Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Train Ups The Only Way

There is a real shortage of special forces guys and I don't see that changing any time soon. In recent years there have been back door programs for students not just for seals but usmc marsoc and The Army has a sf program 18x-Ray as well.The only problem is that most young guys I ever tried to recruit never had any interest. I only approached people that had superior leadership, intelligence and great physical skills. A perfect example was a stud college lax player, this kid was breaking 6 minute miles and cranking well over 20 pull ups and swam like a fish as well.The only thing he wanted me to do was help him get in the door at a Wall Street Firm.I told him that the street is a shark tank and you can always give that a shot later on after you come out because you are going to need all of the warrior skills one can handle if you are able to get into a major brokerage house.I even tried to get one of my iron man tri friends to at least give the hell week simulation a whirl w/ me.This man had countless 26 mile marathons 112 mile bike rides and swims under his belt but he simply couldn't do any real push ups or pull ups.Its a bad situation when one has that kind of endurance and mental toughness but no real strength.Marcus Lutrull caught some heat because some critics said that the train up guy he used w/ his brother wasn't real deal sf etc..The bottom line is he made it and 80% do not.It inst a good situation for the ones that do not make it because this means that regardless of where they came from generally speaking they would be sent out or back to the fleet.This is more like jail on some ship or sub out in the middle of nowhere.A Teams guy that was getting his MBA told a whole bunch of us that morale sucks on the fleet and there is plenty of low level thug behavior and alot stealing going on.That is why train ups can be so effective.Think about it turning an 80% attrition rate into 80% success that is truly a remarkable Olympic type training program.I was 23 for ocs usmc. I was ready to run through brick walls w/ a 17:20 3 mile run 100 push ups 20 pull ups and 100 sit ups no problem and I was really hungry.The only problem was I didn't have an effective train up. I did this all on my own w/ no rotc just a pretty good pep talk from my JAG friend and my captain.If I gave Capt Bissets program a shot at 23 I may have had a chance.The reason for this is because I would have received military indoc at The Great Lakes after already been toughened up so this would have made the transition much easier. I went into ocs w/ no military indoc surrounded by Annapolis Citadel reserve devil dogs even active duty sergeants.Physically I was in the top 10% of the company however I was in way over my head because I am not Mr pick everything up on the fly. I really needed Paris Island or at least a military school behind me. Some devil dogs made it all the way through like my jag friend and friend from high school who was also on my football team. He was a great player who made it as a walk on at Penn State. I needed alot of drills and repetition there was no way I was really ready for ocs usmc. I have alot of respect for my football player and jag friend.We had the best defense in GHS history w/ a linebacker who had a full ride to Penn State.I will continue on w/ my spec forces recruiting because there are alot of lessons I learned that I can share w/ others. .  

Real Wars And Real War Movies

These are not necessarily in order as far as listing the top 10 war movies of the past 30 years- except number 1 which is definitely Saving Private Ryan 2 and 3 Eastwoods Flags Of Our Fathers And Letters To Iwo 4-Blackhawk Down 5-The Lone Survivor 6- Platoon 7- Full Metal Jacket 8- Born On The Fourth Of  July 9-Act Of Valor 10-The Kingdom- Bigelows Hurt Locker didn't make the cut and Zero Dark Thirty as well- Althoug highly entertaining Zero wasn't real because the mission never happened.The other movies listed were not all based in 100% accuracy either however most of them were. The Hurt Locker seemed legit but out of all the movies I listed the only one that were loosely based on reality was The Kingdom. Peter Berg is The real deal that is why The Lone Survivor was highly anticipated and they couldn't have picked a better guy to bring this to the big screens.This was no easy task Marcus Lutrull was on the set, everybody knew this had to be real and honor all of the men from Operation Red Wing as well as Lutrulls teammates.There was some criticism coming from different angles that maybe in his book there weren't that many Taliban but I don't really care I know that was a great book and this was an excellent movie.Mark Wahlberg did a great job as Marcus and Eric Bana earned his stripes long before in Blackhawk Down.A special forces operator told me that Banas depiction of a Delta warrior in that movie was pretty dam good. I only go w/ trusted sources and this was told to him by a real Delta Operator.Col Mckinight told us the acting in that movie was very good as well.All of the actors in The Lone Survivor were excellent.Taylor Kitsch as Lt Michael Murphy really dug deep for this role and the end result earned the seal of approval from Marcus Lutrull. Marcus has been through alot the past 10 years.He has a twin brother that was in the Teams as well. When he came back to his ranch in Texas some thugs actually had the audacity to shoot his dog. I lost a dog that I loved very much 7 months ago, it was either kicked by a horse or eaten by an alligator.It was a very bad situation to say the least. Real people die in real wars and when fake people go along w/stage shows on US soil w/ all of their crisis acting and amputees that is not a very good situation at all. I lived in the desert w/real amputee crisis actors.They were as real as it ever gets. Their job was to simulate real war scenarios w/ real soldiers, this was their last stop before another operational deployment, PSD detail or for many others just another long rotation in Iraq or Afghanistan. These crisis actors were very real because they already lost a limb in a real war and they were doing their Patriotic duty for their fellow comrades.They have all suffered immeasurably so no body had to pay them off to do their job for their fellow warriors.What more needs to be said about the pathetic state of high Treasonous affairs that has been transpiring on stateside soil?. I know for certain that the real warriors haven't forgotten anything. Between blowing up helos for bull shit missions that never even existed and taking out  Extortion 17 3 months later. Phony hoax stage shootings and Marshal Law Orders, now it looks like FEMA is all set to cart everybody away during their next false flag stage show as well..This is all criminal, Treasonous, Unconstitutional and Unconscionable.

