Sunday, April 30, 2023

Wire Fraud

The Trumpian consoled w/ a jan 6 insurrectionist at a New Hampshire rally- She was willing to be shot on the capital steps- A deep patriot- I often ponder if our former potus would do the same for us- I dont have visions of Washington and his equestrian blewskin dodging muskets or Teddy Rooosevelts rough riders on the front lines of freedom. I dont view him as Jack Kennedy either w/ his queens accent and for people that knew Jack I am sure they would attest Trumpian is no Jack Kennedy He does have some unique traits however because he is a businessman first and foremost- you know cash is king the art of the steal confidence man etc. I would like to know what evidence the magas are basing thier conclusions of a stolen election- According to two forensic firms Berkley research and Simpatico- Trumpian paid 1.3 million two investigate and they came up short no election fraud- The pillow guy had bogus metadata as his evidence so where are all of the smoking guns- 2000 mules can we put them under oath? It looks like nobody is going to go all the way- Lets talk about a two tier justice system-Steve Bannons co- conspirator gets 4 years for wire fraud while sloppy Steve gets pardoned- Not using funds for the wall properly and hanging out on a yacht instead is something wrong w/ this picture- What about an election defense fund of 250 million raised it looks like that covers the forensic firms bill however it looks like there is still no substantial evidence-


A tornado that tore through Palm Beach Gardens on Saturday afternoon was at least an EF1 with wind speeds of 100 mph, the National Weather Service in Miami said. The tornado touched down just south of Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center at about 5:10 p.m. and took a northeast track near the intersection of PGA Boulevard and U.S. Highway 1 before coming to an end on U.S. 1, just north of PGA Boulevard. 135 mph

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Civil Rape

eg carroll civil federal rape case preponderance of the evidence w/ an unamimous jury- I never watched 12 angry men- A wsj article mentioned that Tacopina questioned how a rape could transpire in a locked dressing rm during business hours- I ordered Pences book I admire his golly gee demeanor- we need more of that these days- A man of deep faith evangevical backround not sure what to make out of that yet .

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Great Grift

Make America grift again what a criminal scheme by Trumpians allies- I finally figured out what some people mean when stating notoriously corrupt southern district or manhattan da It actually means just the opposite that they are doing thier job by sentencing scum that steal money from the American people because of the head grifter in charge- Put Trump on the podium and watch him work his magic- Red states who were all in for blocking entry into America how much money did his cronies steal- Criminal minds never like to get exposed so thats when they try to flip the script- corrupt partisan da fake charges these people are repulsive- So whats the next grift give me money to help Trumps bs charges- Another line from the magas if they can come after me your next- Paranoia sells maybe if nobody broke the law then nobody would get arrested its pretty simple- I also found it strange that one of Trumps lawyers Tocopina didnt even spell check his writing to the judge- It wasnt a mis spell but a missing word It kind of reminded me when I was in the holding bin and somebody was scribbling something to the judge- You arent writing a text if you ever need to dot your q s etc its when you write the judge- Times have changed I used to think Trump to be great w/ the best lawyers because he knew how to do it right and that he was on the up and up-- Sometimes It takes a while for people to show thier true colors

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


After Dominion sued seeking $1.6 billion in damages, on Tuesday April 18th Fox News caved in to concede paying out $787.5 million to Dominion Voting Systems in the biggest defamation settlement in US history. Done to purposely avoid mounting the legal challenge of presenting overwhelming evidence of election fraud in a trial, Joachim Hogopian-real lawyers go all the way to trial and dont back down after making claims on various news outlets as well as social media- The magas started off horrificlLy by putting the pillow guy on the national stage-After claims of guaranteed evidence he came up w/ bogus metadata at the symposium verified by a Trump voting data expert- Is that the best they can do now an arbitration panel is sseeking the 5 million the pillow guy said he would pay if anybody could refute his claims- Why did Trumps attorney get censured if overwhelming evidence can be produced at trial- Is that the best the magas can do afraid of going all the way and srarting off w/an arrogant blowhard w/ no real evidence yelling and screaming article seems to demonstrate compelling evidence for voter fraud backed by an even more elaborate article from sotn-my gut feeling the morning of was that Trump was robbed- If Murdoch is afraid to go to trial that is an abomination and a sad state of affairs- There are amazingly smart people that can build a solid case- Pan Bondi katie Mcananey- you know signed affadavits witnss testimony- truth justice in the American way

