Friday, September 30, 2016

This Guy Is A Lowlife What an uneducated moron this guy is. He wants to kill his own people just because they may be drug addicts. How about repudiating all contact with totalitarian idiots like this so called leader. This type of archaic stone age mind set has led to the deaths of millions of innocent people over the years. I am grateful for living in the US because I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic and as far as I know nobody ever wanted to take me out. The biggest problem we have in this country right now is how big pharma has dug their claws into the recovery industry. Too many addicts are on meds, it appears to be manufactured. The insurance companies need to hook up with holistic measures, even big pharma for hormone replacement or enhancement. These treatment facilities are doing a lot of good things with MBS (mind, body spirit programs) which include, Thai Chi, Acupuncture, CBT and DBT, Yoga, exercise, chiropractic care, one on one talk therapy as well as group therapy. They are doing a lot of things right except for heavy psychiatry. Actually the psychiatrists have very limited contact with the clients but these clients are still  ending up being prescribed massive amounts of big pharma drugs. I am talking about patients that wait in the med line for up to 5 minutes due to the multiple pills that they are on. These are drug cocktails that would dose out an elephant. These doctors are coming up with a 60% comorbidity rate/ dual diagnosis that are off the chart. How is it that within the past 50 years there has been a massive increase in mental illness diagnosis? How is it that these doctors have limited time spent with the client but are still ending up prescribing clients  with major league drug cocktails? Are they really in it for the right reasons? You cant get a realistic diagnosis until you are off all meds but how are you supposed to ever get one if you are always on them? Kelly Brogan had an article Zoloft The Smoking Gun. This man never had depression and then committed suicide shortly after starting on this medication. It was prescribed off label for insomnia. If he never had depression then why was he prescribed this drug? She has countless examples of the horrific withdrawal symptoms for so called innocuous anti depressants like Zoloft, Prozac Paxil, etc. Most symptoms are due to epi genetic (environmental) circumstances in ones life not a biological chemical imbalance or mental illness. This means a therapist needs to  go after the route of the issue with real psychotherapy and not prescribe people drugs in an attempt to just mitigate the symptoms. This can and will make people worse over the long run unless it is for a very short period of time. Heroin addicts should start on  Ibogaine first and foremost and then Amino Acid Therapy not more opiates for a maintenance program. Why aren't they pushing Ibogaine? Because big pharma cant get a patent on it and its a one shot deal not an ongoing profit center. It doesn't matter that young adults are overdosing at levels that have never been seen before anywhere at any time. So let me ask this who are the real criminals? The recidivism rates at these treatment centers and sober homes would drastically decrease when all of the withdrawal symptoms get eradicated immediately. Ibogaine appears to rewire the brain and boasts (up to 90% effective for withdrawal symptoms.) Its not a cure this is why drug addicts would also need an ongoing recovery program to learn how and why they sought out dope to begin with. Besides the fact that this modern day heroin is so extremely addictive there are other issues that need to be addressed one day at a time.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Presidential Debate

