Monday, April 24, 2023

Forensic Psychiatrist

pychological warfare is a mote potent weapon then bio terrorism-Bandy Lee forensic psychiatrist- All megalomaniacs are narcissists but not all narcissists are megalomaniacs- It wont make a difference to try to explain this to Trump because people w/ these mental illnesses are incapable of showing real empathy- He has demonstrated that he is unfit to run for Potus- Disturbing racist remarks about Latisha James and Alvin Brtagg prove that his mental state has deterioated- Apparantly he was given a joke mental health evaulation and this is what he was bragging about how he passed it in spades- We dont want some racist xenophobe in the oval office- Showing contempt for the hard working law enforcement officials working in our criminal justice system only enhances the point of his serious perception disability- Normal law abiding citezens dont inflate the value of thier assets in order to receive favorable terms- I reflect back and recall how Dr Stexe Pieczenick seemed to evaluate many of our other presidents in a an alarming way from a pychological profile perspective however he always seemed to give a free pass on Trump- It is apparant to me that there may have been an agenda there- Yes political operatives along w Alex Jones not real authentic investigative reporters- What was their agenda to help get Trump elected- Now look what we have somebody that is spreading the Trump cantagion even more- Considering Pieczenick seems to know alot I would be interested in his take on Dr Lees assessment- I knew something was seriously wrong w/ Trump when he impulsively put a ban on Muslims as soon as he was elected- Wasnt it Jones who actually did a great job on exposing the GWOT for being a monumental fraud- Trump an iconoclast and hypocite at the highest level- Bragging abput being impeached twice stating this is what makes him even more attrective as a leader- No sorry I dont want a criminal rule breaker as our president- we would prefer an innocent boy scout instead- Rules for thee but just not for me- Trumps arrogance and grandiose delusions make him an unfavorable choice as a republican nominee- Why am I interested in Trumps real derangement syndrome- Its what criminal profilers deal w/ every day- forensic pychiatrists like Bandy Lee who not only is trying to save our democracy she is attempting to save our soul- We are Grateful that our sacred institutions and laws are already in plcace as rock solid as ever- They are there to protect us all from people like Trump and many others of his ilk. There used to be a time not too long ago when a person of character would step down due to all of the distractions- Even one indictment would be enough- Innocent until proven otherwise yes but is it really fair for us- The Trumps and mini Trumps of our world relish in the circus and just dont operate that way- They are all too caught up in thier own ego and not really interested in us at all

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