Friday, September 16, 2016

Sandy Hook Fraud Alex Jones Wolfgang Halbig is calling you out. Even the New York Times Magazine is bringing attention to the Sandy Hook Hoax. Wolf is calling out Jones for ignoring the hoax as of late and even makes an inference that Jones may be cointelpro. Jones has been back on my good guy list but there are still a few unanswered questions about Jones. Glen Canady and Stew Webb basically have it narrowed down to at least three solid issues. The first is how he referred to Ted Gunderson a known FBI cointelpro operative as a solid patriot? Canady keeps bringing attention to the gun rally in Texas a few years back where Jones acted very strange and could only be realistically described as a cointelpro distraction. Now many solid patriots are calling Jones out for not having Wolfgang back on his show. Nobody is perfect and I respect Jones, he is going all out to support Donald Trump and for that alone he deserves multiple stars. However solid warriors like Stew Webb, Glen Canady and Wolfgang have some very solid points. In other words if you continually state that you are in it to win it and that the gloves are off, the whole truth and nothing else but then demonstrate inconsistencies that don't seem to back your position then this definitely raises some red flags. Truth Warriors take pride in going all the way. I have never seen anybody as courageous as Stew Webb in the alternative media so when he makes statements then people should listen. Wolfgang has proven himself to be a great investigator with a lot of courage as well. He has been back and fourth to Newtown at least 20 times what has anybody else done? He launched a real world investigation with FOIA requests for starters that have been basically ignored but Jones no longer wants to have Wolf on his show? Inquiring people want to know why? Also Wolfgang is calling out Hillary Clinton for referring to Jones instead of him in reference to somebody that doesn't feel that kids really died in The Sandy Hook hoax. There you have it somebody that is running for President of the United States that cant even sit down and watch the We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook video. They can also read Jim Fetzers book Nobody died at Sandy Hook that was banned from Amazon. If somebody cant come up with the realistic conclusion after watching this video or reading this book that Wolfgang is on the right track with his investigation then this means that they are either brain dead or more then likely in on the crime and cover up themselves. Its all about divide and conquer, the cia mobsters specialize in this. These mobsters threatened Wolf and basically forced him to take down his website Sandy Hook Justice Report or else his family would get harmed. Wolfgang took his site down but that doesn't mean he is backing down. He wants to take these cia mobsters to Federal Court. He could use a few heavy hitter pitbull attorneys. 

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