Monday, April 10, 2023

Strange Times

Strange times indeed- Banal pychological tricks deployed by magas cult leader- I believe it may go back to his mentor roy cohen and company- In the 50s it was the red scare amd everybody was a potential commie-McCarythism etc- Hes very strange and divisive- So if anybody is not part of his cult they are a rhino as a republican or- communist- or marxist on the dem side of the fence-- I am certain many republicans dont care for him and that would be an understatement so that makes them rhinos. Its bad enough we have both sides of the political parties attacking each other then we have this individual attacking members of his own tribe- He has made a mockery out of our political system and has shown disrrespect to many hard working dedicated law enforcement officials- He really does treat this as some kind of game, I have often questioneed his authenticity- I would be miserable if I had to play by magas demented rules of follow the party code otherwise get attacked and repudiated- I am sure many cant wait to get the hell out- (Roy Cohen-Shortly before his death in 1986, Cohn was disbarred as a lawyer for “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation.” The charges included a visit he made to the dying multimillionaire Lewis Rosenstiel at a hospital while Rosenstiel was semi-comatose. “Cohn held Rosenstiel's hand to sign a document naming Cohn a co-executor of Rosenstiel's will after falsely telling him that the document dealt with his divorce,” The Washington Post reported at the time) Cohn real weirdo he was gay but purged gays and went after lgbt- This tribe looks like its cut from the same cloth- how real is the q movement- Have we seen hard evidence of pedophiles etc We want facts not smoke and mirrors- And not books by investigative reporters that can be debunked- I dont think our feds are going to cover for any politician pedo infact quite the opposite

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