The debate was fair and balanced except in the very beginning because MSNBC made it quite obvious how partisan they were by mentioning how mendacious Donald Trump has allegedly been up until this point in time. Since we are on the subject of telling the truth Hillary Clinton made a statement that Donald was for the Libyan war/occupation. I read the book that he wrote shortly after this debacle and he was anything but hawkish for this campaign. He was right on the money about what a disaster it was. The United States received nothing out of it, no oil just more debt. That is Donald Trumps main focus in regard to all of these middle east destabilization war plan scenarios. In other words its great for the establishment because their special interest stock prices go up however it is at the expense of the American people. I was told to write a non bias blog so I am doing the best I can but I need to be able to state what I perceive to be the truth as well. Hillary looks healthy and appears to have all of her mental faculties contrary to reports that her head wasn't in the game so to speak in regard to health concerns. She is a professional politician and did quite well in this debate. Donald Trump was right about this country being a Banana Republic. Our airports say it all, what an embarrassment. 20 trillion in debt and still counting and there appears to be no end in sight. The question about how to handle homegrown terrorism was handled well by both candidates. NAFTA was not a good move for this country so how can anybody realistically attempt to defend it? Donald receives many solid points in reference to how We The People should make money by intervening in various countries. Otherwise why are we there playing world police? If we could invade sovereign countries and have our National debt go down not up doesn't that make a lot more sense? In other words if you want our protection then you have to pay us, so even though this is an extortionist mobster tactic  it far surpasses our countries current business model of going even more broke while only the select few fat cat bankers get rich. The problem now is that these cia destabilization operations don't help either country. The military industrial complex guarantees the bankers more contracts while countries like Libya fall into even more chaos. Donald Trump wants to eliminate the special interest war mongers, he wants to decrease the debt and maybe do some profit sharing for the little guy. How much did these Middle East campaigns run up our tab 6 trillion? How did that help us stateside? I am not being bias, I just know that Hillary Clinton is all about protecting the special interest wall street bankers, the select few elite and Donald Trump is not. He is a Nationalist and main street media knows this, that is why so much money is being spent with anti Donald commercials. It doesn't take an astro physics degree to see how out of context and ridiculous every one of these commercials are. It really makes sense to have other countries pay us while we rebuild their war torn dilapidated infrastructures.  Only Donald Trump can negotiate these kind of deals because he has built great structures already. He doesn't need the money but he cares deeply  about our future. World leaders will listen to him because he commands this kind of respect. We need to eliminate the cia chaos and destabilization campaigns that only sink our economy and run up the national debt. We can have a rebuild Iraq Afghanistan and Libya deal where they pay off our national debt while  creating more jobs, not only overseas but definitely at home as well. That should be our number one priority.   

Beyond Scared Straight

I was wondering how being harsh mean and abusive is going to help young adults develop healthier behavior patterns? For starters is there empirical evidence to back this archaic method? Most of these kids act out because they have already been exposed to some form of neglect or abuse at home so how is abusing them even more or acting draconian going to help them? Inquiring people want to know? It appears to me to be stone age tactics. This type of treatment may exacerbate ptsd and actually increase maladaptive behavior. The criminal justice system has already been proven to be a miserable failure on every level. The only people that it works for are the bankers who own their stock and actually get richer when the recidivism rates at these facilities increase. These kids need therapy and counseling not reality tv stage show loud voices yelling at them. I know that the idea is to prevent the kids from going to jail to begin with however I have serious doubts about its overall effectiveness.

Friday, September 23, 2016

The Power Of Now

When Egos come together bad things happen sooner or later, drama of one kind or another in the form of conflict, problems, power struggles violence. This includes all collective evils in the world, war genocide, exploitation- All due to massed unconsciousness. The basic ego patterns are designed to combat its deep seated fear and sense of lack. They are resistance, control, power greed, defense attack.. Some of the egos strategies are extremely clever, yet they never truly solve any of its problems, simply because the ego itself is the problem- Eckhart Tolle- 1997

