Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Robber Barons And Gods Work

The Illuminati Robber Barons are at it again this time with student loan debt. The hedge fund vultures, private equity firms and venture capitalists do what ever it takes to make a dollar. I read an article in Consumer Reports about student loan debt and it was quite informative. Basically people are being punished for trying to better their lives, this is also a way to thin out the herd. A nurse talked about how she has to pay over $1,000 per month for her loan. The interest on these loans are uncompromising and extremely greedy to say the least. This nurse is 32 and stated that she plans on never having a family because of her egregious student loan debt. Although she makes a decent living it is still too much to pay with everything else considered. There you have it people that are supposed to procreate and who make great wives cant but everybody else can procreate like flies and be encouraged to do so  by Obummer Care and his stand downs at the border. I cant even get a job hauling garbage and people that do gods work will never realistically be able to get married, have a family and  pay off their student loan debt. This is a business, a ruthless one at that. The student loan business is so lucrative for these robber barons expect to see no end in sight. This is wall street meet main street and take advantage of the masses, the ones who don't mean that much to them. Nurses do gods work, I volunteer at the hospital nurses see life and death every day and do a lot of the extra work for the doctors. They are the exact opposite of the BPD Annete Benning types in American Beauty. When people are exposed to the real world of life and death and everything that goes along with it they tend to be humble and to not sweat the small stuff. So why are these people being punished for saving lives and making the world a better place? Its because of the greedy robber barons on wall street that will never pass on any lucrative business opportunity. When there is blood on the streets this is even better for them. In the current system that we have there is virtually no realistic way to get ahead, the system is completely rigged. There are some good Feds out there however. I just read about 16  people getting arrested for a 175 million dollar insurance prescription cream scam. Scott Rothsteins former bodyguard was one of the people arrested. Apparently he was being used as an enforcer during Rothsteins reign of terror. This was South Fla kingpin fraud guy acting as a lawyer with a huge law firm a few years back. This time the former bodyguard was allegedly making comments that if he goes down he is going to pump some lead and really intimidate the feds that come to arrest him. Are you kidding me the arrogance of this thug. If you are involved in a scam at least be humble enough to take the hit like a man not a coward. Impeding a Federal Investigation and Endeavoring to Influence are one of his charges. There are a lot of good feds out there that risk their lives every day going after real bad guys.       

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