Thursday, January 28, 2021

China Joe

 Did you hear about China Joe? What's the latest? I heard that he is putting patriots on DND lists instead of no fly lists- Ya what's that- do not drive if they don't muzzle up- what a weakling- What about Commie Sean- do you mean the cia idiot who is going down in the dust bins of history along with his pal Gus Hal- What about Marxist Obummer any intel on him? Ya he is prob spying on Potus trying to dig up any dirt-

These people should get a life- Like Anderson Cooper yellow journalist cnn that got Stormy Daniel details like if Potus wore protection or not- pathetic national inquirer type rag- ridiculous digging up dirt on peoples personal lives paparazzi style calling themselves a real news outlet-

 An embarrassment to the United States of America, now we have China Joe and his criminal governor strike teams still harassing small to mid size business- Putting hard working people out on the street blowback is going to be quite severe- Making up stories about a virus that doesn't even exist or has yet to be proven in an attempt to scare us out of business and life- Weasel's lowlifes disgusting humans- I don't think they are humans, they definitely aren't real men because a real man would never take a fake crisis and use it to their own financial advantage at the expense of not only the American people but citizens of every country across our great plane.

 Speaking of which I heard China Joe making a comment about his Chicago mob pal Ramon Emanuel at his stolen induction ceremony- That is the only way these people can make a living- Hegelian Dialectic-fraudsters- Never worked a day in their life nor were successful in any business whatsoever. Pork barrel crisis embellishers low level hangers on- Use their Rico puppets and soon to be perps in MSM to do their dirty work- Censoring important info about vaccine dangers and more there is going to be plenty of blood on their hands- 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Devil Himself

 Librium Valium xanax you know the usual- mr xanie bar- I saw the grim reaper and everything in between coming off mr xanie bar- Lets see what did they know in 1978 that we don't know today-

That xanies were not safe and effective infact same old pseudo warning scam they have pulled all along- When people started taking valium that's when they started hitting the hospitals for mental issues-

 Could xanie bars help people coming off booze lithium etc yes probably but for gad lets take a close look- How about people with a propensity to ingest alcohol in other forms how does that usually work out-

Not a good idea to prescribe these kind of meds in a sober community- 1978- Vogue headline danger ahead valium the pill that could turn on you- When I was in iop one of the clients nicknamed me cvs- I had it all figured out alcohol in other forms to get right was ok especially when I was getting high making believe I needed them to get my head right-

Lets take a look at withdrawals from benzos- One man wrote the fda that he felt like dying and other times wished he had- When I was arrested for dwi ten weeks out of rehab adavan- I actually wouldn't have minded if the good humor truck wiped me out- What's the good humor truck- The van that escorts prisoners from point a to b-

How many more times powerful is xanax then valium- I don't know but quite a bit- I can relate to losing your soul like Cathy from Anatomy-  tremors headache and nerves that jangled like crazy-pg- 130 Welcome to our private hell of mr xanie bar  the devil himself

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Send It To The Judge

 Tell it to the judge rather send it to the judge- What do you mean- You know you are supposed to pull over for all ems vehicle's- I thought it was a yield and stay 500 feet away? I don't know do you trust an leo that wears a muzzle? Unfortunately not so much anymore leos should not conceal their identity-

 Send it to the judge- When I was locked up in the holding bin waiting for one of many transcripts and confessionals there was a man that wrote a letter to the judge- He was basically begging for leniency and he read it to me-

 So you have your magnum opus manifesto what about your dying declaration? What's that- Its when the leos lawyers and professional investigators get  the deathbed confessional kind of like Law and Order ya something like that-

 What is the dying declaration- Actually it came through me in one of my past lives and it had something to do with Titanic intel- What was that like when the rich dick saved himself and then ended up losing it all and dying with the market crash of 29-

     Anyway the intel has something to do with the official story not being true- Kind of like the feds creation a year later and all of that good stuff ya something like that-

Monday, January 25, 2021

Anatomy Of An Epidemic

 kiss- what does that mean- keep it simple- ok Nazis came over and created the mental illness scam- Robert Whitaker Anatomy Of An Epidemic- slow soft and hard kill programs that do a lot more harm then good- reminding people of concentration camps the mental health wards- Lobotomies and the Thorazine revolution which launched this mad scientist plague in 1954-

 Skitzophrenic chemical imbalance has never had substantive evidence to back its claim- pg 84-  meds throw a wrench into the usual mechanics of a neuronal pathway- brains begin to function abnormally-

 That is what they want to have us get used to an abnormal society- put on a mask even though its worthless in its efficacy does a hell of a lot more harm then good self suffocation device conditioning these diabolical Nazis have been doing this through the APA since its inception

 So the Nazis are the bad guys I thought it was the jews that is what Gordan Duff said- Duff isn't speaking out against vaccines so how real is he? That is why the investigative journalist Stephanie gave her sayonara to VTs platform-

 We want and need real intel not big pharma hoars who paint the jews as evil incarnate- It is my conclusion that Alex Jones is the real deal after all- I had suspicions about Duff after he was backing pissgate and all of that other yellow journalism to depict Potus as a horrific human being-

 We don't want nor do we need dis info cloak and dagger cia bs- just be straight with us because we are tired of all of the lies- Is micronukes the real intel- I think so backed up by Fetzer

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 This action made Washington D.C.  a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Covid Hoax

 Scientists Have Utterly Failed to Prove that the Coronavirus Fulfills Koch’s Postulates – OffGuardian (

Stress Less Accomplish More

 What's the story? Stress Less Accomplish More- Emily Fletcher beautiful woman great meditation techniques- smart but easy to understand- I am aware that she mentions that our brains have a chemical imbalance but that goes against your claim what's your take on that?

