Friday, June 28, 2019


So what do you have to say about addiction and alcoholic personalities? Lets see you can put this in quotations that way when it goes down in the dustbin of history one can say that it came from me- Credit needs to go to Dr Asa Brown because ego equals me and soul equals we- He states that "there is really no such thing as an addictive personality, because anyone at anytime can be challenged with an addictive issue"
  The field of epigenetics has opened up an entirely new  perspective on this issue if one compares to what was once considered "factual wisdom." This means that there is such a thing as dual diagnosis ie  substance use disorder, alcoholism, ptsd anxiety, depression leading to chemical dependency etc.. Not so much biological hereditary type so called mental illness or chemical imbalance but rather a condition that is developed by ones environment and what one is exposed to. This means that most mental illness is not really illness perse but rather symptoms based due to an individuals  past or current environment.
   There is way too much duality involved when it comes to alcoholism being separate and apart from substance use disorder. One has to come to their own conclusion and diagnosis themselves but for the most part they are one in the same.

High Priests

"Consider the corporate socialism we've seen on wall street- where the high priests of unfettered capitalism reign" Bernie Sanders in reference to the bail out of 08- He also quoted MLK-" socialism for the rich and rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor" Why should only the rich get bailed out while everybody else gets screwed- Sanders has a point so why not bail out the students that are crushed in student loan debt?
  The same people that made all of the money on wall street are now making all of the money on the adjustable rate student loans. These loans are very difficult to pay off considering the current standard of living for most Americans- Especially if you are in the helping people field- msws in social work, professors in universities, holistic chiropractors etc.. If one is an independent healer and they know how rigged insurance companies are and how the medical field is when it comes to acute care fixes and little or nothing is done except pill prescriptions for chronic care conditions- 
  How does one realistically pay off 200k when they are raising a family, paying off a mortgage, saving for their own children's college tuition and making the medium income of 40- 50k a year give or take a couple of dollars.
   Lets take a look how the middle class got screwed over after the bail out of 08- Many people lost their jobs and their homes, nobody went to jail and the rich got enabled to continue on with their plunder and pillage. If the 700 billion Tarp plan wasn't initiated we would have had another dust bowl is basically what it comes down to. The American who is plugging away doesn't affect the overall economy as much so his/her rugged capitalistic individualism is a pipe dream that will appear to never be able to come into fruition. The forgotten and neglected class, this is what Potus Trump acknowlges, that is why he was elected, he isn't a wall street insider. He knows what needs to be done and the only way it will work is to have a free market enterprise capitalist game plan for 2020 and beyond-

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Globalist Frauds

What else did Carlson write about? Lets see the Libyan disaster, what was that when (we came saw and he died-) The Clinton crime machine is so arrogant especially after robbing from the poor people in Haiti. After making believe they were going to rebuild their infrastructure after the earthquake in 2010 they  proceeded to launder all of the dirty money into their foundation. Are their any updates from Charles Ortel, the forensic accountant in regards to the Clinton Foundation?
   If you are going to make bundles off of disaster capitalism at least try to make the country a better place. For example why turn Libya into a country that was much worse then it was before especially when they went in there under the phony guise of spreading democracy. Americas foreign policy establishment has a long history of turning countries into hell holes and nobody has ever been held accountable.
  Lets see what are they doing now- letting people come into our country, stand downs at the border, and then getting aided and abeded by these politicians in sanctuary cities- Migrants aren't migrants they are illegal aliens that must abide by the letter of the law just like the natural born citizens of the United States of America. Any politician that harbors illegal immigrants especially the ones that have committed crimes and are now hiding out in sanctuary cities need to be charged with obstruction of justice-
  It is abhorrent what these secular progressives or whatever they call themselves have done to our major cities- dilapidated sewers with feces, homeless and needles everywhere- La and NYC-  San Francisco is even worse-  If that isn't bad enough the Hollywood sect and phony billionaires who constantly beat the global warming/climate change drum as if it really was an imminent disaster. These people are the ones leaving the largest carbon footprint because they need some way to justify their lavish existence- Getting paid huge sums for banging the drum of imminent doom gloom and fear when there are solid and legitmite sources that can actually refute the veracity of all of this climate change drama.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Ship Of Fools