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Above The Law

I dont care if you are gangbanger or president of the unired states nobody is above the law- Sheriff from okl who arrested a capt on dwi charges- Katie Couric had an expert witness on her show-the summation is that fox news didnt push back on thier guests on claims of election fraud which is breaking the cardinal rule of ethical journakism-I dont respect weasals and snakes- My feeling is that Trumpian and his dirty pool players like roger stone had this planned out a long time ago if they didnt win in 20 It goes like this- We smear any news outlet besides our acolytes and label them fake news- By that time our acolytes like fox alex jones news max etc have gained credibility bY being limited hangout controlled opposition- Credibility gained by truth nuggets that other news outlets wouldnt dare to cover ie- too controversial- By the time it comes to trying to overturn a fair election its way too late the acolytes have sold thier audience down the river- Everything they say is now gold while everything else is fake news and an enemy of the people- If that isnt cunning and manipulative I dont know what is- That is why more then likely we wont get an on air apology or retraction from the acolytes because that would destroy the narrative- Most people dont check multiple sources and by now thier mind is set hypnotised for magas win in 24- They have the vote locked up for2024.If we proceed to tell them that thier messiah is devious and manipulative- a fraudulent rapist and may go down for rico crimes they will lash out fake news liar your a traitor. Fawny Willis and many others know exactly what they are doing. Fox covered thier end by settling for big money and probally would like to settle out of trial for all of these pending lawsuits- The audience wont know because fox will never talk about it- The only thing that matters is getting Trump elected in 24-Facist novements do what ever it takes to win- huge on propaganda and accusing others of what they are really guilty of. fox news had me reeling w/disguist toward the system especially the fbi- Joe di genova greg jarret- I couldnt believe the corruption they were alleging-Was any of it true will we ever know- What about judicial Watch- Tom Fitton how real are his foia requests and all all of the crimes he is investigating The one thing I know for sure is that when somebody commits real crimes and certain acolytes paint it as a political witch hunt hit job in a rigged politicaly partisan criminal judicial system and if thats not the case which I believe it to be then that should be considered a crime in itself

The Big Lie

Inquiring people want to know if the snake oil salespeople spewing out election fraud claims knew how fraudulent the statements were- Was it done willingly and knowingly- Either way it was sleazy and have made outlets like fox and others to be a laughing stock- Remember they were supposed to be the most trusted name in news- They were riling up our righteous indignation by telling us we are the ones getting lied to by the deep state- So who really is the deep state- Are they still peddling stories of a Trump win in 2020 it appears to be that way- So the Tucker Carlsons of our world remind me of the fat cat wall street criminals that were given handsome golden parachutes for almost destroying our capitalist system back in 08- Or the pump and dump penny stock brokers selling swamp land in fla- Tucker will be fine he was making millions anyway warning us about replacement theory and why we should be upset and getting paid like a Major league superstar while doing it- you know Jeter- Payton Manning etc- I felt Carlson to be more benign and affable compared to Hannitys incessant bloviating about how horrible the democrats are-Socialism Communism watch out the sky is falling- The capitalist system works very well for Carlson and Hannity just keep spweing out known lies getting us more upset every day- Making millions by warning us of the evils of marxist ideology. From what I gather the dems arent advocating socialism at all but rather social programs for the folks who arent making millions peddling bogus conspiracies- Universal healthcare- less expensive education programs that can benefit more then just the fat cats who seemingly hold contempt for the masses- Fox was always telling us about the evil elites while making millions doing it- Are we going to get an apology or retraction- You know a little remorse for misrepresentation and inexcusable fraud by the smarmy pillow guy and more

