Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Above The Law

I dont care if you are gangbanger or president of the unired states nobody is above the law- Sheriff from okl who arrested a capt on dwi charges- Katie Couric had an expert witness on her show-the summation is that fox news didnt push back on thier guests on claims of election fraud which is breaking the cardinal rule of ethical journakism-I dont respect weasals and snakes- My feeling is that Trumpian and his dirty pool players like roger stone had this planned out a long time ago if they didnt win in 20 It goes like this- We smear any news outlet besides our acolytes and label them fake news- By that time our acolytes like fox alex jones news max etc have gained credibility bY being limited hangout controlled opposition- Credibility gained by truth nuggets that other news outlets wouldnt dare to cover ie- too controversial- By the time it comes to trying to overturn a fair election its way too late the acolytes have sold thier audience down the river- Everything they say is now gold while everything else is fake news and an enemy of the people- If that isnt cunning and manipulative I dont know what is- That is why more then likely we wont get an on air apology or retraction from the acolytes because that would destroy the narrative- Most people dont check multiple sources and by now thier mind is set hypnotised for magas win in 24- They have the vote locked up for2024.If we proceed to tell them that thier messiah is devious and manipulative- a fraudulent rapist and may go down for rico crimes they will lash out fake news liar your a traitor. Fawny Willis and many others know exactly what they are doing. Fox covered thier end by settling for big money and probally would like to settle out of trial for all of these pending lawsuits- The audience wont know because fox will never talk about it- The only thing that matters is getting Trump elected in 24-Facist novements do what ever it takes to win- huge on propaganda and accusing others of what they are really guilty of. fox news had me reeling w/disguist toward the system especially the fbi- Joe di genova greg jarret- I couldnt believe the corruption they were alleging-Was any of it true will we ever know- What about judicial Watch- Tom Fitton how real are his foia requests and all all of the crimes he is investigating The one thing I know for sure is that when somebody commits real crimes and certain acolytes paint it as a political witch hunt hit job in a rigged politicaly partisan criminal judicial system and if thats not the case which I believe it to be then that should be considered a crime in itself

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