If the Buddha said there is no fellowship with a fool then what would one state about the current (Ship Of Fools-) What do you think about Tucker Carlson's book Ship Of Fools? So far so good I respect Carlson especially after he confronted Bolton, the neo-con war hawk that never sensed a war that he didn't relish in, the latest being Iran
  Very impressive, Carlson, stated that Bolton was basically demented, their has been no humble acknowledgement of any of the past errors that the neo cons have created, specifically for the middle east quagmires. The sworn enemy of smugness pomposity arrogance and groupthink and I actually believe him. Insanity- doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results- Our Potus actually cares about collateral damage unlike his predecessors-
  The left that we have today is not really what most people think about when it comes to being a compassionate and loving liberal. They cant be given the benefit of the doubt due to their track records- Marxist radical ideals- Fabian socialism Saul Alinsky style- Sean Brennan communist-  admittedly (voted for communist presidential candidate Gus Hall in 76)- and Alinsky- 13 radical ideals to turn our country into a dilapidated fourth world wasteland. Obama stated that we could keep our doctor as premiums doubled and tripled and what else did he say "if you built a capitalist company "you didn't build that" That is why socialist Bernie and company aren't selling me, with his New Yawk accent he appears to be trying to hawk furniture or diamonds on the streets of Brooklyn.
   We should be grateful that we have a news outlet that are giving us the facts- holding people accountable- Carlson explains that what we have had is not really a left/right political system but rather (whoever benefits) and in the past it hasn't been America and our people. He explained how our leaders are fools on a sinking ship and that the talentless continued to prosper rising inexorably to positions of greater power. Tucker Carlson  is a solid patriot, good writer and unlike many others in the media today, he has the guts to call these people out. Here is another one of his classic quotes-" in politics as in life, nothing is really hidden only ignored "

Friday, June 21, 2019

Superman Is God

   Some people are born to write others are born to run some are born to do both. Sometimes the end result of the goal is not to attain it- god is superman but really isn't. Universal and collective intelligence but still lets the bad guys take him out. If evil doesn't exist what does one call somebody who is trying to take you or one of your guys out. Maybe evil doesn't exist but then there are the souls that have bad intentions that is why we need to protect life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
   That is why cwg  is new age woo woo and our criminal justice system is the real in god we trust. That includes our Geneva convention as well. What about capital punishment an eye for an eye? "Some day I believe, Americans will look back at todays executions just as we now look back at witch burnings and public hangings, and they will ask, what were they thinking" (Nicholas Kristof) That may be true however I don't read that much indignation from some of these progressive secular outlets in regard to infanticide's- that is taking the life after the baby is born, most people would call that murder. I believe there are some hypocrisies and hidden agendas going on and I don't respect that. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

2020 Landslide

What did you think about (Of Thee I Zing) Laura Ingraham's book that she wrote in 2011? It was good, she is smart, witty and very funny. She talked about the continual cultural decline in America and that was almost ten years ago. She exposed all of the hypocrisy bias, bad parenting and overall lack of where with all within todays modern day society.
  I have read other books by other members of the media like a crime book that was supposed to be real by an MSNBC journalist and I went to sleep. It didn't reach me at all, I am partial  in some way toward fox and not because I am a conservative or a republican. It is because they glow and they come as close to what I perceive to be the truth that I have ever witnessed.  What do you mean by they glow over at fox? They have integrity and when people speak from their heart and soul they tend to glow with excitement and effervescence.
   Who wants to be around negative people who lie for a living because that is exactly what most of the press does. I find Live PD to be very impressive and that goes for Dan Abrams. He is very smart and has passion for our criminal justice system where our motto is in god we trust. The New York Times has some good articles, very informative. Yuvol Noah Harari had an interesting quote- An American presidential candidate who tells the American public the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about American history has a 100% guarantee of losing the election.
  I believe he may be wrong about this and that is why The Trump Train has been  blazing at full speed ahead. He was elected because we all yearn for that from our leaders and that is what we have been getting and that is why he will win in 2020 by a landslide. We not only yearn for that from our leaders we also want  a better way of life. Its called feeling good about where we are going and this means exposing injustice like the stand downs at the border and dilapidated cities run by these democratic secular progressives.
   We don't have our own house in order, we don't have enough room and decent jobs with translators and training, obviously the elected officials aren't addressing the homeless crisis. I heard Seattle was a wasteland along with LA and Portland Oregon.  Our elected officials should resign in disgrace, not addressing the real issues head on. When Mayor Giuliani ran NYC there was less crime and he cleaned up the street. That is called pride, we don't want to live in a country with litter everywhere and human zombies who aren't being helped the way that they should.
   When I was on the street I didn't want to be there, I knew I had to change otherwise I would die. If these people cant stay sober and that is why they have been kicked out of the shelters they need to be housed with government grants ie- sober housing- Tier systems where they cant be on the street left to get high and cause criminal acts. What about free will are you saying they shouldn't be allowed to use drugs and get high if they want? They can do whatever they want but just not out on the street, this causes our people to feel very unsafe in their own country and it should never be that way.