Fascist Theocracy

god doesnt work by trying to shove it down our throat- evangevical fringers like Lindsy Graham- give me some money to fight Donald Trumps bs charges-The wrong man is at the helm- a wanna be facist theocracy where Trumpian was going to escort the zealots out of the doe along w/ banning the muslims his first day on the job- Pathetic state of affairs when he had to cause a scene in Layfette square during the riots just so he could get his photo op and didnt even know how to hold the bible. Lets talk about racist Trump- I didnt see this infact I was blinded to it pre 2016 because I was on the ABH anybody but Hillary political alliance- How the far right evangevicals is using Trump or vice verse is beyond me- I know a few people that admire Trump they are white and they all used the n word- Its like that character in Falling Down w/ Michael Douglas a deranged neo- nazi he felt vibes from the Douglas character- Same w/ Trumpian the racists finally have a figure they can relate to that is trying to run the show- MAGA- Spin off of Reagans religious theocracy where he incarcerated a disproportionate number of blacks over crack and gave the whites in the burbs a free pass for essentialy the same drug What kind of language does Trump use- Latisha peekaboo James wtf is that supposed to mean- that is an obvious racist comment- The far right is abhorrant and a disgrace to our democracy- Trump getting his photo op placating the zealots reminds me of how Rumsfeld got his day in the sun after the pentagon was bombed- hero Rumsfeld- these political animals are all the same

Monday, April 24, 2023

Case Study

I like Tucker Carlson but am repulsed by what fox bews was involved with- So this man talked w/ megyn kelly conversing opining about Carlsons ouster-The guest stated that Trump sat down w/Tucker even thou prob knowing about his true feelings- What did I read trump was a demonic force etc- Tucker was number one ofcourse Trumpian will sit down w/ a continual desire to be on the grandest of stages- Trumpian then boasting to Levin how the tougher the leader the more he gets along w/ him- Dictators despots why does Trumpian think himself as some kind of tough guy inquiring people want to know-From what I gather he used to dog it in the 5 mile runs and propably never went mano on mano a day in his life- That would mean a straight out street brawl you know the kind we used to have back in the day- Supposedly he was a braggart to the people that knew him entitled and a spoiled daddys boy- I dont think he was ever in real tough situations ever that was not protected by his entourage- So why align himself w/ the genocidal maniacs and dictators of the world-This is an interesting case study- Talking about how he would take down Biden in record time is that supposed to be impressive- Biden another case study who should not attempt another shot in the white house- Even many dems admit this so why is he going to do it? Our Potus s have put themselves first before we the people that is quite obvious-This is a sad state of affairs we currently have in America- Thier time is up- have some respect for us- please step down and leave it to the younger generation-

