Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tools Of The Trade

Sometimes in the NYPD the only difference between the cop and the criminal is a badge. New York Times- (9-23)"His years wearing a badge in Brooklyn would prove to be on the job training for a second career as a purveyor of prostitutes and pimps, because of his familiarity with the tools of the trade and Vice. The dirty cops would tip off their associates when undercover officers were on the way. Detective Paz one of alleged dirty cops once stated- "It was a good job to protect the people, to be part of the good side not the bad" Thousands of hours of surveillance and recordings of conversations had been collected. The investigators at IAB took so long to make the arrest because of the secrecy involved. "Policing the police without tipping off the officers brings its challenges"
  Sex crimes and drug sale allegations at John Jay College of criminal justice- against the faculty-

Monday, September 24, 2018

Deep State Unmasked

What else did you learn from our former DNI's Magnum Opus? I learned that Cheney better known as chain gang or Darth Vader inserted his civilian capital into the military and injected it straight into the Pentagon. I checked out Lincoln by Spielberg and this only made me want to learn the straight story about the Civil War. Have no fears because Dr P always come through especially when we need him most. He explained that the Civil War was nothing more then (auto genocide) and that Lincoln was an unstable megalomaniac. Think about it what kind of Potus would instigate a major civil war kin vs kin where 600k American soldiers died? This was more then a criminal act and only dictators act that way especially when the war had nothing to do with liberating the slaves.  Barbaric, no medics and many of our soldiers died from infections gangrene etc..
   Deep State unmasked DSA- Democratic Socialists of America- lets f s up total abuse of tax payers money and unbridled arrogance- James O'Keeffe went undercover where these people are exposed for who and what they are. Project Veritas- doing great work for many years. No second hand anonymous bogus sources and no he said she saids- We get to hear it straight from these people who seem to have contempt for our rule of law.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Addictions Come Full Circle

Weaponized food intel apparatus as well as tech gadgets- high fructose corn syrup supposedly more addictive then cocaine and heroin. Preservatives hard to digest turns into fat. Since 1950 our food supply has been tainted with junk, high profit motive and solution based cancer industry diabetes etc.. Big pharma and Silicon Valley hooks- meds for high blood pressure etc..
  (Hooked- Nir Eyal-www.nirandfar.com-) Manipulation matrix- VC companies with the best and brightest figuring out ways to turn us into zombies- Opiate addiction analogy- Are you building a vitamin or a painkiller- clichéd question in VC circles- The answer is always a painkiller where 65k people have passed on last year alone because of addictive and deadly opiates. This is because painkillers solve obvious need and have quantifiable markets. Build painkillers not vitamins- Hegelian Dialectic- problem- reaction- solution. Hook model gets people addicted to their tech gadgets-
  The Dealer- "creating a product that the designer does not believe improves the users life and that he himself wouldn't use is called exploitation". The tech wiz bangs with all of the brains wouldn't let their kids use these products- X box Smart grid- Zuch Town- the incessant need to smoke cigarettes in what used to be the majority of the population has been replaced by a nearly equal compulsion to constantly check our electronic devices. Purdue Pharma now wants to sell a less addictive opiate after decimating populations in Appalachia and destroying a generation of addicted souls. Psychological profit motive- Tribal Validation fb, Twitter, instagram- hook cycles- dopamine surges these people have it all figured out. Internal and external triggers- "Connecting internal triggers with a product is the brass ring of technology" Great book very insightful and well researched.
      Connecting the dots from all of the angles of addiction comes full circle- Good habits and bad habits- Something done with little or no conscious thought. "Building a habit forming product is an in iterative process that requires user behavior analysis and continuous experimentation." Most people don't get addicted but many people do.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Truth To Power

