Sunday, January 5, 2014

Home Land Security?

My message goes straight to the top of what used to be the Twin Towers all the way to all of the evil infiltrators on our soil playing games with our Constitution and creating stage shows of epic and pathetic proportions. Our team knows who each and every one of you are and this includes all the pathetic crisis actors that were paid off to manipulate the emotions of the American people with your High Treasonous attempt to declare Marshal Law and take away weapons on our soil from law abiding Americans.We didn't start this war be we intend to finish it, that is correct we all know what your Agenda is and to say we are upset would be an understatement. Homeland Security does not mean NATO Russian, Israeli or any other  foreign soldiers that currently reside within our borders at the present moment that have been trained with hostile intent toward the law abiding citizens of this great country because we know all about this as well. We know that the agenda since 1961 has been to completely disarm the American people under the phony guise of civil liberties and democracy when in reality it a diabolical New World Order scam to have a complete Totalitarian dictatorship.The words do not exactly fit if  I remember correctly (taking away American citizens weapons for a more peaceful world are you kidding me?) People on the inside working for the military are not too pleased with DHS recent attempted Coup of our Founding Fathers and  how these great men are being referred to in a pejorative manner.That may swindle a few gullible easily influenced green peas however we have generations of solid men and women and families that are in the majority that have served this country for many years.Moving right along into 2014 the masses are starting to wake up about the Obama Care fraud and how it was actually designed to fail right off the bat and cause rioting in the streets.They even hired a non profit firm that is being sued for fraud being used to try and implement this con game isn't that telling? Everybody that I talked to and know on a personal level are extremely indignant that their once promising insurance plan is no more because if they want to continue with any insurance what so ever their rates have tripled are you kidding me? I am not here to disparage all FEMA and DHS Agents because most are very good.3 months ago I picked one out of many highly qualified ep specialists to work a very important Executive Protection detail.His resume was very impressive as a former Gunny in the USMC. Bureaucracies are tough to get away from, not everybody associated to a certain Federal Agency has been corrupted or to be considered the enemy by any stretch, nothing is ever that simple. Many are Green Badgers that work for multiple alphabet agencies and the majority are very solid oath keepers, I know this on a very deep and personal level.The same premise holds true for most LEOs Law Enforcement Officers.Many are getting a bad rap as of late and this is completely unjustified. I know that without question these men and women do not want to go house to house to confiscate weapons like the Boston Massacre Fraud as well as Katrina that is not who they are or why they signed on to protect and to serve. Most if not all are as upset as everybody else with what has transpired as of late however when the corruption and infiltration goes all the way up to the top it is almost impossible to avoid. The Agents who are Blue Badgers have families and pensions to rely on and we all know by now whistle blowing only works if you come directly out because by going through the normal chain of command is always an exercise in futility.That is why I know in my heart and soul that good people will rise to the occasion next time around when the king makers decide to create another false flag or rig the markets to set up a Depression by Design scenario. I have faith in this country and the leaders who have been here for many years and generations before that we will all rise to take our country back because we all know what is at stake-(For with much wisdom comes much sorrow-Ecclesiastes)  .

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