Forensic Psychiatrist

pychological warfare is a mote potent weapon then bio terrorism-Bandy Lee forensic psychiatrist- All megalomaniacs are narcissists but not all narcissists are megalomaniacs- It wont make a difference to try to explain this to Trump because people w/ these mental illnesses are incapable of showing real empathy- He has demonstrated that he is unfit to run for Potus- Disturbing racist remarks about Latisha James and Alvin Brtagg prove that his mental state has deterioated- Apparantly he was given a joke mental health evaulation and this is what he was bragging about how he passed it in spades- We dont want some racist xenophobe in the oval office- Showing contempt for the hard working law enforcement officials working in our criminal justice system only enhances the point of his serious perception disability- Normal law abiding citezens dont inflate the value of thier assets in order to receive favorable terms- I reflect back and recall how Dr Stexe Pieczenick seemed to evaluate many of our other presidents in a an alarming way from a pychological profile perspective however he always seemed to give a free pass on Trump- It is apparant to me that there may have been an agenda there- Yes political operatives along w Alex Jones not real authentic investigative reporters- What was their agenda to help get Trump elected- Now look what we have somebody that is spreading the Trump cantagion even more- Considering Pieczenick seems to know alot I would be interested in his take on Dr Lees assessment- I knew something was seriously wrong w/ Trump when he impulsively put a ban on Muslims as soon as he was elected- Wasnt it Jones who actually did a great job on exposing the GWOT for being a monumental fraud- Trump an iconoclast and hypocite at the highest level- Bragging abput being impeached twice stating this is what makes him even more attrective as a leader- No sorry I dont want a criminal rule breaker as our president- we would prefer an innocent boy scout instead- Rules for thee but just not for me- Trumps arrogance and grandiose delusions make him an unfavorable choice as a republican nominee- Why am I interested in Trumps real derangement syndrome- Its what criminal profilers deal w/ every day- forensic pychiatrists like Bandy Lee who not only is trying to save our democracy she is attempting to save our soul- We are Grateful that our sacred institutions and laws are already in plcace as rock solid as ever- They are there to protect us all from people like Trump and many others of his ilk. There used to be a time not too long ago when a person of character would step down due to all of the distractions- Even one indictment would be enough- Innocent until proven otherwise yes but is it really fair for us- The Trumps and mini Trumps of our world relish in the circus and just dont operate that way- They are all too caught up in thier own ego and not really interested in us at all

Sunday, April 23, 2023


Make America Grift Again-welcome to the modern day republican party which not only is the swamp its the sewer-Its run by a superhero sales person and a pillow guy who definitely had all of the intel-He was so solid on his intel that fox had to settle for 3 quarters of a billion dollars-The pillow guy is supposedly in recovery which is supposed to mean rigurous honesty however he still alleges that his intel is solid and that the election was stolen by the dems. Frauds that are arrogant are the biggest jokes off all-Anybody that has witnessed the pillow guy in action can attest to an arrogance and supercilious demeanor filled w.hubris that didnt seem to bode well under real scrutiny- The symposium where he was going to show everybody all of the real evidence. Unfortunately I actually believed it to some extent- It was more like hopium wishful thinking I suppose- I believed in Sidney Powell more then anybody- I figured the pillow guy to be more of a snake oil sideshow for the most part. I read Sidnys book and felt her to be highly credible intelligent w/ an impressive backround- Rudy no thanks I saw through him years ago-Well thats what we have today in the modern day republican party and seemigly no challenges on the horizon-Fox news reminds me of many of those wall street boiler rooms that were shut down that sold worthless penny stocks and more-Now their shareholders are going tp have a say. A long history of sexual misconduct and a seemigly juvenille workplace that makes less then high school comments about Alvin Bragg refering to his weight-Hillary was on to something when refering to the deplorables-MAGA a populist fringe movement that doesnt seem to respect the rule of law- q tards that still refer to thier messiah as our president. If anybody wanted the magas to pull a rabbit out of thier hat it was me but it doesnt seem to be headed in that direction- A sinking ship that is implicating themselves even more everyday and a megalomaniac that is trying to run the show- I am going to join the ABT political alliance- Anybody but Trump-A long history of gaming the legal system along w/ his casinos where the house usually wins. Frivolous lawsuits where he is sanctioned and made out to be a joke by many legal experts- Eventually the legal system will come crashing down on the cloiwns and hucksters like Trump that have shown contempt for the people that actually voted for him-contempt for the rule of law- lied to us many times over and have weaponized the legal system for his own selfish advantage over the years-