"As long as one doesn't put the cart before the horse the world can be your oyster" Any more profound quotes- yes- "Comey is going down the dirty cop is going down-" Joe di Genova- Dirty feds with book and movie deals- now McCabe is getting in on all of it with a tell all book. Unwritten law of intelligence- "Speak straight unbiased intelligence truth to power and the leave the business of policy making to the policy makers" Does the former head of the DNI say anything else of significance? So far he maintains that one must keep a low profile in the intel business. Under the radar and shouldn't be giving speeches or appearing on talking head shows nor giving interviews.
  He did state that books may not be a great idea but I don't mind if they do write because I like to learn from these former spooks. I just don't know if I am getting the straight story or dis info to fit their agenda. He seems to have respect for our former Commander in Chief and even referred to Obama as humble.
A quote from Comey's predecessor Robert Mueller as FBI Director and now the head shed of the Russia investigation-  "I love everything about investigations, I love the forensics, I love the fingerprints and the bullet casings and all of the rest"

Monday, September 17, 2018

Convergence Of Evidence

Convergence Of Evidence- Sounds a lot like slam dunk WMD's according to Madam President.
  What else is going on- Hollywood phonies and hypocrites- Jim Carey believes that socialism is the way to go even though he had a manifestation to earn $10,000,000 within a few years and surprisingly the check became a reality when he made Dumb and Dumber- I tried to watch Bruce Almighty but it was definitely dumb and dumber and I had to turn it off. There is a huge disconnect with some of these people. How is it that socialism and global warming is a reality to these multi millionaires in Hollywood-
     Colbert talked about the opiate epidemic but it just seems that they are over the hill and far away. I don't like that they cant give credit where it is due. To me this means that they don't have the ability to tell the truth. Their entire life seems to be an act or a script based off what the SAG unions push for. The fact that they cant seem to write scripts without people getting killed or dropping f- bombs  says a lot about where they have been. Madam Secretary is refreshing, I am pleasantly surprised with everything about it. A husband of the Secretary of State who isn't into serial cheating Me Too and actually tries to do the right thing. "For once politics should take a back seat to doing the right thing"

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Robber Barons And War Junkies

Standard Oil Antirust- "it takes time to crush men who are pursuing legitimate trade- but one of Rockefellers most impressive characteristics is patience- he was like a general who besieging a city surrounded hills, views from a balloon nothing was too small, corner grocery store etc.. Ida Tarbell- 1905- meet Lina Khan who compares Rockefeller to Bezos.
   What do you think about James Clappers new book so far- Facts and Fears- Not bad ones entire history should be taken into account. Pentagon Truism- "every nation is preparing to fight its last war." He is quite accomplished, a long and dedicated career. He talked about the pick up basketball game against Dan Quale and how he let his team win. Why would you let somebody win just because he is the VP? I wouldn't trust Quayle in a foxhole how did he ever become VP? Clapper seems to be politically correct, we didn't need that as a former DNI leader. He seems to be a decent man but definitely in the rear with the gear. I never heard any of these people talk about how dumb our previous wars have been. Gulf War 1- Stormin Norman- Iraq invaded Kuwait- and it quickly escalated from Desert Shield to Desert Storm- Stormin Norman was complaining about the area imagery intel photos- no wide area imagery photos- like looking through a patch of land through a soda straw. These people knew that Vietnam was unwinnable because of what the French experienced but they escalated it anyway. If that wasn't bad enough they did the same exact thing to our troops in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom-
    What do you think about Dr P's assessment that  many of these people are sociopaths- and that John Bolton is more then likely the source of the anonymous op-ed leak in the New York Times? For starters people shouldn't be anonymous because right off the bat they are being shady and untrustworthy. Secondly I believe Dr P is right on the money and I take back my assessment that he wasn't right about Obama probably being a sociopath. I looked into Bolton's eyes last year during one of his war junky tirades and I knew that I was witnessing a crazed war dog. The only thing these people know is war so they are just going to do what they have always done. Peace bores  the hell out of them but they are never the ones who end up getting killed or wounded. Dr P stated that Bolton subjugates his subordinates while kissing up to the higher ups-

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Madam President

"(When you find yourself where there is no integrity in the situation that you are in that one must find it from within and then change the world right where you are standing. Madam President) Wouldn't it be great if we had a secretary of state who didn't make up cover stories and then get ambassadors killed. The Trump train doesn't stand down and they don't get  ambassadors killed. The Trump Train doesn't make excuses of war bs effigies of burned out Mohammad's and continue to lie to the American people
  What could be worse then not providing enough executive protection or listening to the warriors that have been there before. Dirty dossiers and lying to a federal judge on four separate occasions. The corruption level is off the charts, when are people going to start getting indited? Fraud on the court