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Donald Trump Drops Truth Bomb The round earthers definitely have an agenda. My question is why isn't there more backlash from the masses? I was never much into learning scientifically about the cosmos, it was all a bit too esoteric for me however it all makes sense to me now. It always seemed a bit too fake as well. The secret societies knew the earth was a plane all along, they all get great satisfaction in the deception. Its all a hoax, everything. The cia Free Masons love to mock and derive great pleasure from it all. Its quite disturbing but after reading the book The Power Of Now I have learned not to take things too personally. Its all about enlightenment however one must delve deep into the agenda. The cia Illuminati hoaxers don't want us to know that the earth really is the center of the universe. Or maybe they do that's why the intel is being leaked by people like Eric Dubay. Either way this is the greatest deception of all backed by many years of pseudo science. It is just more Divide And Conquer Tactics. They love it when people argue incessantly and when families get broken up irrevocably. This only means that their Lucifarian agenda really is working like a charm. Its all about creative intelligent design vs evolution. If we are the most creative of all intelligent designs this means that people really are significant. We are not insignificant specks of dust inside a big black hole of planets, exoplanets and galaxies way far away. If anybody wants the meaning of True Enlightenment then the only thing they have to do is read on (The Modern Gnostic- The Occult Roots Of Nasa And The Ongoing Fraud Parts 1-3.) This is fraud on a massive level. This is easily billions and billions of dollars worth of deception over the years that got quite pervasive with the launch of Nasa in the late 1950s.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Stand Downs And Protecting Lives Donald Trump dismisses cartoon physics by stating that explosives took the towers down. The best is when people take a look at Building Sevens official story about how debris fell from the towers onto it causing its implosion or mini fires that were burning all day that caused its controlled demolition. Then you have Silverstein telling the world that he made a decision to "pull it." The official story is a cartoon considering there was a multi billion dollar insurance policy taken out right before the asbestos filled towers came crumbling down. How much more obvious did they make it? I watched 13 Hours yesterday, that was a great movie. Those cia Global Response Team operators were heroic to say the least. In the beginning they all made the comment that there wasn't enough security personnel to protect the Ambassador. Ambassador Stevens  knew that he was a target going in, that is why he made a request for increased security. Stand Downs by Hillary, Clinton Cash wow what great leadership we have running for President of the United States. They kicked bw out of Iraq for no legitimate reason in my opinion because I really don't think that the  Nisour square ambush was unprovoked. Not only that Eric Prince wanted to have cameras in his convoys to make sure his operators were doing things right and the bureaucrats refused. He wanted low profile all the way but they also disrespected him with that request as well. If his operators were protecting Ambassador Stevens there would have been a lot more dead bad guys and the Ambassador would still be alive today. The arrogant cia bureaucrat in the beginning that was making pejorative comments to the operator about how his guys had to make sure that they didn't rub elbows with his Ivy League Farm types ended up taking orders from the true leaders toward the end. How come the true leaders aren't the ones in charge to begin with that is what I want to know?  When it comes to saving lives and getting things done the right way make sure nobody ever listens to a holier then thou supercilious know it all like the one depicted in the movie. The operators are what our country is all about. Courage and character and the willingness to go to any length to save and protect lives. It was an honor to watch the movie.  

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Bill Oreillys Spin Zone

"The events leading up to the most notorious crime of the 20 century are almost as shocking as the assassination itself."That is on the cover of Oreillys book Killing Kennedy. If you are going to call yourself an authority on something or a self proclaimed historian then at least be right, especially if you are making millions of dollars as an author and commentator. I tried to give Oreilly the benefit of the doubt while watching him on Kelly Rippa talking about his new WW2 book about the Marines in the Pacific but I cant do this in good conscience. If he completely dropped the ball on JFKs assassination then how do we know that he is right on the money about Truman, Roosevelt and the nukes? It takes guts to stand up against the establishment, Oreilly prides himself on being a Patriot but is he really? The only thing he had to do was not write the book Killing Kennedy and then I would respect him but he refused to do this. He more then likely sold out for the money which makes this even worse. The end of Camelot? He should have received a lot of blowback for that book but I am sure that he didn't. I don't claim to have all the facts but I do the best I can with the info that is presented from sources that I trust. At least I know that I am a lot more accurate then Oreillys sell out book Killing Kennedy. It appears that the average American doesn't seem to dig on their own much less write about it so at least The spin zone character is giving us all somewhat of a history lesson. If you aren't accurate on something as big as JFKs assassination then how can we expect to trust him on anything else? The only thing Oreilly had to do was write a book that didn't claim to be 100% accurate or just not write the book at all. There are many solid sources he could have used Jim Fetzer comes to mind. Its all a joke how just because something isn't talked about in main stream media or establishment sell out books like Killing Kennedy then this makes one a conspiracy theorist. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sandy Hook Fraud Alex Jones Wolfgang Halbig is calling you out. Even the New York Times Magazine is bringing attention to the Sandy Hook Hoax. Wolf is calling out Jones for ignoring the hoax as of late and even makes an inference that Jones may be cointelpro. Jones has been back on my good guy list but there are still a few unanswered questions about Jones. Glen Canady and Stew Webb basically have it narrowed down to at least three solid issues. The first is how he referred to Ted Gunderson a known FBI cointelpro operative as a solid patriot? Canady keeps bringing attention to the gun rally in Texas a few years back where Jones acted very strange and could only be realistically described as a cointelpro distraction. Now many solid patriots are calling Jones out for not having Wolfgang back on his show. Nobody is perfect and I respect Jones, he is going all out to support Donald Trump and for that alone he deserves multiple stars. However solid warriors like Stew Webb, Glen Canady and Wolfgang have some very solid points. In other words if you continually state that you are in it to win it and that the gloves are off, the whole truth and nothing else but then demonstrate inconsistencies that don't seem to back your position then this definitely raises some red flags. Truth Warriors take pride in going all the way. I have never seen anybody as courageous as Stew Webb in the alternative media so when he makes statements then people should listen. Wolfgang has proven himself to be a great investigator with a lot of courage as well. He has been back and fourth to Newtown at least 20 times what has anybody else done? He launched a real world investigation with FOIA requests for starters that have been basically ignored but Jones no longer wants to have Wolf on his show? Inquiring people want to know why? Also Wolfgang is calling out Hillary Clinton for referring to Jones instead of him in reference to somebody that doesn't feel that kids really died in The Sandy Hook hoax. There you have it somebody that is running for President of the United States that cant even sit down and watch the We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook video. They can also read Jim Fetzers book Nobody died at Sandy Hook that was banned from Amazon. If somebody cant come up with the realistic conclusion after watching this video or reading this book that Wolfgang is on the right track with his investigation then this means that they are either brain dead or more then likely in on the crime and cover up themselves. Its all about divide and conquer, the cia mobsters specialize in this. These mobsters threatened Wolf and basically forced him to take down his website Sandy Hook Justice Report or else his family would get harmed. Wolfgang took his site down but that doesn't mean he is backing down. He wants to take these cia mobsters to Federal Court. He could use a few heavy hitter pitbull attorneys. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