In God We Trust

(Keep America Great Again-) Potus Trump hit a home run with his speech in Orlando last night. What do you say to the people who criticize and state that you are too political? We are not political which means that we aren't politically correct, we want fair and balanced and not a partisan run doj and fbi. This means that we are the exact opposite of the political animals who have harmed our country in the past and continue to harm us in many ways.
  One way to possibly put a damper on the opiate crisis is to charge the user/provider and not the actual dealer with murder when somebody od's and dies. Extradoniary times call for extraordinary circumstances. This is happening in the right here and the right now. What do you have to say about that pure as the virgin snow cops can think of elaborate scams like what the fbi/cia came out with to try to get the queen of the cartel elected? They are right they can think about them and that is how to catch the bad guy and that is what makes them good cops. Most would never act them out however and that is the big difference. Weapon zing our intel apparatus because they have most of the press in their back pocket definitely isn't fair and balanced.
  The tech giants shouldn't be allowed to censor free speech. Why are they doing this? Because they are culpable and are all working together. They censored Alex Jones and Laura Loomer. Wasn't Loomer the investigative reporter who uncovered the false flag in Las Vegas as well as other mass shootings? I don't know if she uncovered it but she definitely was covering it and she was exposing many of the inconsistencies in the official report. So is that why the tech giant s are censoring her? Two plus two doesn't equal five.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dirty Zealots

Since there was no legal precedent in the Hillary case this meant that cardinal Comey was supposed to stand down. No reasonable prosecutor would have indicted in those circumstances, is that what he really said? So let me get this straight this was a foreign espionage case of epic proportions but the FBI director didn't want to indict because that would mean that the queen of the cartel wouldn't become our Potus.
  They were banking on her win but needed an insurance policy just in case. This is really dirty, a politicized fbi that didn't do their job in the biggest case of their careers. Comey is a hedge fund guy who didn't have the respect of the field agents getting their sleeves dirty everyday. Hedge fund guys are usually the ones with the ep details not the ones actually doing the protecting that is why he probably didn't even carry. Not only that Wolfgang isn't getting legitimate foia requests answered, this is not legal. FBI agents sign an oath pure as the virgin snow, at the very least we expect them to do their job and not stand down especially for the biggest case of their careers.
  The problem is that we had too many greedy lawyers with corporate interests working at the highest levels of the fbi/doj, not sworn leos that never went to law school. If it wasn't bad enough that they stood down for a major foreign espionage case they also created an insurance policy of egregious fraud across the board in order to try to frame our Potus. Most of our leos are pure as the virgin snow and couldn't even think of such an elaborate and dirty scam even if they tried, it is just not in them. William Barr never donated any money to any political campaigns, so this qualifies him as head and shoulders above any of the other dirty politicized zealots that worked around our former AG's

Spot Shot Technology

"I try to live life like a loose garment but end up acting like a stuffed shirt instead" What's going on?
  We need spot shot technology in Lake Park because I heard the shots but didn't see any cops- My phone was having audible issues that is why my phone should have been pinged for an exact location, that way a police report could have been written.  If there is a continuous police presence after shots ring out that will be a deterrent for any future wanna be gangbangers.. I believe wpb has this advanced technology, this needs to be implemented for every lea throughout the country. It is a crime to discharge your weapon without a legitimate provocation especially in a residential neighborhood.
 We have great leos and AI technology is a definite plus and not a negative. That means Sensor Vault and everything else in between. I hear too many gunshots in Lake Park and the surrounding areas and I don't think enough bad guys are getting locked up

