Friday, January 3, 2014

Drone Games No Empathy The Boston Marathon False Flag with horrible crisis actors was very convenient for the King Makers. It was a Phy Op called Denial- Distraction- Deception, Obama was indited for war crimes along with many others including most of the Bush administration on that very same day. That is right war crimes by a bi partisan panel in congress so this means we have a war criminal running our country at this very moment. We didn't see this covered except in very small print in mainstream establishment based press during that time period however we did see alot of storm troopers going house to house looking for non existent bad guys, weapons and bombs,that was Marshal Law without question. That was an attempt to go after all the gun powder and up until this point in time DHS is buying up all of the ammo so the good guys cant defend themselves when the evil doers decide to go green light on us. That is correct all of gods children they are coming after us on our soil in every way shape and form one can imagine to the extent that I cant even write how bad it really is because more then likely people wouldn't believe me. Those two patsies from the Boston Marathon more then likely never saw what was coming to them. Katrina was another example of what the evildoers have in store. My guys were on the ground right away make no mistake about that long before Fema got involved 3 days later since Brownie boy did such a great job managing that quagmire according to W. There is a big difference however my guys went in to protect lives, save lives and take care of some of the looters. It was chaos, there were New Orleans PD actually raping women, that is correct with masks on some of the ones who didn't get out of dodge. I am not here to indite the New Orleans PD, I need to make this very clear. I know without question there were good ones on the ground that day. I know that a NOPD officer lost his mother because he was ordered by the feds to stand down because he had a job to do so he couldn't make it in time to save his own mom that is extremely upsetting to say the least. There will always be good guys and bad guys in every unit. Nine Lives and bw were on the ground in record time because really bad things happen very quickly when Armageddon strikes and I have talked to some of these guys directly and there was nothing as ugly as that scene and most of those guys were overseas many times over up until that point in time.There was one thing I wasn't made aware of until recently and that was that military was ordered in ie- National Guard Units from across the country and their mission was to go house to house to take weapons away even in rich areas. What is wrong with this picture? Everything is wrong with that picture moving forward that is the message I need to get across.Using a natural disaster as an excuse to take weapons away from law abiding citizens is not a very good idea, in fact it is totally illegal and is a major insult to the second amendment and to every American on our soil. When is enough enough? That is what is going to separate a good vs a bad guy moving forward.The kingmakers need any excuse in the book to initiate COG and an Executive Order to completely eliminate Posse Comitatus and immediately declare Marshal Law that is what it is all about my fellow Americans. My guys were on the ground to protect people and save lives during a very ugly situation I know that in my heart and soul not to take weapons away house to house I need to make this very clear. That doesn't mean that some off line private military firm may have that as an agenda in the future because I am almost certain some of them do. I can just state unequivocally that anybody that has anything to do with me or the men that I work with that isn't going to be on our itinerary,.I will take a polygraph on that one, better yet TBA to analyze my body language. We take our oath seriously against all enemies foreign and domestic. Protecting people, saving lives through risk mitigation and advance work that is what we do, without any unnecessary loss of life that is what we train for each and every day. .    

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