More Potent Then Fentanyl There is something seriously wrong with the world at the current moment. These dealers are selling dope with Carfentanil in it and it is killing even more people. There is a heroin pandemic going on and unscrupulous sober home operators haven't been arrested yet. Front Page of the Palm Beach Post this past Sun, its been two years and no indictments. The problem is that some of these shady operators are in bed with the same people bringing the dope in. If you are going to be in the business of saving lives if greed is the only motive you will never last long term. Make your money today and tomorrow but there is no way people are going to let this insurance fraud go on interminably. Why did the State Bureau of Insurance fraud get rid of Bill Griffin the man who uncovered a massive fraud operation? I don't have a problem with lab tests perse but not to be used exclusively as a pure profit center where the clients welfare doesn't come first. I don't have a problem with sober homes having their client attend an IOP in exchange for free rent. That is a good business model. I came out of rehab and I was on the street, I actually looked forward to structure and a MBS based CBT DBT PHP to go to every day because I was scared. I was scared of going back to active addiction and was willing to go to any length to get sober. The combination of AA and IOP is almost bullet proof. The industry has a lot of good in it, however the insurance fraud scam artists need to be eliminated. There was a former Federal Agent talking about Synthetic Marijuana in Sober World and how these proceeds may be getting into the hands of terrorists. Why isn't anybody talking about the serious heroin problem? There is some bad karma going on with the overall treatment plan for many addicts. For starters there aren't enough decent jobs addicts can get, why do you think they all congregate at Starbucks in Delray? These sober homes are letting them loose to find a job only to hang out and get high because that is what happens when addicts associate with each other in such close proximity? One guy can literally take 5 down with him, that is how powerful this disease of addiction is. I want to start a life work skills workshop where addicts can be guaranteed good jobs not telemarketing scam Leonardo Dicaprio Wolf of Wall Street Operations. The greedy sober home frauds are setting up their clients for failure almost guaranteeing them a return trip to their sober home, that is if they don't make it to the morgue first. What ever they are doing isn't working so why don't they try something else? Maybe Ibogaine and try to line them up with jobs they can be proud of. Low Self Esteem is part of the illness so why are my only able to find telemarketing scams and high turn over busser positions?  The clients needs should come first, that means stop making believe you really care when in reality the only thing you  want to do is send their pee to the lab 3 times a week. Addicts are much smarter then some of these people give them credit for. They know who is a scam instinctively so in time these fraudsters will be weeded out. In the interim people selling dope that is killing people and leading to massive amounts of ods should be charged with  murder, that would send a message.     