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Deep State DOJ

The deep state DOJ knew that opiates were highly addictive but wittingly and knowingly concealed that information. Purdue Pharma had an alliance with top DOJ officials. The case that was created had the capital cronies not support any felony indictments. This was a missed opportunity which could have nipped the opiate epidemic in the bud. They knew that people were getting hooked ie- snorting and shooting oxys but still  increased their sales promotion push with their reps claiming that they were safe and effective and that oxycontin was less addictive then other opiates.
  As a result we now have had more people die each year then what we had in the entire Vietnam war and that was a long protected campaign that lasted ten years or more. We had opportunist lawyers working at the fbi, cardinal Comey  stood down for every major investigation their was. He never worked his way up through  the ranks as a cop or a military man and this is what we have as a result. 
  A total disconnect where he finds it funny to set up a war hero Gen Flynn and proceed to have this zealot based witch hunt task force put Gen Flynn and his family through hell. A hedge fund lawyer running the FBI, clown Comey was a hedge fund guy, on the board of directors at HSBC where the fbi doj Obama/Holder run crime factory stood down for a major money laundering case.
  A total disconnect from we the people, that is what we have had, these people have insulted the integrity of our criminal justice system and have made a mockery of it

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Licensed To Lie

The loudest man in the room is usually the weakest. Also be wary of the trumpet blowers, they are usually the ones with the least to say. What's going on? (Not so fast-) What does that mean? People usually have a good feeling about government based task forces like maybe they are out for the greater good.
 It turns out that many are just out for themselves. Lets take a look at Burn baby burn- I wanted to see those executives from Enron burn down below and any thought of a task force going after them was music to my ears. Task Force 129 is a formidable force the big difference is that we do things legally and by the book. Sidney Powell wrote a brilliant and prescient book in 2014- (Licensed to Lie-)  Its great to go after the fraudsters as long as they are the right ones, not some agenda driven zealot based corruption filled witch hunt eerily reminiscent of the Russian hoax.
 Andrew Weissmann the pit-bull prosecutor hurt innocent people, 85 thousand jobs at Arthur Anderson which they knew were never even real crimes. It is a constitutional requirement to hand over any exculpatory evidence favorable to the defense- (The Brady Bill of 1963)  Weissmann prosecuted some very powerful mobsters- Colombo, Gambino, Genovese crime member families and was quite high on himself. The problem is that (nobody would ever know) because the prosecutors control the evidence as well as most of the facts. His zealot based task force prosecuted  four innocent Merrill Lynch executives and they all went to jail.
 The Dept Of Justice has a long history of burying exculpatory evidence and they did this with impunity on a regular basis. If you control all of the evidence then you control most of the facts so this can usually control the outcome. Powell states that their has been an epidemic of Brady violations over the years. The problem is that these zealot based prosecutors that are part of these high end Task forces never did any time themselves. They fancy themselves as untouchable and above the law. The Merrill Lynch executive became traumatized from the adjudication which put his family through the wringer and he became traumatized from all of the legal wrangling and jail as well as attempting to adjust to life on the outside..
   Jail traumatizes, these zealot based government backed witch hunts have irrevocably damaged countless people over the years. PTSD  for starters from the stress of it all and of course jail makes it much worse. They can afford to put many people through the legal wringer because they have unlimited resources at their disposal. They have weaponized our criminal justice system.
 So what did Weissman get for being an unscrupulous zealot that hurt thousands of people at Arthur Anderson and for  prosecuting four innocent Merrill Lynch executives that all went to to jail? A promotion to the FBI where he became general counsel and Deputy Director.  

Sunday, June 9, 2019


If religion is the opiate of the masses then spirituality is the elixir to our soul.
 We don't carry a burden of heavy baggage, we travel light with a knap sack full of abundance.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Stand Downs

The Buddha said that there is no fellowship with a fool. We are not happy with a former fbi director who rigged an investigation and never turned over information to the DOJ. He took it upon himself to exonerate our former presidential candidate before doing a real investigation. Anybody else would have been fully prosecuted and be in an orange jump suit right now. Destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice and then they went all out to try to frame our Potus for something that never even existed.
  Stand downs for real investigations while they made up a fraudulent one at our expense. Petty process crimes, there was no legal precedent in the Hillary case because nobody else ever had the audacity to do something that egregious and brazen in our long history of foreign espionage crime cases. So just because there was no legal precedent that meant the FBI head shed wasn't supposed to do his job? That was an insult to everybody he represented within the law enforcement and intel communities and then he uses the word dude in a colloquial manner. FBI head sheds are not supposed to use the word dude especially to a subordinate.
   Comey is an unprofessional clown who tarnished the fbis reputation irrevocably and his entire gang of co- conspirators are going to go down in a ball of flames.  .