Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Big Three

 The upper echelons of our educational system have been corrupted by the cartel over the years- Lets take a look at medical school- Its allopathic all the way specialized there is no mention of  holistic and functional medicinal  remedies- At the end of the 19 century the medical mafia ostracized the chiropractors labeled them  as quacks no different then what they are still trying to do today

Law schools if I had wishful thinking I would like to feel that these are pristine but lets face it we have a deep state- Our FBI and DOJ  is corrupted and because of that we really have nothing- We have tech behemoths that sensor information that challenge and destroy their narrative something tells me this isn't exactly ethical nor legal- That is being a bully without competition

Now lets look at our MBAs they are in the same boat as med and law school- What is capitalism if there is no competition- MBAs are trained to analyze the level of competition within an industry and avoid those w/ competition- Tepper breaks it down at the end of chapter 1- The paradox is what is beneficial for the corporation is not beneficial for the economy as a whole- The growth of monopolies does not lead to growth in the economy.

 There you have it the big three our masters level medical legal and business schools all corrupted by the cartel  

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