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Attack on We The People

Is it true that Clintons planned parenthood cronies believe in abortion up until 9 months? I don't know but these people are beyond disturbing. UN global population control, how many more felonies are these people going to commit. Title 18 under the US constitution. What about the late not so great John McCain is it true that he supplied the dirty dossier intel to Brennan and their globalist cronies in an to attempt to rig the election for Hillary? Are you speaking badly about a deceased POW war hero? I am going to side with our Potus on that- "I like people who weren't captured."
  What is your feeling about the pig socks worn by Colin K, the guy who sucks as qb and now is speaking badly about our law enforcement? He wore pig socks as if to say our cops are pigs, that guy is beyond disturbing. He may have a legal right to do this  but he just sealed his own fate. I hope the money Nike threw at him was worth being known as a lowlife and a degenerate. What does it say about Nike that they would hire a thug like this? George Soros, Antifa, radical anti American, their days are numbered. Our cops, fireman and our military vets are the real Americas hero's. I don't consider guys that throw footballs  for a living and crash into each other at high speeds in the same category. It is a good distraction (bread and circus) and decent entertainment but when you have an overpaid punk that has the audacity to attract attention to himself and then wears pig socks in reference to our cops we have serious problems. The NFL is sinking anyway, too many burned our boy banders at halftime and their commercial breaks are way too long. We are tired of Hollywood and their mindless violence as well as their pedophilia. Also we are tired of morons like Colin K. who insult our leos. We are also getting a little pissed off by continually being lied to by our media and with all of the degenerate low life greedy globalist politicians who just committed multiple felonies in an attempt to try to rig an election and frame our Potus. Any attack on our Potus by the media is an attack on We The People. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Disconnect From Academia

quotes of the day- "before enlightenment chop wood carry water after enlightenment chop wood carry water- Silence is the way of the warrior". "The war machine has fallen silent and the summer hum of insects fills the air" Shooting Ghosts- on the Gaza strip- We have wanna be politicians who aren't experts in geopolitics who want to abolish ICE-
  We are living in bizarre times, lets take a look at the drug war before we examine other wars. We have 65k people dying each year from ods from a drug that is labeled a schedule 2 meaning less dangerous then (Ibogaine considered a schedule 1 the most dangerous) a drug that is non addictive, rewires the brain and eliminates the withdrawal effects of opiates and other drugs.  Schedule 1-through 5- According to the big pharma rep opiate pills were safe and effective and pseudo addiction was the name of the game. Ibogaine is illegal and people cant even do it within the US what is wrong with this picture? There is a solution- prescribe drugs which cause the maladaptive behavior and suicide and homicide ideation. These are drugs with no clinical efficacy. Actually they do the job they give people chemical lobotomies dwis and make them forget what day of the week it is. Now everybody has co-occurring disorders,
 this means we need different drugs to ween us off the drugs we are coming off of. Also one has to stay on the meds interminably, that is part of the protocol otherwise peoples brains go haywire.
    What is going on with the other wars? Never listen to somebody who talks or writes about war that has never been there before. Unless they are getting intel from real soldiers then its useless. I never read or listen to people who talk about our mid east campaigns in a way that our real soldiers have. The Future of War by Lawrence Freedman written by an English academic, an Oxford type who seems to embody the reality of academia's establishment.  It's not up close and personal, a total and complete disconnect from UK's finest. Lets listen to real warriors- "TJ was blown up by a member of the Afghan police, misguided futility of the Afghan campaign- the very forces Americans were trying to help secure their country- Hemland Province- It was considered the least strategically important with only 20% of the population but 20% of Americas military resources were devoted to it. In 2015 Helmand became the biggest producer of opium then ever before. Rather then bringing peace and stability the intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan have only made things worse.
     What did our Potus state about Iraq? During the campaign for Potus he stated that the war was wrong and we never should have been there and he doesn't care if he loses for saying it. He also stated recently that Americas invasion of Iraq was the single worst decision of all time. Times are changing for the better. If our vets are killing themselves because of the meds that are being prescribed there are going to be big problems on the horizon.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Rebirth- "learn to die and you shall live, for there shall be none who learn to truly live who have not learned to die-"  What does that really mean? It's living the Buddha life I suppose. Science is not dead it just needs to be tweaked. Science has the answer and in many ways is the answer. Dr D Universal meditation is spiritual based backed by real science. The new science of spirituality can and will change everything.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Madam Secretary