Monday, January 27, 2014

We Need Role Models

The warrior code was instilled in me from a very early age.My former GHS football coach the legendary Mike Ornato was all about character tradition and integrity. He made it very clear that the actions of a few can make everybody look bad.This meant no kissie face in the hallway w/ your girl just do well in school and bring your game face on sat because everybody knew if you were a poser and a kissie face and if you couldn't hit and instill fear in the opponent you never would earn the respect from your teammates and that's something you could and would never be able to earn back.One of the biggest highlights of my life was lining up at the USMA the following year and actually starting as a nose tackle going up against their JV but it really was most of their varsity.I watched those boys w/ their same names and number on national tv playing in a bowl game the following year against Arizona. I was small quick and aggressive but  that was the beginning of the end for my career. I walked away w/ a sack and a fumble recovery but I pretty much needed a stretcher for my low back for the remainder of my years up until this very day. I left it all on the field but to hear that West Point is now teaching bad things about Wahington and Jefferson our founding fathers these days has been quite disturbing. I was recruited by West Point they saw the film and wanted me as a d-back but there was no way I was ever getting in to that school or any other military academy for that matter due to my math and science aptitude.This brings me to the disconnect of the general population and for many of the elite types.It seems they never knew what kind of pressure is involved when one has the warrior code which means to protect and save lives w/ out unnecessary loss of life.That capitalist Paul Craig Roberts is a perfect example.I give him some credit he translated the real scenario of the OBL mission and came to a very obvious conclusion however he is arrogant and way out of touch w/ reality and has a major disconnect. For starters he insulted the intelligence of DEVGRUs family members saying something to the effect "these families aren't that intelligent but they just knew something wasn't right".Are you kidding me those warriors are the smartest guys in the world Michael Strange was a cryptoligist thats genius level type. That is just one example of many that I can write about. I know dam well how hard it is to get into a military academy, its harder then Ivy League.Most of those Annapolis Boys all want to give buds a shot and most of these candidates don't make it either.That is the reality for 80% of all buds classes.They will never lower the standards but they do try to find ways to get them more prepared as exemplified by Capt Bissets program.The point  is the operators are the smartest guys in the room not knuckle dragging trigger pullers but most elites like Roberts don't have a clue and they never will..Marcus Lutrull explains in his book The Lone Survivor the different levels of intelligence and mental toughness one needs to eventually become a warrior at the highest level.If these guys weren't doing their real world operator missions they would more then likely be running wall street firms but they wouldn't be blowing up bridges and making enemies and robbing stealing and ruining lives and sending everybody out on the street.The seals I lived w/ were the Pat Tillman types highly intellectual and well versed on so many different levels.These are the guys that could definitely infiltrate wall street or be a high level executive protection agent. Then when bad things start to happen they will absolutely be ready to roll by keeping people very calm and having plenty of advance teams allready in place.One thing I know for certain is that real men not just special force operators but anybody who has the warrior code their instinct is to protect and they have the highest level of respect for life.Its a bad situation when cowards don't let anybody see it coming meanwhile they already ran the other way the entire time making believe they really care. Then the cowards show up later after they allready got out of dodge well in advance w/ thier fake crocodile tears and new Marshal Law Orders..What makes this even worse is not only do they not let us see it coming when we do eventually get hit these cowards actually have the audacity to blame somebody else. Newsflash people aren't that dumb anymore and that kind of behavior is anathema in the warrior code world. .  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Born For Love Of God And Country

