society in that the burden of proof will fall upon them to justify their practices in legal matters resulting from suspected malpractice." I have read countless articles on how depression and anxiety are only symptoms and not a chemical imbalance, brain disease or a mental disorder but nothing that ties the Treatment Center Industry or Substance Use Disorder comorbid diagnosis scenario into the equation. This means that this article is truly groundbreaking and will hopefully open up the can of worms that should have been opened up years ago. 

Politics And War

Scaramucci shouldn't have used profane language for all to see and hear. That sets a bad example so it was good that he was ousted from his position. As much as I respect the fact that he stabs people in the front and not the back we need leaders with more self restraint. Also trans genders should be able to volunteer for our military. There are few people as it is who sign up for the armed forces so why should somebody be discriminated against just because of how one identify themselves? Just because somebody else may think it's strange as long as they can do the job why exclude them?
  The Warrior Princess was a good operator that didn't ruffle any feathers when deployed but I believe she didn't get the sex change until after she left the military. Why deny somebody their right to be who they really feel that they are? The big question is would it disrupt unit cohesion? If infact it does then maybe they should be banned but would they? This is a question for senior level military officers and NCOs to answer and not any politician? Ashley's War has proven that females can serve next to men so why wouldn't a transgender be able to do this? Trans genders are  not people who want to be different just to upset the apple cart. They are people that really feel trapped inside their gender role so why not let them be who they really are without passing judgment? If they can still fire a few rounds down range and carry a wounded warrior out of harms way then they should be given that chance? Our country is supposed to be all about freedom of self expression and freedom in general and our military is supposed to be a representation of that.
  After second thought Scaramucci shouldn't have been fired. He should have made amends for his f bombs and then proceeded in his position. The issue comes down to a White House that is not very stable. If you are going to have a Lord Of The Flies type environment one still has to be given a chance. Secondly you don't hire somebody on a whim thinking that they may be  the right person for the job. You hire them because you know they are the right person based on who they have been their entire life. Hiring and firing somebody right away shows a George Steinbrenner Leisure Suit Larry type mentality that is reminiscent of my Pray Auto days. If our Potus was going to drain the swamp then many people should have been fired months ago. Here it is 7 months later and his administration appears to be run like a three ringed circus. Especially if he was the one who hired Scaramucci. If he hired him then he should have been the only one to fire him. This just proves that our Potus really is a politician because he let Gen Kelly fire him. He shouldn't have been brought in unless he was given at least 6 months to 1 year to get settled in. Dropping a few f bombs proves that he is a real person so why was he really fired? I wouldn't want to get hired just to walk around on eggshells without free reign to be who I really am, same with The Mooch- I was looking forward to his tenure in the White House. Just like a head football or baseball coach that gets hired to turn a franchise around. These greedy owners shouldn't expect miraculous results in such a short period of time because that is unrealistic. It all comes down to greed and arrogance, people should not be hired because they may be the right person for the job. The only reason one should get hired especially by our Commander In Chief himself is because they know that they are the right fit and without question the best person for the job.
   It is ridiculous because Newt Gingrigh stated that the president is "tired of the chaos and confusion". He thrives on the chaos and confusion so when are these politicians going to start to tell the truth? If they told the truth they wouldn't be politicians lets be honest. It's called vetting and due diligence 101. If there was a solid chance that Scaramucci would receive blowback and get fired for his New Yorker magazine article then he shouldn't have been hired to begin with. It all comes down from the top, I am not very impressed with how things are being handled in the Belt Way Bandit section of town.