Monday, April 3, 2023

Balls And Strikes

He who is highly esteemed is mot easily conspired against- Machievelli- The emperor has no clothes infact he is naked and afraid- Our legal system lost cedibility with the collusion delusions and election results that look dubious at best. However it looks like Trumpian has met a legutinate charge- The problem w/ former Potus is that he is a victim of his own creation- I read that there was a company that was in business for 60 years and Trump never even looked at the final product- He just refused to pay- If true this shows premediated criminal intent- How many years has the Trumpian weaponized and gamed the legal system w/ his army of lawyers for his own advantage- It is my summation this is how he became rich- The Trumpian is a high Mach used to getting his way and shouts at us w/ all caps- please dont shout try to act normal- Karen Friedman stated that prosecutors in the Manhattan da call balls and strikes without fear nor favor and ones political party plays no part. We dont like whiners, we respect people to own up to thier mistakes and not deflect shout and blame- He cant seem to get out of the bully sandbox- Megyn Kelly called him out on this- Calling Stormy horseface mocking disabled reporters etc.. His behavior has been quite abhorrant over the years especially for a president elect

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