I was born for love of god and country my only goal in life was to be an Officer in the Corps Fbi Agent Secret Service Agent or a Seal that would have been great.I was attritioned out of OCS and never heard back from the Fbi and Capt Bisset Seal Program didn't come to town until years later.I helped Capt Bisset as a spotter when I applied to the Naval Officer reserve intel program when he was recruiting and doing fitness tests at the coast guard academy.I was very upset that I missed out on his program because he has a train up back door program which actually gives buds candidates an 80% success rate compared to 80% attrition which is truly amazing.If his recruiting program was around when I was younger I would have given that a real shot as opposed to ocs usmc and I know for certain I would have learned to start swimming like a fish since I am miserable in the water. Lt Michael Murphy from the Lone Survivor was a student of his and he ended up getting the Congressional Medal of Honor Posthumously. We have many brave warriors from Greenwich my friend from high school broke the pull up record at Paris Island and became a Scout Sniper shortly thereafter.We raised alot of money for the wounded warriors for a benefit at my fathers home that were ruined for life due to a phony hoax war on terror and these warriors are all wondering why the FBI and DHS considers them the bad guys now?.I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself unless I gave Capt Bissets hell week simulation a shot and that is what I did in my late 30s.I knew I was going into a very bad situation because I was in my late 30s and I was surrounded by some real world men that already had buds contracts so I pretty much expected the worst.Don Man the famous Seal team 6 instructor was there to start us all out w/ breakout so it definitely went downhill after this because I don't remember much except blacking out and choking out in the water because I actually went in injured but I knew I would never get a chance to experience that type of warrior elite training ever again from a real frogman legend.I don't remember the next couple of days because I was completely dazed out but I walked away with no regrets at all and this made me a much happier person.The seals came to town every year at Havamyer Field and they buzzed in w/ their Black hawks and training teams and did a great job for town residents.Everybody is asking alot of questions about the Extortion 17 mission because they didn't use any Blackhawks for a nasty firefight in the Tangi Valley instead they used an obsolete Chinook piece of garbage that is used for pick up and transport only. Many questions are being asked about alot of things because seals actually live here especially about the phony hoax war on terror where the Fbi created the joint terrorist task force after 9-11 and created a humongous Top Secret American nsa spy grid for a phony hoax war that never even existed what was that all about? So as I was doing all of my advance work and bomb sweeps for bad guy bogeymen myths this put alot of pressure on our teams because the real bad guys were the ones that were blowing up bridges and making enemies on wall street.We did our job however because Tom Ridge and his color codes had us very concerned at all times and Bernie Kerik was always coming out with legit chatter intel that the next bad situation was definitely around the corner.So the FBI jttf had all of the precious funds for a phony hoax war on terror that never even existed so they definitely didn't have enough good guys on the ground that would be able to infiltrate wall street leaving everything up to the stressed out sec and Justice Dept. While everything exploded in the dust bowl that almost was because the feds had all their cash being diverted to a phony hoax war and a humongous draconian nsa spy grid being used to dig up dirt on honest Americans and the head shed wall street executives ruined lives and sent everybody running for cover while they got out of dodge with their 100 million dollar golden parachutes successfully annihilating the capitalist system of being rewarded for success. The fbi locked up some small fry poor loan originators but to this day no executives ever had cuffs put on them which is the only real way to send a message what is wrong with this picture? A few small civil suits that in aggregate is a pittance compared to the fraud numbers that have no effect on the executives lives whatsoever is not really the good guy system I always wanted to be a part of because I really believed in it  I was born for love of god and country. A Greenwich warrior had a bad experience with the Teams that is why everybody knows that strings are being pulled from way up above. Remember how I explained that Gen Mattis had a devil dog no better friend no worse enemy intel gathering program for Fallujuh? His train up was quite intensive but then the 4 bw guys were ambushed which was eerily reminiscent of Somalia in 93.Gen Mattis is a warrior monk at the highest level he said we will absolutely not go in and blow up bridges and make enemies in Fallujuh we will just find the ones responsible for the ambush and take them all out pure and simple.Of course the brass never listens to the real leaders and they were ordered in to essentially destroy that city only to be ordered out when the devil dogs had them on the ropes which sent the warrior monk gen Mattis into a rage because he never wanted to go in that way to begin with.This is what led to Fallujuh 2 where the terrorists came in from all over the globe to wage war against the ugly Americans but the devil dogs and many others reigned supreme in arguably the most intense devil dog house to house combat the corps has ever experienced and this one will definitely go down in history books.The only problem is Gen Mattis never wanted to engage in that kind of operation to begin with and last month Fallujuh was taken over once again by the bad guy terrorists which only substantiates the Sisyphean futility of our phony hoax war on terror. I lived with some Marines that were involved in Fallujuh they were climbing over their brothers dead bodies and with out question they will never be the same ever again.This brings me back to the terrorists that ambushed the bw guys who all should have been executed long before pure and simple.The brave warrior from Greenwich tracked them down and this was a historical moment and maybe they threw a few punches on these real bad guys so what the hell does that matter Mattis wanted them dead years before.Why was this brave warrior from Greenwich threatened with court marshal and his life was nearly completely ruined for doing this seriously are you kidding me?.Why did he come out of the Teams with a general discharge instead of an honorable one this man sacrificed everything to leave college to earn his Trident badge?Bad things are definitely happening inside the Teams because the OBL mission doesn't seem to add up and it looks like they blew up their helicopter during a bull shit mission that never even existed and then took out extortion 17 3 months later just so the puppet master at the top who gets his strings pulled from way up above could get reelected.Phony fraud birth certificates bull shit missions that never existed just to get reelected and then he takes out the real heroes who were used abused and had their cover blown. They were taken advantage of and were made out to be Hollywood cool guy types while phony hoax war movies were made about that mission what is wrong with this picture? My next question is so now that no bad guys were locked up on wall street now the FBIs mission is to go after Patriots or some con job to that effect?.Why are the feds where the FBI Academy is fidelity bravery and integrity and OCS Usmc both on hollowed ground on the same base in Quanico going after their own? I always wanted to be an FBI Agent and had visions of crispy clean g-men throwbacks from the Hoover days taking down criminals for intense stateside investigations that were  robbing stealing and ruining lives.So now criminals on wall street get to rob steal and ruin lives with impunity and all of the precious funds are going to be utilized for Patriots going after Patriots what is wrong with this picture? So the brave warrior from Greenwich life gets ruined for throwing a few punches on terrorists that should have been executed long before and Snowden comes out as a whistle blower because he said the nsa is a con job spy grid and he doesn't want a Totalitarian Dictatorship and the head sheds want him executed there is something seriously wrong with this entire situation.We need to dig ourselves out of this deep dark and ugly hole otherwise we are all going to stay down here forever. .

