Saturday, September 10, 2016

Phony Wars And Hypocrisy

15/06/18/jeffrey-sterling-took-on-the-cia-and-lost-everything had an article describing how this cia whistleblower may not be in good shape in prison. This man was given a raw deal, instead of helping him out as our Commander in Chief because he was possibly a victim of racism and offered protection under the Whistleblower Protection Act our Potus decided to prosecute him under the Espionage Act. What a hypocrite our Potus is, he wasn't even born here. Jeffrey Sterling was given a bogus cover while working for the cia, he was jerked around and treated as second best. How are you supposed to infiltrate certain circles as some Army logistics officer how bogus can you get? Instead of supporting whistle blowers our Potus has prosecuted more people under the Espionage Act than any Potus combined. This makes Obummer even worse then W. What happened to the most transparent administration ever? The cia has perfect cover for any lawsuit, they cant risk the possibility of classified state secrets getting out so they are basically untouchable as we all know. Our media are a bunch of jingoistic clowns. How many times have they used a candidates support of the Iraq war against them? Whoever uses this ridiculous position I would like to know what their position on the Iraq war was? Everybody supported the Iraq war because we were all fed a bunch of bull shit, one lie after the other. We all know that Hillary is a war monger that knew about the war way in advance but realistically we cant hold that against her. Look at what the propaganda machine did to us. WMDs, Sadam Hussein axis of evil, fingerprints on 9-11 and every other sorry excuse they came up with. They even had Col Powell selling out to the higher ups telling us that Iraq unequivocally had WMDs and that Enhanced Interrogation Techniques better known as torture was safe and effective. Seriously with the level of prevarication sold to the American people via the main stream media post 9-11 who wouldn't be for the Iraq war? How are these so called journalists using this against our candidates that is how ridiculous our system has become. I am still trying to figure out what the actual war strategy was for Iraq? Basically it was treat everybody as a terrorist and round them up for Gitmo type environments are you serious? Our country is pretty much a joke. Now their is no money left because the war mongers stole it all to perpetuate their faux (GWOT Global War On Terror) and I cant even find a job washing dishes. How many of  our American soldiers and contractors died post 9-11? I cant wait until our warriors  unleash the dogs of war on these bureaucrats and neo cons who started these phony wars.  

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