Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The More Dead The Better

This is how the insane maniacs that control the world feel about us. They are all about population reduction at a massive scale and they have been trying their very best to achieve this thus far in every way shape and form. They have no Patriotism, nor honor or dignity or any favorable attributes whatsoever that have made this country great. They have alot of money and that is about it because they are so disconnected to the average American citizen it is almost mind blowing.Who are these evil doers that I keep talking about? For the most part they consist of Global elites that come from the Bilderberg Group, The Tri Lateral Council of Foreign Relations, the UN types,Al Gore global warming scams, the richest 1% of the world that not only control government they control the media, Hollywood and all major corporations for the most part. A perfect example of this is the radiation levels in Cal. right now that are killing Dolphins,Whales, Starfish etc.. that are more then likely coming from Fukashima. Those 4 reactors haven't even melted down yet, another earthquake is predicted w/in the next 5 years.God help us all when they do blow because this is only the very beginning..This hasn't even been mentioned in establishment based media because they don't care they basically want everybody dead so they can take over and expedite the New World Order fake democracy, a cashless Marshal Law based Totalitarian Regime that will make Stalin and Hitler look like saints in comparison. I am going to break this down to the very beginning. I have read Tragedy and Hope but I also studied the Prussian Von Clausewitz while taking a class at Cornell University during the First Gulf War. His Theory of War where "war was just a continuation of politics by other means" and the "fog of war" and Hegelian Dialectic principles- Problem- Reaction- Solution- and many other strategic warfare techniques .The Rothschilds were all over his way of doing things because they have been a thorn in our side since the Revolutionary War. I am more then certain they were upset they lost that war but they haven't stopped playing God ever since.The only problem was that Hitler beat them to it by boosting the morale of the down trodden populace after WW1 due to the Versailles Treaty. The Germans are very proud tough fighters "The Master Race" thus the reason they took to Hitler like wildfire after the USA and our allies hammered them with reparations after the Great War because they were humiliated.My family has been fighting the arrogant Brits for hundreds of years.We don't take well to Tyranny thus the reason for the way Sir William Wallace fought during Braveheart. We don't like getting pushed around by arrogant phonies who make believe they want to help when in reality they really are trying to take all of our weapons away and enslave us with their noble Kings and Queens and worldwide genocide programs. They don't care who they kill. Look at 9-11 the most successful executives in the country that were commuting in from Fairfield County Ct and Westchester County Ny and they were set up to get slaughtered by these maniacs.Anyway my next blog will focus on the history of the 2o century,Herbert Spencer/Darwins Evolution theory, Freud,Collectivization the Holocaust, Nukes etc..    .

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