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Revolutionary War Of 2014

Frued wrote Civilization and its Discontents in 1929. I read it in 92 and what stood out to me the most was the id ego and superego from his other writings and that essentially fear, anger,sex and aggression was our downfall. Look at all of the wars in the 20th century w/  the Nukes etc..Going back to Lord Acton Power Corrupts Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. In reality its the fear and greed mind set that dominates wall street and the quest for power that I will break down going back to 1776. George Washington our greatest president not only fought on the front lines he resisted big temptation to rule the elites on both sides however he stood up for what was right, our freedom. In 1815 at Waterloo Napoleon lost the battle but Rothschild had a spy on the ground and he came back w/ a rumor that Britain lost, this obliterated the markets, a perfect opportunity to buy everything up at pennies on the pound.When the real news came back to the home front fortunes were eventually made therefore The British empire was born. This led to worldwide domination that has been here ever since.My grandfather served in the First World War on The Western Front.The US came in at the tale end for the knock out blow in 1917 and the war machine exploded ever since.The elites were all over Herbert Spencer's Evolution, he was the real originator, Darwin just ran w/ this theory.Eugenics (Hegelian Dialectic Problem- Reaction- Solution) was promoted since Science backed the survival of the fittest mentality just like Hitler had w/ his SS troops (Nietzsches Ubermensh supermen,) the same.above human premise that the Globalist elites have in spades.However it backfired in a big way because when they all procreated by inbreeding it turned out to be an unmitigated disaster w/ all types of deformities They should have stopped there, unfortunately their plunder and pillage continued right along throughout the 20th century, the Trans Humanist Eugenic Orwellian Science Fiction based alien code w/ unlimited wealth and power.Eugenics is basically a Totalitarian pyh op that in the US has been hiding under the phony guise of civil liberties and democracy. Their real Agenda 21 is to violate the will of the people to attain power in every way imaginable. They brought the best Scientists over from Nazi Germany after WW2 to set up camp and start their mind game end game philosophy. Many of these people are really creepy Satanists, believe me when I tell you it is so disturbing I cant even write what kind of things some of these aliens are into. Depopulation on a massive scale is way up at the very top of their list.They had a Scotsman Cameron as the head of the APA blowing innocent peoples minds out when they came to him for legit help in the 50s..This sick and twisted shrink as the head shed was supposed to be a role model for all head headshrinkers in general instead he blew peoples brains out w/ massive doses of electric shock therapy which completely eliminated their memory.He then proceeded to keep them passed out for weeks on end dosing them w/ barbiturates while playing tapes of their new identity, Jason Bourne type programming.He threatened them w/ eternal hell and life long psych ward incarceration if they resisted.Jolly West was Cameron's successor,this diabolical doctor was responsible for McVeighs mind job in Oklahoma City in 95. Yes this is what we are up against my fellow Americans, sociopaths that are playing God while really acting like the Devil w/ an unlimited bank account.They are in the here and now doing their very best to take us all out w/ bio engineering (chem trails) Pychotronic warfare,(mind control) false flag pyh op stage shows of epic proportions w/ a Zionist backed cia media w/plenty of cash to pay off the pathetic crisis actors, its cultish and very creepy.Their lies and cover ups are filled w/ establishment based crony capitalist media spin laced w/ a plethora of arrogance.Johnson tried to get in the fight in the Middle East in 67 instead of focusing on the False Flag Gulf of Tonkin Vietnam war which was a boondoggle to say the least.He had a back door shadow operative false flag deal w/ Israel to hammer the USS Liberty.When they hit this mother ship they were going to blame it on Egypt as an excuse to engage and dominate the middle east w/Israel and stated (I want that god dam ship to sink to the bottom) The ship somehow survived and his con