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Some magas seem to be quite weird- So if one is a republican they have to toe the line and mention prosecucutorial misconduct in the manhattam indictment of former potus- What ever happened to defacto crimes standing on thier own- It is also highly inappropiate to claim beyond a resonable doubt that the election was stolen in 2020- If there is ressonable doubt that still isnt beyond but that is what magas have weaponized to create the insurrection- There are many people sitting in lock up now because thier cult leader stated beyond a reosanable doubt- We know that our govt has lied to us many times over but one must trust the process- wmds were supposed to be beyond a reasonable doubt Mr Powell told us so and we proceeded right into Iraq- So what about weaponizing propaganda to push people patriotic fervor same as the q movement- Military tribunals the awakening the storm- All of the prosecutions just never seemed to pan out- We want proof and I dont think mike the pillow guy is the right person for the job- So far one of Trumps senior legal advisor was publicaly censured for misepresantation by stating deceptively that the election was rigged- on social media as well as various news oulets. I saw irregularaties especially in pa but was that enough to sway the entire election no- I was a zealot and a maga cult member before 2016 and after but now times have changed- Actually it doesnt matter about my political views I love the law and studying criminology and human behavior- I also think maga pro life using big govt the very thing they speak out against enforcing a woamans rt to choose is hypocrical- Big govt and the Jim Jordans of the world have no right to try to interfere w/ a state criminal investigation that is not his turf

Monday, April 10, 2023

No Spin

Whatever happened to All we want is the facts ma'm- I am suprised Megyn Kelly opened up her show w/ democrat Alvin Brag etc Why I am I suprised because she is one of if not the least no spin people in the business- And then Dershowitz he just wrote a book and ofcourse the indictment fits his narrative- Why does it matter whos a dem or not honestly who really cares- Obviously certain news outlets do because they are trying to politicize this whole thing- So Dershowitz says 85% of NY- ers hate Trump- he may not get a fair shot- What does that have to do w/ the facts of why he was indicted-- If hes right why is that why dont NY- ers like him- Maybe because they live in the real world and dont get to put celebrity lawyer spin meisters on huge shows to do damage control- I want to see Jesse Waters and his so called no spin as Oreillys protegee hitting the streets and asking NY- ers what they think about Trump and why- He wont be able to cut out the part when they say they know people personally that he robbed from either

Strange Times

Strange times indeed- Banal pychological tricks deployed by magas cult leader- I believe it may go back to his mentor roy cohen and company- In the 50s it was the red scare amd everybody was a potential commie-McCarythism etc- Hes very strange and divisive- So if anybody is not part of his cult they are a rhino as a republican or- communist- or marxist on the dem side of the fence-- I am certain many republicans dont care for him and that would be an understatement so that makes them rhinos. Its bad enough we have both sides of the political parties attacking each other then we have this individual attacking members of his own tribe- He has made a mockery out of our political system and has shown disrrespect to many hard working dedicated law enforcement officials- He really does treat this as some kind of game, I have often questioneed his authenticity- I would be miserable if I had to play by magas demented rules of follow the party code otherwise get attacked and repudiated- I am sure many cant wait to get the hell out- (Roy Cohen-Shortly before his death in 1986, Cohn was disbarred as a lawyer for “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation.” The charges included a visit he made to the dying multimillionaire Lewis Rosenstiel at a hospital while Rosenstiel was semi-comatose. “Cohn held Rosenstiel's hand to sign a document naming Cohn a co-executor of Rosenstiel's will after falsely telling him that the document dealt with his divorce,” The Washington Post reported at the time) Cohn real weirdo he was gay but purged gays and went after lgbt- This tribe looks like its cut from the same cloth- how real is the q movement- Have we seen hard evidence of pedophiles etc We want facts not smoke and mirrors- And not books by investigative reporters that can be debunked- I dont think our feds are going to cover for any politician pedo infact quite the opposite

