Monday, October 9, 2023

Afghan Fiasco

 War is hell and from what I gather most are not too fond of it- If you are going to go to war at least make sure you are there to win- And absolutely make sure you dont have some half sassed pull out approach- Leave it to the Bidens of our world to get 13 American warriors killed trying to get out of that shit hole country-

I have met both indigenous Afghan and Iraqi people there was something way off about the Afghans- Iraqis seemed to be way ahead of the Afghans in more ways then one. At Abbeygate some of the fathers ran across the divide leaving their wives and children behind in an attempt to get free from the Taliban- Cowardice at its finest leaving their loved ones to get murdered by the Taliban.   

The best that Afghanistan has to offer and what were we doing there? I wouldn't mind wiping out the Taliban but they would have to get totally wiped out and I dont think that is an easy task- The head sheds knew that too but it could have been done early on if we stayed out of Iraq.

If it wasn't bad enough they made our military vets suffer for interminable rotations for unwinnable wars but then humiliating our Marines  at the very end with some bogus poop and trash patrol- Devil dogs are trained to fight and win not do bogus peace keeping shit patrol  pull out missions.

Americas higher ups have done a grave dis service to our military heroes over the years going back to at least Vietnam more then likely Korea- Korea had so many American Marines lose their lives it is truly the forgotten war.

Afghanistan and Iraqi were both military failures initiated by the incompetents at the helm- Afghanistan was good going in w/ Cofer Blacks cia paramilitary and more but then Iraqs fiasco we just didn't have enough conventional and unconventional soldiers to reign supreme in both of those countries.

So now we have Biden and company screwing things up beyond repair and hundreds of thousands of wounded war vets ruined for life both mentally and physically- I didn't have a problem pulling out of Afghanistan but it could have been done the right way without serious casualties or leaving anybody behind.

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