Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Stiffed Pecker

former Potus is an autocratic grifter and a demagogue- He is a nationalist but then again so was the Fuhrer- He gets ratings so everybody makes money except for the people that he robbed from- Infact allegedly he had a stiff pecket and then he stiffed Mr Pecker- He is the type to always put himself first- He needs to be controlled rather then being in the drivers seat. What I mean by that is the IRS needs to garnish wages because otherwise they woould probaly never get paid- He admits that he used to be very greedy but now he has changed now America comes first- I dont think so people just dont change unless they have a pychic change, its obvious that he hasnt had one- As far as the two faced media I believe that outlets like cnn and msnbc know about his past and dont like hypoctites- He will be the first to always take the credit but last to ever take any blame or responsibility- If the grand jury found evidence of a crime and the statute of limitations ran out what are they supposed to do ignore it- We cant live in a lawless society because that would be a true bannana republic

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