Sunday, April 23, 2023


Make America Grift Again-welcome to the modern day republican party which not only is the swamp its the sewer-Its run by a superhero sales person and a pillow guy who definitely had all of the intel-He was so solid on his intel that fox had to settle for 3 quarters of a billion dollars-The pillow guy is supposedly in recovery which is supposed to mean rigurous honesty however he still alleges that his intel is solid and that the election was stolen by the dems. Frauds that are arrogant are the biggest jokes off all-Anybody that has witnessed the pillow guy in action can attest to an arrogance and supercilious demeanor filled w.hubris that didnt seem to bode well under real scrutiny- The symposium where he was going to show everybody all of the real evidence. Unfortunately I actually believed it to some extent- It was more like hopium wishful thinking I suppose- I believed in Sidney Powell more then anybody- I figured the pillow guy to be more of a snake oil sideshow for the most part. I read Sidnys book and felt her to be highly credible intelligent w/ an impressive backround- Rudy no thanks I saw through him years ago-Well thats what we have today in the modern day republican party and seemigly no challenges on the horizon-Fox news reminds me of many of those wall street boiler rooms that were shut down that sold worthless penny stocks and more-Now their shareholders are going tp have a say. A long history of sexual misconduct and a seemigly juvenille workplace that makes less then high school comments about Alvin Bragg refering to his weight-Hillary was on to something when refering to the deplorables-MAGA a populist fringe movement that doesnt seem to respect the rule of law- q tards that still refer to thier messiah as our president. If anybody wanted the magas to pull a rabbit out of thier hat it was me but it doesnt seem to be headed in that direction- A sinking ship that is implicating themselves even more everyday and a megalomaniac that is trying to run the show- I am going to join the ABT political alliance- Anybody but Trump-A long history of gaming the legal system along w/ his casinos where the house usually wins. Frivolous lawsuits where he is sanctioned and made out to be a joke by many legal experts- Eventually the legal system will come crashing down on the cloiwns and hucksters like Trump that have shown contempt for the people that actually voted for him-contempt for the rule of law- lied to us many times over and have weaponized the legal system for his own selfish advantage over the years-

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