 Its not my claim its very smart psychiatrists who substantiate the chemical imbalance myth is nothing more then being a scam in an attempt to shove antii psychotics down our throat-  The way nurse practitioners hand these meds out like candy at rehabs is a crime in itself-

 Fletcher isn't talking about that- She explains that our brain does have a chemical imbalance when not in unison or working together symbiosis combo of our left and right side- That is a chemical imbalance of sorts and this is the reason why there is an addiction epidemic- Getting bliss and fulfillment in the eternal now is what its all about.

 She is westernizing  a traditional eastern  practice and bringing it mainstream- She breaks down simple concepts that I never grasped before that is why she has a great future in this new world awakening of ours- Simple humble and happy she is a great mentor-

  What is your take on the Seattle is dying MAT program where they want to send people to RI and medicate them with suboxone for the rest of their natural born life?

 Not good- meds should only be used in short duration if at all. This long term lock down prescription isn't a good one to say the least- People need faith instilled not fear- Its the same concept as the Greenland ice cap and the shot of booze offered by the eskimo- What's the different between dope and booze nothing I rest my case- People can get off dope without meds and they don't have to be incarcerated in some kind of floating prison- These people are trying to brain wash the clients- One should not be made to  feel weak like they can never be part of society without a strong risk of relapse- Empowerment and faith can go along way- When one is made to feel like they are otherwise powerless over that first shot of dope unless they are on MAT is not a healthy prescription or recommendation.

 There is no such thing as chemical imbalance in the way big pharma is trying to sell therefore addicts don't need meds our brains need to be brought back to homeostasis because there was nothing ever really wrong with us to begin with

Monday, January 18, 2021

Pharma Minions

 Breath free or die- corrupt minions and mouthpieces for the medical maphia and MSM Lisa Guerro Inside Edition pathetic display of ignorance and apathy- A courageous woman telling her the way it is- Is Guerroro really trying to tell us that people that don't wear masks and buy into this predictive programing  brainwashing scam are the reason why people are dying of Covid?

 There is zero evidence to support this absurdity of a claim- treating this woman like a leper 6 feet away and wearing a muzzle Gueeoro looks and acts like a ridiculous circus clown and is trying to force us to look like her- Its not going to happen- scamdemic fraud on so many levels- Fauci deep state weasel along with many others- Why doesn't anybody on MSM speak out and support us- cowardice bought and paid for shills- mask mouth these muzzles do a lot more harm then good- self suffocation devices sounds like attempted murder to me- fails OSHA level healthy environmental oxygen level- These are medical devices only a doctor should prescribe-

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Our Vote Don't Count

 Leaving on a jet plane- Mama Cass told us to vote because it can really make a difference.

 Nobody is flying anymore because our once friendly skies are not so friendly anymore- Low level crime- high level crime- carried out by the higher ups who got their lower level foot soldiers to do their dirty work-

 Using the scamdemic as a means to rig the election- instituting social distancing and mail in ballots to manipulate and make sure Potus wasn't reelected-

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Breath Free Or Die

 Did you ever wonder why you either struck out or kept hitting foul balls? That's because you suck at baseball- good in practice but crumbled under pressure- Ok let me put it another way- Did you ever wonder how and why helos went down lucky shot in the pitch dark from a hundred yards away by an rpg-

How about why our soldiers got stuck in a hell hole after our great generals said it would be over in a couple of months- Like who McEnery- I thought he was now a hero on the Trump Train- Kind of like just 2 weeks to flatten the curve- Maybe he meant if Bremer didn't fire the republican guard OIF would  have been over in record pace- Maybe he is not a real hero after all-

Did you ever wonder why when you suit up and show up they tell you to muzzle up and shut up- That's because you are not grateful-\ Did you ever see such brazen fraud with this election scam- it has been mind blowing- In our face arrogance this deep state is quite deep indeed much more then the 1% Yes- but its the 1 % that control it- 

MSM is very sick worse then any drug addict I ever witnessed- Even worse then you- don't be so self deprecating but important to keep it green. Like a drug addict they wont stop until something happens maybe their moment of truth- The tree of liberty needs to get refreshed form time to time with the blood of weasel traitors getting extirpated by patriots 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Corona Fraud

Monday, January 4, 2021

Muzzles Off Muskets Loaded

 What did you think about the doc on Laura Ingram who said take the vaccine at your own peril or doom something like that?  He didn't seem that great mentioned how vaccines for polio and tetnus were lifesavers- I am getting tired of all of them- Dr Carrie Madej stated that based on her observations and investigations tetanus hasn't even been proven to exist-

 When you take it you roll around in the floor with convulsions these people are going to get extirpated- What about the polio vaccine giving people paralysis in the 50s sound like a winner to me- Then that lowlife weasel Gates who is under investigation for crimes against humanity- his new polio vaccine didn't really work out too well-

 Kind of like these rehabs who prescribe anti psychotics off label for sleep when people black out and don't remember pathetic to say the least- We are all lab rates now we must all muzzle up and take the vaccine- Its more like muzzles off muskets loaded get ready for the next American Revolution

 What's the difference between a drug addict and an alcoholic? An alcoholic will help you look for your wallet if you lost it while the drug addict will steal it from you and then help you look for it- I heard that dope addicts cant get sober they are too far gone is that true?

 A wise man once said that once in a while one can have a spiritual experience of sorts- Does it really  matter what drug you drink snort or shoot- Is alcohol the elitist drug that one can only have a spiritual experience with? No magic mushrooms Ibogaine the whole 9 yards cant forget about those substances- There are many ways to get to ones higher self- 

 People are people and there are no exceptions to that rule-