Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Revolutionary War Of 2014

Frued wrote Civilization and its Discontents in 1929. I read it in 92 and what stood out to me the most was the id ego and superego from his other writings and that essentially fear, anger,sex and aggression was our downfall. Look at all of the wars in the 20th century w/  the Nukes etc..Going back to Lord Acton Power Corrupts Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. In reality its the fear and greed mind set that dominates wall street and the quest for power that I will break down going back to 1776. George Washington our greatest president not only fought on the front lines he resisted big temptation to rule the elites on both sides however he stood up for what was right, our freedom. In 1815 at Waterloo Napoleon lost the battle but Rothschild had a spy on the ground and he came back w/ a rumor that Britain lost, this obliterated the markets, a perfect opportunity to buy everything up at pennies on the pound.When the real news came back to the home front fortunes were eventually made therefore The British empire was born. This led to worldwide domination that has been here ever since.My grandfather served in the First World War on The Western Front.The US came in at the tale end for the knock out blow in 1917 and the war machine exploded ever since.The elites were all over Herbert Spencer's Evolution, he was the real originator, Darwin just ran w/ this theory.Eugenics (Hegelian Dialectic Problem- Reaction- Solution) was promoted since Science backed the survival of the fittest mentality just like Hitler had w/ his SS troops (Nietzsches Ubermensh supermen,) the same.above human premise that the Globalist elites have in spades.However it backfired in a big way because when they all procreated by inbreeding it turned out to be an unmitigated disaster w/ all types of deformities They should have stopped there, unfortunately their plunder and pillage continued right along throughout the 20th century, the Trans Humanist Eugenic Orwellian Science Fiction based alien code w/ unlimited wealth and power.Eugenics is basically a Totalitarian pyh op that in the US has been hiding under the phony guise of civil liberties and democracy. Their real Agenda 21 is to violate the will of the people to attain power in every way imaginable. They brought the best Scientists over from Nazi Germany after WW2 to set up camp and start their mind game end game philosophy. Many of these people are really creepy Satanists, believe me when I tell you it is so disturbing I cant even write what kind of things some of these aliens are into. Depopulation on a massive scale is way up at the very top of their list.They had a Scotsman Cameron as the head of the APA blowing innocent peoples minds out when they came to him for legit help in the 50s..This sick and twisted shrink as the head shed was supposed to be a role model for all head headshrinkers in general instead he blew peoples brains out w/ massive doses of electric shock therapy which completely eliminated their memory.He then proceeded to keep them passed out for weeks on end dosing them w/ barbiturates while playing tapes of their new identity, Jason Bourne type programming.He threatened them w/ eternal hell and life long psych ward incarceration if they resisted.Jolly West was Cameron's successor,this diabolical doctor was responsible for McVeighs mind job in Oklahoma City in 95. Yes this is what we are up against my fellow Americans, sociopaths that are playing God while really acting like the Devil w/ an unlimited bank account.They are in the here and now doing their very best to take us all out w/ bio engineering (chem trails) Pychotronic warfare,(mind control) false flag pyh op stage shows of epic proportions w/ a Zionist backed cia media w/plenty of cash to pay off the pathetic crisis actors, its cultish and very creepy.Their lies and cover ups are filled w/ establishment based crony capitalist media spin laced w/ a plethora of arrogance.Johnson tried to get in the fight in the Middle East in 67 instead of focusing on the False Flag Gulf of Tonkin Vietnam war which was a boondoggle to say the least.He had a back door shadow operative false flag deal w/ Israel to hammer the USS Liberty.When they hit this mother ship they were going to blame it on Egypt as an excuse to engage and dominate the middle east w/Israel and stated (I want that god dam ship to sink to the bottom) The ship somehow survived and his con game was eventually uncovered years later.Basically we have evil war pigs running the show and our wars have had nothing to do w/ Patriotism, honor or dignity and our American way of life thus the reason every single one since WW2 has been screwed up in one way or another.They don't care how many people die on both sides, remember its all about mass depopulation, the only thing that matters to them is keeping the Frankenstein monster The Military Industrial Complex churning and centralizing wall street power into an off shore criminal cartel one world currency..Remember how Cheneys Halliburton received alot of criticism going into Iraq?I was naive and jingoistic and stood behind those Lucifarians. Halliburton is the company behind all of the Fema camps and they have plenty of coffins for American citizens that were purchased well in advance. They have tried to legitimize torture and some black units have been actually turned into killing machines.Let me explain something loud and clear, the best spec ops trained units in the world have always been counter insurgence intel gathering good guys for the most part, not outright killing machines.The Lone Survivor is a perfect example.These warriors take no joy in taking the life of another which is what led to these Seals letting the sheep herders go.Saving lives without any unnecessary loss of life is the warrior code exemplified in the Magellan Star Raid Force Recon 2010. They take great pride in this because that is who they are,.remember Land of the Free Home of the Brave? For these aliens to have turned some Americans into black site robotic killing machines substantiates how far off the sanity chart these maniac Globalists have taken this country down..Enemy Russian, Israeli etc troops on our soil dressed in US uniforms so they don't stand out as the Blue Hat Nato scum that they really are ready to take out American citizens based on a Litmus Test that they already passed well in advance.A DHS 2 billion round hollow point bullet regime and 2700 MRAPS and targets of women and children were really purchased, are you kidding me? To have ROES on American soil based on aggression w/ targets of women and children where they were told in Katrina to take out innocent law abiding Americans in their own homes if they resisted turning over their weapons.Are you serious, these aggressive ROES weren't even utilized overseas now we have secret soldiers trained to kill innocent Americans on our soil who don't turn their weapons over? I don't want to hear anybody demonizing Prince and the former bw either,that man would never stand behind any program that was meant to disarm and take out the American people. I have trained at his facility, he is a Patriot in the highest sense of the spiritual meaning. Its sickening, these mass shootings have all been false flag stage shows(Sandy Hook never happened) and the real American gun owners know this, to say they are indignant would be an understatement Since these shadow operatives cover is completely blown now these maniacs are staging mini school shootings just like the ones in Colorado and New Mex a few days ago.It doesn't matter that nobody is really dying it is High Treason sponsored by rogue factions of our government and they are going full force and stopping at nothing in their attempt to disarm this country and take weapons away from real Americans, there is something seriously wrong w/ this picture.They are all set and ready to go to set up another depression by design scenario by rigging the markets and completely eliminating the dollar as we once knew it.They are going to set up another False Flag and more then likely blame it on an American Patriot group which is now being categorized as the enemy just because we value the US Constitution and have no problem calling out phony weak cowards that have been praying on peoples weakness in a ruthless attempt to Divide And Conquer. We have had civilian puppet Presidents that get their strings pulled w/ absolutely no warrior code or empathy, they have all just been spineless yes men for the Global Elites and now we are looking at Marshall Law, COG and many other ugly scenarios unless we the people take this country back our Republic.The good news is we have alot of good guys who know their playbook and the masses are finally starting to wake up once and for all. Let us move forward with faith and a positive mindset.(The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants)Thomas Jefferson    

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