game was eventually uncovered years later.Basically we have evil war pigs running the show and our wars have had nothing to do w/ Patriotism, honor or dignity and our American way of life thus the reason every single one since WW2 has been screwed up in one way or another.They don't care how many people die on both sides, remember its all about mass depopulation, the only thing that matters to them is keeping the Frankenstein monster The Military Industrial Complex churning and centralizing wall street power into an off shore criminal cartel one world currency..Remember how Cheneys Halliburton received alot of criticism going into Iraq?I was naive and jingoistic and stood behind those Lucifarians. Halliburton is the company behind all of the Fema camps and they have plenty of coffins for American citizens that were purchased well in advance. They have tried to legitimize torture and some black units have been actually turned into killing machines.Let me explain something loud and clear, the best spec ops trained units in the world have always been counter insurgence intel gathering good guys for the most part, not outright killing machines.The Lone Survivor is a perfect example.These warriors take no joy in taking the life of another which is what led to these Seals letting the sheep herders go.Saving lives without any unnecessary loss of life is the warrior code exemplified in the Magellan Star Raid Force Recon 2010. They take great pride in this because that is who they are,.remember Land of the Free Home of the Brave? For these aliens to have turned some Americans into black site robotic killing machines substantiates how far off the sanity chart these maniac Globalists have taken this country down..Enemy Russian, Israeli etc troops on our soil dressed in US uniforms so they don't stand out as the Blue Hat Nato scum that they really are ready to take out American citizens based on a Litmus Test that they already passed well in advance.A DHS 2 billion round hollow point bullet regime and 2700 MRAPS and targets of women and children were really purchased, are you kidding me? To have ROES on American soil based on aggression w/ targets of women and children where they were told in Katrina to take out innocent law abiding Americans in their own homes if they resisted turning over their weapons.Are you serious, these aggressive ROES weren't even utilized overseas now we have secret soldiers trained to kill innocent Americans on our soil who don't turn their weapons over? I don't want to hear anybody demonizing Prince and the former bw either,that man would never stand behind any program that was meant to disarm and take out the American people. I have trained at his facility, he is a Patriot in the highest sense of the spiritual meaning. Its sickening, these mass shootings have all been false flag stage shows(Sandy Hook never happened) and the real American gun owners know this, to say they are indignant would be an understatement Since these shadow operatives cover is completely blown now these maniacs are staging mini school shootings just like the ones in Colorado and New Mex a few days ago.It doesn't matter that nobody is really dying it is High Treason sponsored by rogue factions of our government and they are going full force and stopping at nothing in their attempt to disarm this country and take weapons away from real Americans, there is something seriously wrong w/ this picture.They are all set and ready to go to set up another depression by design scenario by rigging the markets and completely eliminating the dollar as we once knew it.They are going to set up another False Flag and more then likely blame it on an American Patriot group which is now being categorized as the enemy just because we value the US Constitution and have no problem calling out phony weak cowards that have been praying on peoples weakness in a ruthless attempt to Divide And Conquer. We have had civilian puppet Presidents that get their strings pulled w/ absolutely no warrior code or empathy, they have all just been spineless yes men for the Global Elites and now we are looking at Marshall Law, COG and many other ugly scenarios unless we the people take this country back our Republic.The good news is we have alot of good guys who know their playbook and the masses are finally starting to wake up once and for all. Let us move forward with faith and a positive mindset.(The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants)Thomas Jefferson    