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Cult Facts

Cults are very powerful and hard to break out of- As far as a patriarch cult leader look no further then former potus shouting w/ all cap rants that are completely unhinged and off the wall- This doesn't seem to faze his cult followers because they see him as the strong alpa that was missing in their life ie-father figure- If you look at violent crime and the incredibly high incarceration rate this is mostly due to fatherless children- Remember the father in boys in the hood that made a huge difference- This is how- The Fuhrer came into power- A nation that was broken down and despondent after the Versailles treaty WW1 etc- Along came the new messiah peoples ruler a populist sound familar- Volkswagen power- Former potus uses the same psychological tricks to fool his cult masses- When one is brainwashed you cant even say anything truthful because they tend to lash out- Warning about potential violence for his imminent indictment- cult leaders know their followers have been conditioned and have been known to do quite a bit for their messiah- Look at all of our brainwashed soldiers that have killed Muslims- The military isn't that different- I often wonder if anything will really change- Propaganda for potential devil dogs in movie theaters- Quora never seems to ask questions to the thousands of maimed soldiers hooked on pychotropics after being sent to the devils den to kill Muslims after 9-11- I met a former soldier- he was so wasted on drugs probably pain meds he could barely stand- I knew he served because I saw his OIF sticker- Roadside bombs suicides. How come quora doesnt ask questions about the realities of what our so called great leaders sent our young men into- Its just Marine Corps. commercials- they did the same thing to attract Ronny Kovik during Vietnam- History just repeated itself- If our former potus and current maga cult leader came out w/ a new invisible enemy besides the deep state along w/ his pal sloppy Steve I am sure many young men would buy into it- They would just say something like we know how to win our former leaders did not- just sign on the dotted line

Friday, April 7, 2023

Trump is Unhinged

Trump is making this all politics. The nation is in decline but he needs to be a power of example and accept grand juries and prosecutors decision - He isnt clean by any means-tax fraud hush money- I dont believe Manhattans da prosecutors had any personal political bias- Many of his maga cult followers would say I am naive and way off base but I dont think so- I did my homework and just dont listen to his cronies like Sean Hannity and many others- Trump has his hooks way deep into many news outlets has many enablers, that is blatantly obvious- Then he tries to gas light us and say its the other way around- Them he shouts and rants w/ off the wall social media- Stating that Manhattans da must be a psychopath if he brings false charges and that could lead to possible death and destruction are you serious- No I am sorry maga cult followers Soros isnt controlling Manhattans da- Trump and his followers are unhinged- He should man up and accept responsibility and stop blaming and let the wheels of justice do its job- I remember a time not to long ago when leaders were humble not king babies and would actually respect the criminal justice system- Its also a gaslight when Trump calls for the defunding of doj and fbi the same thing dems mentioned w/ defund the police and received holy hell for it-Typical Trumpism game the legal system and bury people with legal fees that they cant afford- Lets talk hypocrisy- Hes allegedly all for free speech until somebody calls him out or when they do then they get sued- Its a fair system as long as hes the bully in the drivers seat along w/ his army of lawyers- I read that one of his victims that he owed money to didnt speak on the record because he knew a lawsuit would bury him w/legal fees- When one is an alleged billonare by questionable means does this sound very fair- Look what just happened to Stormy now she is buried in legal fees- People should get paid fair and square even w/ just a handshake because that is the American way but just not the Trumpian way

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Pecker Gate

ts about falsifying business records to influence the 2016 election- catch and kill the story because that negative press could have influenced voters-Manhattan da had him dead to rights on a conspiracy misdemeanor but pursued many felonies instead-We do have a two tier justice system one where Trump does whatever he wants whenever he wants whines shouts and then blames everybody else- He has never been held accountable for hardly anything until now- Why should he be above the law

