Friday, January 24, 2014

Born For Love Of God And Country

I was born for love of god and country my only goal in life was to be an Officer in the Corps Fbi Agent Secret Service Agent or a Seal that would have been great.I was attritioned out of OCS and never heard back from the Fbi and Capt Bisset Seal Program didn't come to town until years later.I helped Capt Bisset as a spotter when I applied to the Naval Officer reserve intel program when he was recruiting and doing fitness tests at the coast guard academy.I was very upset that I missed out on his program because he has a train up back door program which actually gives buds candidates an 80% success rate compared to 80% attrition which is truly amazing.If his recruiting program was around when I was younger I would have given that a real shot as opposed to ocs usmc and I know for certain I would have learned to start swimming like a fish since I am miserable in the water. Lt Michael Murphy from the Lone Survivor was a student of his and he ended up getting the Congressional Medal of Honor Posthumously. We have many brave warriors from Greenwich my friend from high school broke the pull up record at Paris Island and became a Scout Sniper shortly thereafter.We raised alot of money for the wounded warriors for a benefit at my fathers home that were ruined for life due to a phony hoax war on terror and these warriors are all wondering why the FBI and DHS considers them the bad guys now?.I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself unless I gave Capt Bissets hell week simulation a shot and that is what I did in my late 30s.I knew I was going into a very bad situation because I was in my late 30s and I was surrounded by some real world men that already had buds contracts so I pretty much expected the worst.Don Man the famous Seal team 6 instructor was there to start us all out w/ breakout so it definitely went downhill after this because I don't remember much except blacking out and choking out in the water because I actually went in injured but I knew I would never get a chance to experience that type of warrior elite training ever again from a real frogman legend.I don't remember the next couple of days because I was completely dazed out but I walked away with no regrets at all and this made me a much happier person.The seals came to town every year at Havamyer Field and they buzzed in w/ their Black hawks and training teams and did a great job for town residents.Everybody is asking alot of questions about the Extortion 17 mission because they didn't use any Blackhawks for a nasty firefight in the Tangi Valley instead they used an obsolete Chinook piece of garbage that is used for pick up and transport only. Many questions are being asked about alot of things because seals actually live here especially about the phony hoax war on terror where the Fbi created the joint terrorist task force after 9-11 and created a humongous Top Secret American nsa spy grid for a phony hoax war that never even existed what was that all about? So as I was doing all of my advance work and bomb sweeps for bad guy bogeymen myths this put alot of pressure on our teams because the real bad guys were the ones that were blowing up bridges and making enemies on wall street.We did our job however because Tom Ridge and his color codes had us very concerned at all times and Bernie Kerik was always coming out with legit chatter intel that the next bad situation was definitely around the corner.So the FBI jttf had all of the precious funds for a phony hoax war on terror that never even existed so they definitely didn't have enough good guys on the ground that would be able to infiltrate wall street leaving everything up to the stressed out sec and Justice Dept. While everything exploded in the dust bowl that almost was because the feds had all their cash being diverted to a phony hoax war and a humongous draconian nsa spy grid being used to dig up dirt on honest Americans and the head shed wall street executives ruined lives and sent everybody running for cover while they got out of dodge with their 100 million dollar golden parachutes successfully annihilating the capitalist system of being rewarded for success. The fbi locked up some small fry poor loan originators but to this day no executives ever had cuffs put on them which is the only real way to send a message what is wrong with this picture? A few small civil suits that in aggregate is a pittance compared to the fraud numbers that have no effect on the executives lives whatsoever is not really the good guy system I always wanted to be a part of because I really believed in it  I was born for love of god and country. A Greenwich warrior had a bad experience with the Teams that is why everybody knows that strings are being pulled from way up above. Remember how I explained that Gen Mattis had a devil dog no better friend no worse enemy intel gathering program for Fallujuh? His train up was quite intensive but then the 4 bw guys were ambushed which was eerily reminiscent of Somalia in 93.Gen Mattis is a warrior monk at the highest level he said we will absolutely not go in and blow up bridges and make enemies in Fallujuh we will just find the ones responsible for the ambush and take them all out pure and simple.Of course the brass never listens to the real leaders and they were ordered in to essentially destroy that city only to be ordered out when the devil dogs had them on the ropes which sent the warrior monk gen Mattis into a rage because he never wanted to go in that way to begin with.This is what led to Fallujuh 2 where the terrorists came in from all over the globe to wage war against the ugly Americans but the devil dogs and many others reigned supreme in arguably the most intense devil dog house to house combat the corps has ever experienced and this one will definitely go down in history books.The only problem is Gen Mattis never wanted to engage in that kind of operation to begin with and last month Fallujuh was taken over once again by the bad guy terrorists which only substantiates the Sisyphean futility of our phony hoax war on terror. I lived with some Marines that were involved in Fallujuh they were climbing over their brothers dead bodies and with out question they will never be the same ever again.This brings me back to the terrorists that ambushed the bw guys who all should have been executed long before pure and simple.The brave warrior from Greenwich tracked them down and this was a historical moment and maybe they threw a few punches on these real bad guys so what the hell does that matter Mattis wanted them dead years before.Why was this brave warrior from Greenwich threatened with court marshal and his life was nearly completely ruined for doing this seriously are you kidding me?.Why did he come out of the Teams with a general discharge instead of an honorable one this man sacrificed everything to leave college to earn his Trident badge?Bad things are definitely happening inside the Teams because the OBL mission doesn't seem to add up and it looks like they blew up their helicopter during a bull shit mission that never even existed and then took out extortion 17 3 months later just so the puppet master at the top who gets his strings pulled from way up above could get reelected.Phony fraud birth certificates bull shit missions that never existed just to get reelected and then he takes out the real heroes who were used abused and had their cover blown. They were taken advantage of and were made out to be Hollywood cool guy types while phony hoax war movies were made about that mission what is wrong with this picture? My next question is so now that no bad guys were locked up on wall street now the FBIs mission is to go after Patriots or some con job to that effect?.Why are the feds where the FBI Academy is fidelity bravery and integrity and OCS Usmc both on hollowed ground on the same base in Quanico going after their own? I always wanted to be an FBI Agent and had visions of crispy clean g-men throwbacks from the Hoover days taking down criminals for intense stateside investigations that were  robbing stealing and ruining lives.So now criminals on wall street get to rob steal and ruin lives with impunity and all of the precious funds are going to be utilized for Patriots going after Patriots what is wrong with this picture? So the brave warrior from Greenwich life gets ruined for throwing a few punches on terrorists that should have been executed long before and Snowden comes out as a whistle blower because he said the nsa is a con job spy grid and he doesn't want a Totalitarian Dictatorship and the head sheds want him executed there is something seriously wrong with this entire situation.We need to dig ourselves out of this deep dark and ugly hole otherwise we are all going to stay down here forever. .

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