Phony Wars And Hypocrisy

15/06/18/jeffrey-sterling-took-on-the-cia-and-lost-everything had an article describing how this cia whistleblower may not be in good shape in prison. This man was given a raw deal, instead of helping him out as our Commander in Chief because he was possibly a victim of racism and offered protection under the Whistleblower Protection Act our Potus decided to prosecute him under the Espionage Act. What a hypocrite our Potus is, he wasn't even born here. Jeffrey Sterling was given a bogus cover while working for the cia, he was jerked around and treated as second best. How are you supposed to infiltrate certain circles as some Army logistics officer how bogus can you get? Instead of supporting whistle blowers our Potus has prosecuted more people under the Espionage Act than any Potus combined. This makes Obummer even worse then W. What happened to the most transparent administration ever? The cia has perfect cover for any lawsuit, they cant risk the possibility of classified state secrets getting out so they are basically untouchable as we all know. Our media are a bunch of jingoistic clowns. How many times have they used a candidates support of the Iraq war against them? Whoever uses this ridiculous position I would like to know what their position on the Iraq war was? Everybody supported the Iraq war because we were all fed a bunch of bull shit, one lie after the other. We all know that Hillary is a war monger that knew about the war way in advance but realistically we cant hold that against her. Look at what the propaganda machine did to us. WMDs, Sadam Hussein axis of evil, fingerprints on 9-11 and every other sorry excuse they came up with. They even had Col Powell selling out to the higher ups telling us that Iraq unequivocally had WMDs and that Enhanced Interrogation Techniques better known as torture was safe and effective. Seriously with the level of prevarication sold to the American people via the main stream media post 9-11 who wouldn't be for the Iraq war? How are these so called journalists using this against our candidates that is how ridiculous our system has become. I am still trying to figure out what the actual war strategy was for Iraq? Basically it was treat everybody as a terrorist and round them up for Gitmo type environments are you serious? Our country is pretty much a joke. Now their is no money left because the war mongers stole it all to perpetuate their faux (GWOT Global War On Terror) and I cant even find a job washing dishes. How many of  our American soldiers and contractors died post 9-11? I cant wait until our warriors  unleash the dogs of war on these bureaucrats and neo cons who started these phony wars.  

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Queen Of Mean Donald Trump is a realist that knows that the fed is more or less a scam. Print more money and increase the debt that is how the establishment has solved economy issues over the years. It is an illegal off shore criminal cartel and was never supposed to have been hijacked in 1913. There have been so many conspiracies that I cant even write about them anymore because it gets old after a while. The one thing I know for certain is that Hillary is a witch just like the Queen of Mean Leona Helmsley. I was at the Queen of Means house when I was a kid, I can verify that she is a witch because I saw her in action. Contempt for the "little people" just like Hillary. The rules don't apply to these self appointed draconian witches, this has been a consistent theme over the years. We really want somebody like that as our Potus? How many insiders like the Secret Service source who wrote the book said this about Hillary? Temper rages just like the Queen of Mean. They both kind of look alike don't they? Donald Trump respects the working man and is not a wall street elitist by any means. He has treated everybody with respect over the years and has always been fair but tough. The best way to judge somebody's  character is to see how they treat other people especially when they don't think anybody is looking. What have reliable sources stated about Hillary over the years? She is probably worse then the Queen of Mean. Trump is a fan of man and has been criticizing the establishment types for years.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vaccine Intel