quotes of the day- "Sessions has no command presence and Christopher Wray is an empty suit-" Joe di Genova- What is the story with the new Socialists? If the new socialists want to have capitalism spread toward more then just the one percent then what is all of the duality about? The new socialists supposedly know that socialism in a totalitarian government owned scenario doesn't work and believe in a more fair and balanced system then they shouldn't complain against the Trump Train-
  The Trump Trains entire campaign was based off of creating wealth and abundance for the masses so why does the left continue to make up pernicious lies? This is because their is a big difference between the left and liberalism- The left are nasty liars, liberals are fair and balanced. The left consist of the main stream media anarchists who continually misrepresent the facts- Chris Mathews stated that our Potus was guilty of(high crimes and misdemeanors)  One day in the not too distant future the press is going to have to be honest otherwise their will be legal repercussions- Fox news continues to do a great job contrary to some intel analysts that claim otherwise. They are hitting home runs with the majority of their investigative journalists- Hannity, Sarah Carter- Greg Jarett- I was impressed that Maria Bartiroma is aggressively seeking facts as we get closer and closer to the Deep States demise. Judicial Watch- Many people are making us proud because they are doing the best they can under the circumstances. Judge Jeanine is never going to stop asking questions until people are indicted.
  Wouldn't it be great if we had a real Madam Secretary working for we the people. Somebody like Tea Leoni- beautiful, integrity all about god and country doing the right thing and not full of self. Somebody that doesn't have a money laundering scam that robs from the poor people of Haiti. Wouldn't it be great if we could eventually have faith in our FBI and DOJ?  Our AG is so out to lunch it is beyond the pale- Its all politics, he wrote a Tweet that made zero sense. He is not going to be influenced by political considerations- What is that supposed to mean? We the people want a real investigation of the investigators that blatantly took advantage of our intel apparatus and many peoples lives were ruined as they tried to rig an election and frame our Potus. They have been doing this for years, not only does this  need to end it is going to end. The best is the non paid interneship working for the Clinton scam-  The left pushed for a minimum wage increase until it directly affects them. Taking advantage of vulnerable students coming out of school, many have no choice because they want experience and a decent resume. Working for the biggest money laundering operation in our nations history for zero pay could be a good place to start I suppose.  

Full Battle Rattle

Some people were born to fly others were born to win-  Some people are warrior poets and some people actually even know it. Changiz was born to win. I was 38 years old with a thirst for war,  I couldn't wait to get out to battle simulation. This is where I met Changiz- I didn't fire rounds down range with him, I actually kind of suck at shooting however I did live with Changiz. He was so humble and down to earth it was an honor to meet and get to know him.
  I stumbled across Battle Rattle- New Book,  Changiz life story as a warrior. His resume is amazing, the man is down to earth salt of the earth. Operation Eagle Claw- He was on a one man spy mission during the hostage crisis with 52 American diplomats in Iran. Trained the Muj in Pakistan and Afghanistan- Trained them to fight the Soviets- A Team- ODA- 5th group- Operation Desert Storm- in 91- 12 years later his convoy was ambushed on the way to Fallujah- He was also 50 meters away from the Blackhawk that went down in Somalia- 93- Blackhawk- Down- I would feel safe with Changiz as SAC for any and all high level threat executive protection details- Changiz also gained intel on the Blind Sheik Omar- The first towers bomber mastermind while working for an FBI anti terrorist unit.
   In 02 he dressed as a Pashtun farmer in the eastern white mountains of Afghanistan to locate Bin Laden for cia. SF legend and legion of merit award and multiple purple hearts, multiple US Army achievement medals. 6 joint service medals from FBI Dept of State- DEA. Nominated for induction to Military Intel Hall Of Fame- "Cited as the finest NCO to ever serve in Special Forces-" Somebody who exemplifies the American dream"