Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Wise Post By A Memory Hole Reader

The best scams are those in which the victims do not know they were fleeced or had. The sympathy scam is at the very top of the list of “best scams” because by its very nature, the normal human defenses against it are virtually shut down because attention is diverted from natural questions about the validity of the claims to sympathy for the alleged victims. This is exactly what happened in this Sandy Hook Hoax and exactly why it was chosen for this purpose. Then, to add insult to injury, if one does ask any rude questions, the perpetrators turn the tables around to make the questioner appear guilty for not blindly accepting their claims at face value without any questions! Suppose these con artists sought to do this with real crime scene investigators? They would be immediately charged with the crime of interfering with a crime scene investigation and jailed. But in this case the investigators themselves have become part of the con itself and the only parties left of ask any rude questions are the lowly victims who were had in the first place! From the criminals point of view it is indeed a magnificent con. All the real evidence which could prove the con has been kept hidden by the full military force and power of government. This is tyranny at its best or worst depending on which side you are on. This is the result of failure to have controls in place for lowly citizens to bring charges against corrupt government officials and have them adjudicated in different courts than those controlled by government. When a very intelligent and courageous citizen like Ms. Crowley or Mr. Shanley comes along then they isolate them and easily make them look bad because most people do not have the guts to go against the crowd and join them in the fight against tyranny. I never in my lifetime thought this country would reach this low in the bottom of the cesspool of our government today. “When the government becomes the lawbreaker it breeds contempt for the law.” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. In our system basically the only peaceful way to resolve such massive problems is the ballot box. Obviously this is far too slow and ineffective. The perpetrators of this con obviously realize this and know they have the upper hand against the mass of citizens when they can corrupt a whole government with virtual impunity. The silence of so many participants is a shameful cowardly disgrace to this once great nation, not to mention the deafening silence of the many thousands of expert crime scene investigators across this land who obviously see and realize this whole charade was a massive ruse to fool a gullible public. In fact all the rigid rules of crime scene investigations were designed to prevent exactly the hoax of Sandy Hook in the first place; but of course none of them were followed.https://memoryholeblog.com/2016/09/01/one-truman-show-of-a-town/#more-33929 Winfield Abbe 9-1-16

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