Robber Barons And Gods Work

The Illuminati Robber Barons are at it again this time with student loan debt. The hedge fund vultures, private equity firms and venture capitalists do what ever it takes to make a dollar. I read an article in Consumer Reports about student loan debt and it was quite informative. Basically people are being punished for trying to better their lives, this is also a way to thin out the herd. A nurse talked about how she has to pay over $1,000 per month for her loan. The interest on these loans are uncompromising and extremely greedy to say the least. This nurse is 32 and stated that she plans on never having a family because of her egregious student loan debt. Although she makes a decent living it is still too much to pay with everything else considered. There you have it people that are supposed to procreate and who make great wives cant but everybody else can procreate like flies and be encouraged to do so  by Obummer Care and his stand downs at the border. I cant even get a job hauling garbage and people that do gods work will never realistically be able to get married, have a family and  pay off their student loan debt. This is a business, a ruthless one at that. The student loan business is so lucrative for these robber barons expect to see no end in sight. This is wall street meet main street and take advantage of the masses, the ones who don't mean that much to them. Nurses do gods work, I volunteer at the hospital nurses see life and death every day and do a lot of the extra work for the doctors. They are the exact opposite of the BPD Annete Benning types in American Beauty. When people are exposed to the real world of life and death and everything that goes along with it they tend to be humble and to not sweat the small stuff. So why are these people being punished for saving lives and making the world a better place? Its because of the greedy robber barons on wall street that will never pass on any lucrative business opportunity. When there is blood on the streets this is even better for them. In the current system that we have there is virtually no realistic way to get ahead, the system is completely rigged. There are some good Feds out there however. I just read about 16  people getting arrested for a 175 million dollar insurance prescription cream scam. Scott Rothsteins former bodyguard was one of the people arrested. Apparently he was being used as an enforcer during Rothsteins reign of terror. This was South Fla kingpin fraud guy acting as a lawyer with a huge law firm a few years back. This time the former bodyguard was allegedly making comments that if he goes down he is going to pump some lead and really intimidate the feds that come to arrest him. Are you kidding me the arrogance of this thug. If you are involved in a scam at least be humble enough to take the hit like a man not a coward. Impeding a Federal Investigation and Endeavoring to Influence are one of his charges. There are a lot of good feds out there that risk their lives every day going after real bad guys.       

A Wise Post By A Memory Hole Reader

The best scams are those in which the victims do not know they were fleeced or had. The sympathy scam is at the very top of the list of “best scams” because by its very nature, the normal human defenses against it are virtually shut down because attention is diverted from natural questions about the validity of the claims to sympathy for the alleged victims. This is exactly what happened in this Sandy Hook Hoax and exactly why it was chosen for this purpose. Then, to add insult to injury, if one does ask any rude questions, the perpetrators turn the tables around to make the questioner appear guilty for not blindly accepting their claims at face value without any questions! Suppose these con artists sought to do this with real crime scene investigators? They would be immediately charged with the crime of interfering with a crime scene investigation and jailed. But in this case the investigators themselves have become part of the con itself and the only parties left of ask any rude questions are the lowly victims who were had in the first place! From the criminals point of view it is indeed a magnificent con. All the real evidence which could prove the con has been kept hidden by the full military force and power of government. This is tyranny at its best or worst depending on which side you are on. This is the result of failure to have controls in place for lowly citizens to bring charges against corrupt government officials and have them adjudicated in different courts than those controlled by government. When a very intelligent and courageous citizen like Ms. Crowley or Mr. Shanley comes along then they isolate them and easily make them look bad because most people do not have the guts to go against the crowd and join them in the fight against tyranny. I never in my lifetime thought this country would reach this low in the bottom of the cesspool of our government today. “When the government becomes the lawbreaker it breeds contempt for the law.” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. In our system basically the only peaceful way to resolve such massive problems is the ballot box. Obviously this is far too slow and ineffective. The perpetrators of this con obviously realize this and know they have the upper hand against the mass of citizens when they can corrupt a whole government with virtual impunity. The silence of so many participants is a shameful cowardly disgrace to this once great nation, not to mention the deafening silence of the many thousands of expert crime scene investigators across this land who obviously see and realize this whole charade was a massive ruse to fool a gullible public. In fact all the rigid rules of crime scene investigations were designed to prevent exactly the hoax of Sandy Hook in the first place; but of course none of them were followed. Winfield Abbe 9-1-16