Monday, September 19, 2016

Stand Downs And Protecting Lives Donald Trump dismisses cartoon physics by stating that explosives took the towers down. The best is when people take a look at Building Sevens official story about how debris fell from the towers onto it causing its implosion or mini fires that were burning all day that caused its controlled demolition. Then you have Silverstein telling the world that he made a decision to "pull it." The official story is a cartoon considering there was a multi billion dollar insurance policy taken out right before the asbestos filled towers came crumbling down. How much more obvious did they make it? I watched 13 Hours yesterday, that was a great movie. Those cia Global Response Team operators were heroic to say the least. In the beginning they all made the comment that there wasn't enough security personnel to protect the Ambassador. Ambassador Stevens  knew that he was a target going in, that is why he made a request for increased security. Stand Downs by Hillary, Clinton Cash wow what great leadership we have running for President of the United States. They kicked bw out of Iraq for no legitimate reason in my opinion because I really don't think that the  Nisour square ambush was unprovoked. Not only that Eric Prince wanted to have cameras in his convoys to make sure his operators were doing things right and the bureaucrats refused. He wanted low profile all the way but they also disrespected him with that request as well. If his operators were protecting Ambassador Stevens there would have been a lot more dead bad guys and the Ambassador would still be alive today. The arrogant cia bureaucrat in the beginning that was making pejorative comments to the operator about how his guys had to make sure that they didn't rub elbows with his Ivy League Farm types ended up taking orders from the true leaders toward the end. How come the true leaders aren't the ones in charge to begin with that is what I want to know?  When it comes to saving lives and getting things done the right way make sure nobody ever listens to a holier then thou supercilious know it all like the one depicted in the movie. The operators are what our country is all about. Courage and character and the willingness to go to any length to save and protect lives. It was an honor to watch the movie.  

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