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Thank The Real Patriots

Let us thank the few and the proud Oath - We are involved in some dangerous and dark times so we must give credit where credit is due. I had a Devil Dog recently show me an American Flag held upside down which is a sign of serious distress and great concern. Why does this Devil Dog who has served this great country have to hide the official sign of distress due to an infiltrated nation? He is an American Patriot with integrity and honor, so why is he worried about reprisals just because he speaks the truth? We have an out of control power grabbing gun snatching government and he knows this that is the answer.We have solid evidence that most of the mass shootings have been Treasonous False Flag stage shows of epic proportions.How much more obvious can it get- (terrorize the masses and what did our AG say brainwash the American people about the evils of American owning weapons?.) It is backfiring tremendously because their cover is completely blown, the American people are not idiots, in fact most don't preach revisionist history and aren't really into unconstitutional Writs of Assistance and making up rules on the fly in an attempt to enslave us, dumb us down, take our weapons and property away and everything else they have planned for Agenda 21. We have solid people on our soil who know exactly what is going on that is why gun ownership sales are exploding through the roof..Anyway I found it quite interesting that when Trump called out Obama on his birth certificate he eventually produced a certified photo shop fraud. Is that legal? What happened after that? I seem to remember an OBL mission immediately.- Denial Distraction Deception? Was that OBL mission legit, did it really happen?.The following.are solid orders for all Americans-Please sign up or support oath keepers w/ donations because they are at the tip of the spear.The founder Stewart Rhodes is a very sharp individual that graduated from Yale Law School. The following are 10 orders that must be disobeyed when the time comes-10 Orders Oath Keepers Swear to Disobey
  1. We will not obey any order to disarm the American people.
  2. We will not obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects—such as warrantless house-to-house searches for weapons or persons.
  3. We will not obey any order to detain American citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants" or to subject them to trial by military tribunals.
  4. We will not obey orders to impose martial law or a "state of emergency" on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state's legislature and governor.
  5. We will not obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.
  6. We will not obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
  7. We will not obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
  8. We will not obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to "keep the peace" or to "maintain control" during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.
  9. We will not obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext.
  10. We will not obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The More Dead The Better

This is how the insane maniacs that control the world feel about us. They are all about population reduction at a massive scale and they have been trying their very best to achieve this thus far in every way shape and form. They have no Patriotism, nor honor or dignity or any favorable attributes whatsoever that have made this country great. They have alot of money and that is about it because they are so disconnected to the average American citizen it is almost mind blowing.Who are these evil doers that I keep talking about? For the most part they consist of Global elites that come from the Bilderberg Group, The Tri Lateral Council of Foreign Relations, the UN types,Al Gore global warming scams, the richest 1% of the world that not only control government they control the media, Hollywood and all major corporations for the most part. A perfect example of this is the radiation levels in Cal. right now that are killing Dolphins,Whales, Starfish etc.. that are more then likely coming from Fukashima. Those 4 reactors haven't even melted down yet, another earthquake is predicted w/in the next 5 years.God help us all when they do blow because this is only the very beginning..This hasn't even been mentioned in establishment based media because they don't care they basically want everybody dead so they can take over and expedite the New World Order fake democracy, a cashless Marshal Law based Totalitarian Regime that will make Stalin and Hitler look like saints in comparison. I am going to break this down to the very beginning. I have read Tragedy and Hope but I also studied the Prussian Von Clausewitz while taking a class at Cornell University during the First Gulf War. His Theory of War where "war was just a continuation of politics by other means" and the "fog of war" and Hegelian Dialectic principles- Problem- Reaction- Solution- and many other strategic warfare techniques .The Rothschilds were all over his way of doing things because they have been a thorn in our side since the Revolutionary War. I am more then certain they were upset they lost that war but they haven't stopped playing God ever since.The only problem was that Hitler beat them to it by boosting the morale of the down trodden populace after WW1 due to the Versailles Treaty. The Germans are very proud tough fighters "The Master Race" thus the reason they took to Hitler like wildfire after the USA and our allies hammered them with reparations after the Great War because they were humiliated.My family has been fighting the arrogant Brits for hundreds of years.We don't take well to Tyranny thus the reason for the way Sir William Wallace fought during Braveheart. We don't like getting pushed around by arrogant phonies who make believe they want to help when in reality they really are trying to take all of our weapons away and enslave us with their noble Kings and Queens and worldwide genocide programs. They don't care who they kill. Look at 9-11 the most successful executives in the country that were commuting in from Fairfield County Ct and Westchester County Ny and they were set up to get slaughtered by these maniacs.Anyway my next blog will focus on the history of the 2o century,Herbert Spencer/Darwins Evolution theory, Freud,Collectivization the Holocaust, Nukes etc..    .

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Happened On 9-11?

