Monday, September 26, 2016

Presidential Debate

The debate was fair and balanced except in the very beginning because MSNBC made it quite obvious how partisan they were by mentioning how mendacious Donald Trump has allegedly been up until this point in time. Since we are on the subject of telling the truth Hillary Clinton made a statement that Donald was for the Libyan war/occupation. I read the book that he wrote shortly after this debacle and he was anything but hawkish for this campaign. He was right on the money about what a disaster it was. The United States received nothing out of it, no oil just more debt. That is Donald Trumps main focus in regard to all of these middle east destabilization war plan scenarios. In other words its great for the establishment because their special interest stock prices go up however it is at the expense of the American people. I was told to write a non bias blog so I am doing the best I can but I need to be able to state what I perceive to be the truth as well. Hillary looks healthy and appears to have all of her mental faculties contrary to reports that her head wasn't in the game so to speak in regard to health concerns. She is a professional politician and did quite well in this debate. Donald Trump was right about this country being a Banana Republic. Our airports say it all, what an embarrassment. 20 trillion in debt and still counting and there appears to be no end in sight. The question about how to handle homegrown terrorism was handled well by both candidates. NAFTA was not a good move for this country so how can anybody realistically attempt to defend it? Donald receives many solid points in reference to how We The People should make money by intervening in various countries. Otherwise why are we there playing world police? If we could invade sovereign countries and have our National debt go down not up doesn't that make a lot more sense? In other words if you want our protection then you have to pay us, so even though this is an extortionist mobster tactic  it far surpasses our countries current business model of going even more broke while only the select few fat cat bankers get rich. The problem now is that these cia destabilization operations don't help either country. The military industrial complex guarantees the bankers more contracts while countries like Libya fall into even more chaos. Donald Trump wants to eliminate the special interest war mongers, he wants to decrease the debt and maybe do some profit sharing for the little guy. How much did these Middle East campaigns run up our tab 6 trillion? How did that help us stateside? I am not being bias, I just know that Hillary Clinton is all about protecting the special interest wall street bankers, the select few elite and Donald Trump is not. He is a Nationalist and main street media knows this, that is why so much money is being spent with anti Donald commercials. It doesn't take an astro physics degree to see how out of context and ridiculous every one of these commercials are. It really makes sense to have other countries pay us while we rebuild their war torn dilapidated infrastructures.  Only Donald Trump can negotiate these kind of deals because he has built great structures already. He doesn't need the money but he cares deeply  about our future. World leaders will listen to him because he commands this kind of respect. We need to eliminate the cia chaos and destabilization campaigns that only sink our economy and run up the national debt. We can have a rebuild Iraq Afghanistan and Libya deal where they pay off our national debt while  creating more jobs, not only overseas but definitely at home as well. That should be our number one priority.   

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