Maga Cult

I find it ironic that the magas are supposed to be about good vs evil judeo christian values but thier commander in chief is everything but that- I think I remember one of the commandmants something about adultry- I never hear any of these individuals denounce his behavior- Hypocrites- Kind of like pete santilli w/ his anti deep state religious diatribes - Bragging about grabbing women by the you know what isnt exactly judeo christian- I am beginning to think the maga quack cultists are just rubes looking for cash- Possibily no different then the mega church pastors spewing out jesus this jesus that and if we dont turn our will over to him only and only him then we got it wrong- How arrogant and then they always ask for the cash- I witnessed some of these maga pastors in action- Quite weird to say the least- Then I listen to highly intelligent and experienced people from the Meidas Touch- They dont talk about religious zealotry and they dont beg for any money either- Its all about in god we trust because that is what our judicial system is based upon however they dont need to talk about it.- They just state the facts- Real smoking gun evidence comitted by the maga cultists commander in chief

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Bias This proves bias rt here- How could an alternative news outlet demand to convict Trump- This proves that the fox newsians are correct in thier take on the bias media- The correct way of doing things is to ask for the case to get a fair shot and its day in court,- Not some democratic party salem witch trial- Political affilaiatio or personal bias should play no part in the court of law

Stiffed Pecker

former Potus is an autocratic grifter and a demagogue- He is a nationalist but then again so was the Fuhrer- He gets ratings so everybody makes money except for the people that he robbed from- Infact allegedly he had a stiff pecket and then he stiffed Mr Pecker- He is the type to always put himself first- He needs to be controlled rather then being in the drivers seat. What I mean by that is the IRS needs to garnish wages because otherwise they woould probaly never get paid- He admits that he used to be very greedy but now he has changed now America comes first- I dont think so people just dont change unless they have a pychic change, its obvious that he hasnt had one- As far as the two faced media I believe that outlets like cnn and msnbc know about his past and dont like hypoctites- He will be the first to always take the credit but last to ever take any blame or responsibility- If the grand jury found evidence of a crime and the statute of limitations ran out what are they supposed to do ignore it- We cant live in a lawless society because that would be a true bannana republic

Monday, April 3, 2023

17 felonies

Trumpian likes to deflect and blame- 17 counts of felony tax fraud- Trump Organisation that is pathetic- How could he even consider his administration to be on the cutting edge of law and order with these results- That is what he has done his entire career- Oh they just used my name I didnt know anything about it- White collar crime is serious, when you call the other side out for corruption you better be pure and golden- The problem is also the fox news cronies- They are so biased and have hardly ever mentioned anything about his transgressions over the years- That is the pure definition of propoganda- Accusing other people for what youy really are- Comtrolling the oppositiom. It takes a high level of fraud to get convicted, lets take a look at Trump University- We dont like weasals and manipulators- Our criminal justice system has finaly come to the realisation that throwing the book and incarcerating people for years mostly does more harm then good- When somebody gets stuck w/ a felony mostly due to being a victim of thier enviroment how do they get a real job- So scarring people for life instead of real rehabilitation is why felonies havent skyrocketed in certain areas of our country- Trumpian should start some real soul searching instead of casting aspersions on Manhattans DA

Balls And Strikes

He who is highly esteemed is mot easily conspired against- Machievelli- The emperor has no clothes infact he is naked and afraid- Our legal system lost cedibility with the collusion delusions and election results that look dubious at best. However it looks like Trumpian has met a legutinate charge- The problem w/ former Potus is that he is a victim of his own creation- I read that there was a company that was in business for 60 years and Trump never even looked at the final product- He just refused to pay- If true this shows premediated criminal intent- How many years has the Trumpian weaponized and gamed the legal system w/ his army of lawyers for his own advantage- It is my summation this is how he became rich- The Trumpian is a high Mach used to getting his way and shouts at us w/ all caps- please dont shout try to act normal- Karen Friedman stated that prosecutors in the Manhattan da call balls and strikes without fear nor favor and ones political party plays no part. We dont like whiners, we respect people to own up to thier mistakes and not deflect shout and blame- He cant seem to get out of the bully sandbox- Megyn Kelly called him out on this- Calling Stormy horseface mocking disabled reporters etc.. His behavior has been quite abhorrant over the years especially for a president elect