9-11 shook me to my very core as it did most Americans.What happened on that day is my theory based on countless hours of research and evidence. I believe the jets were given alot of help to hit the Towers possibly by remote control because it may have been difficult for those patsies to become so proficient in such a short period of time It is highly plausible that the jets were drones and there really wasn't anybody in them at all because without question there was alot of subterfuge and pre-planning for the biggest event of the 21 century thus far.. There was also a NORAD drill on that very same day which has been the signature of all of the false flag events that have transpired before and after 9-11.It looks like the Towers were rigged with Thermite combined w/ Sulfer incendiary devices to give maximum impact to actually help take the towers down and make it a much easier process. Evidence shows the way the Towers were burning up to 4500 deg made events transpire in an expeditious fashion however there is also evidence that vans may have planted the devices before 9-11 as well just like Oklahoma City in 95. Flight 93 Shanksville PA was shot down more then likely by a National Guard F-16 because it came down in 3 pieces scattered up to 6 miles away.Mark Bingham may have in fact been trying to take over along with some other heroes on that day but the F-16 more then likely took the plane out first.There was alot of confusion going on that morning because that is what was intended.There is credible evidence to suggest that it is also highly plausible that the plane taken out by the F16 wasn't flight 93 at all and the real jets all landed safely in Cleveland  (flights11,175,77and 93) There is no credible evidence to support that the Pentagon was ever hit by anything except a 20 ft supersonic cruise missile and this may have been launched out of col. This also makes sense because since Rumsfeld was on the ground helping people w/ great photo ops looking like a real hero they wouldn't have kept him there with a real jet that would have been much too risky.There was about as much evidence that a jet hit the Pentagon in the following days as there was that a whacked out Adam Lanza went postal on little school children in Newtown. Then there is Building 7 next to the towers. BBC knew that was going down 8 hours after the Towers were hit because the reporter stated that it was down when it was still clearly visible in the background. It was unequivocally a controlled demolition the big question is why? I have no idea except it wasn't  just a brokerage house. Solomon Smith Barney occupied 64% of the building however it was also part Spook House w/ multiple alphabet agencies that worked there.Maybe they wanted to destroy intel? Other then that the only thing that is known for sure is that building 7 went down with a controlled demolition not because of a weakened pillar and a few mini fires.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Home Land Security?

My message goes straight to the top of what used to be the Twin Towers all the way to all of the evil infiltrators on our soil playing games with our Constitution and creating stage shows of epic and pathetic proportions. Our team knows who each and every one of you are and this includes all the pathetic crisis actors that were paid off to manipulate the emotions of the American people with your High Treasonous attempt to declare Marshal Law and take away weapons on our soil from law abiding Americans.We didn't start this war be we intend to finish it, that is correct we all know what your Agenda is and to say we are upset would be an understatement. Homeland Security does not mean NATO Russian, Israeli or any other  foreign soldiers that currently reside within our borders at the present moment that have been trained with hostile intent toward the law abiding citizens of this great country because we know all about this as well. We know that the agenda since 1961 has been to completely disarm the American people under the phony guise of civil liberties and democracy when in reality it a diabolical New World Order scam to have a complete Totalitarian dictatorship.The words do not exactly fit if  I remember correctly (taking away American citizens weapons for a more peaceful world are you kidding me?) People on the inside working for the military are not too pleased with DHS recent attempted Coup of our Founding Fathers and  how these great men are being referred to in a pejorative manner.That may swindle a few gullible easily influenced green peas however we have generations of solid men and women and families that are in the majority that have served this country for many years.Moving right along into 2014 the masses are starting to wake up about the Obama Care fraud and how it was actually designed to fail right off the bat and cause rioting in the streets.They even hired a non profit firm that is being sued for fraud being used to try and implement this con game isn't that telling? Everybody that I talked to and know on a personal level are extremely indignant that their once promising insurance plan is no more because if they want to continue with any insurance what so ever their rates have tripled are you kidding me? I am not here to disparage all FEMA and DHS Agents because most are very good.3 months ago I picked one out of many highly qualified ep specialists to work a very important Executive Protection detail.His resume was very impressive as a former Gunny in the USMC. Bureaucracies are tough to get away from, not everybody associated to a certain Federal Agency has been corrupted or to be considered the enemy by any stretch, nothing is ever that simple. Many are Green Badgers that work for multiple alphabet agencies and the majority are very solid oath keepers, I know this on a very deep and personal level.The same premise holds true for most LEOs Law Enforcement Officers.Many are getting a bad rap as of late and this is completely unjustified. I know that without question these men and women do not want to go house to house to confiscate weapons like the Boston Massacre Fraud as well as Katrina that is not who they are or why they signed on to protect and to serve. Most if not all are as upset as everybody else with what has transpired as of late however when the corruption and infiltration goes all the way up to the top it is almost impossible to avoid. The Agents who are Blue Badgers have families and pensions to rely on and we all know by now whistle blowing only works if you come directly out because by going through the normal chain of command is always an exercise in futility.That is why I know in my heart and soul that good people will rise to the occasion next time around when the king makers decide to create another false flag or rig the markets to set up a Depression by Design scenario. I have faith in this country and the leaders who have been here for many years and generations before that we will all rise to take our country back because we all know what is at stake-(For with much wisdom comes much sorrow-Ecclesiastes)  .

