Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Happened On 9-11?

9-11 shook me to my very core as it did most Americans.What happened on that day is my theory based on countless hours of research and evidence. I believe the jets were given alot of help to hit the Towers possibly by remote control because it may have been difficult for those patsies to become so proficient in such a short period of time It is highly plausible that the jets were drones and there really wasn't anybody in them at all because without question there was alot of subterfuge and pre-planning for the biggest event of the 21 century thus far.. There was also a NORAD drill on that very same day which has been the signature of all of the false flag events that have transpired before and after 9-11.It looks like the Towers were rigged with Thermite combined w/ Sulfer incendiary devices to give maximum impact to actually help take the towers down and make it a much easier process. Evidence shows the way the Towers were burning up to 4500 deg made events transpire in an expeditious fashion however there is also evidence that vans may have planted the devices before 9-11 as well just like Oklahoma City in 95. Flight 93 Shanksville PA was shot down more then likely by a National Guard F-16 because it came down in 3 pieces scattered up to 6 miles away.Mark Bingham may have in fact been trying to take over along with some other heroes on that day but the F-16 more then likely took the plane out first.There was alot of confusion going on that morning because that is what was intended.There is credible evidence to suggest that it is also highly plausible that the plane taken out by the F16 wasn't flight 93 at all and the real jets all landed safely in Cleveland  (flights11,175,77and 93) There is no credible evidence to support that the Pentagon was ever hit by anything except a 20 ft supersonic cruise missile and this may have been launched out of col. This also makes sense because since Rumsfeld was on the ground helping people w/ great photo ops looking like a real hero they wouldn't have kept him there with a real jet that would have been much too risky.There was about as much evidence that a jet hit the Pentagon in the following days as there was that a whacked out Adam Lanza went postal on little school children in Newtown. Then there is Building 7 next to the towers. BBC knew that was going down 8 hours after the Towers were hit because the reporter stated that it was down when it was still clearly visible in the background. It was unequivocally a controlled demolition the big question is why? I have no idea except it wasn't  just a brokerage house. Solomon Smith Barney occupied 64% of the building however it was also part Spook House w/ multiple alphabet agencies that worked there.Maybe they wanted to destroy intel? Other then that the only thing that is known for sure is that building 7 went down with a controlled demolition not because of a weakened pillar and a few mini fires.  

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