Saturday, January 4, 2014

9-11 Was An Inside Job

Mainstream establishment based media please stop making up lies that the 9-11 victims families don't want to open up old wounds and that they would rather stick by the 9-11 Commission based fabrication of reality because believe me when I tell you not only can they handle the truth they already know what it is so please stop the bull shit. Right here in Greenwich I lost friends from high school as well as a NYFD firefighter who was on the ground who was in People magazine for being one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. He was a friend from junior high school, a good athlete and tough football player. He was the kind of guy you wanted standing right next to you when bad things started happening that is why when everybody was running away he along w/ his team were running directly in. Let us never forget the sacrifice of these people, that is everybody in and around ground zero who are still suffering today. Why was Judge Napalitano fired? Apparently one of the best if not the best man from Fox News stated the families deserved an independent investigation much sooner rather then later so why was he fired for speaking the truth? Isn't that telling a man with a impeccable record w/ a huge following who stands behind the Constitution and who speaks out against the above the law Tyrannical insane Fisa courts Patriot and NDAA Acts and who represents truth justice in the American way, Due Process, following the law of the land and Murdoch fires him because he wants the families to get the truth about the False Flag Stand Down of 9-11 what is wrong w/ this picture? (In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.Mark Twain 1904) I urge all Americans to call their local congressional representatives to sign on to Resolution 428 to get them to back the release of 28 pages. Declassify them release them, FOIA them I don't care what they have to do to get them out much sooner rather then later.. Dr. Pieczenik says:
"It was called a stand-down and false flag operation in order to
mobilize the American public under the false pretense that we had been attacked by Al Qaeda and bin Laden which is an absolute unmitigated lie. I was even told by a general on the staff of Wolfowitz, I will go in front of a federal committee and swear on perjury who that name was so we can break this open...the great war and the great lie that was created for us to make sure we had some kind of commitment to a war that was not necessary in which so much blood and guts were shed for unnecessary reasons." -Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, (source interview here.)Veterans Today: "Top Insider Says Bin Laden Died in 2001"

Friday, January 3, 2014

Drone Games No Empathy The Boston Marathon False Flag with horrible crisis actors was very convenient for the King Makers. It was a Phy Op called Denial- Distraction- Deception, Obama was indited for war crimes along with many others including most of the Bush administration on that very same day. That is right war crimes by a bi partisan panel in congress so this means we have a war criminal running our country at this very moment. We didn't see this covered except in very small print in mainstream establishment based press during that time period however we did see alot of storm troopers going house to house looking for non existent bad guys, weapons and bombs,that was Marshal Law without question. That was an attempt to go after all the gun powder and up until this point in time DHS is buying up all of the ammo so the good guys cant defend themselves when the evil doers decide to go green light on us. That is correct all of gods children they are coming after us on our soil in every way shape and form one can imagine to the extent that I cant even write how bad it really is because more then likely people wouldn't believe me. Those two patsies from the Boston Marathon more then likely never saw what was coming to them. Katrina was another example of what the evildoers have in store. My guys were on the ground right away make no mistake about that long before Fema got involved 3 days later since Brownie boy did such a great job managing that quagmire according to W. There is a big difference however my guys went in to protect lives, save lives and take care of some of the looters. It was chaos, there were New Orleans PD actually raping women, that is correct with masks on some of the ones who didn't get out of dodge. I am not here to indite the New Orleans PD, I need to make this very clear. I know without question there were good ones on the ground that day. I know that a NOPD officer lost his mother because he was ordered by the feds to stand down because he had a job to do so he couldn't make it in time to save his own mom that is extremely upsetting to say the least. There will always be good guys and bad guys in every unit. Nine Lives and bw were on the ground in record time because really bad things happen very quickly when Armageddon strikes and I have talked to some of these guys directly and there was nothing as ugly as that scene and most of those guys were overseas many times over up until that point in time.There was one thing I wasn't made aware of until recently and that was that military was ordered in ie- National Guard Units from across the country and their mission was to go house to house to take weapons away even in rich areas. What is wrong with this picture? Everything is wrong with that picture moving forward that is the message I need to get across.Using a natural disaster as an excuse to take weapons away from law abiding citizens is not a very good idea, in fact it is totally illegal and is a major insult to the second amendment and to every American on our soil. When is enough enough? That is what is going to separate a good vs a bad guy moving forward.The kingmakers need any excuse in the book to initiate COG and an Executive Order to completely eliminate Posse Comitatus and immediately declare Marshal Law that is what it is all about my fellow Americans. My guys were on the ground to protect people and save lives during a very ugly situation I know that in my heart and soul not to take weapons away house to house I need to make this very clear. That doesn't mean that some off line private military firm may have that as an agenda in the future because I am almost certain some of them do. I can just state unequivocally that anybody that has anything to do with me or the men that I work with that isn't going to be on our itinerary,.I will take a polygraph on that one, better yet TBA to analyze my body language. We take our oath seriously against all enemies foreign and domestic. Protecting people, saving lives through risk mitigation and advance work that is what we do, without any unnecessary loss of life that is what we train for each and every day. .    

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Olympic Fears in Russia

Its  looks like bad things are happening 5 weeks before the Olympics- The following is a very interesting article which opens up an area of discussion which is rarely if ever mentioned in establishment based media