Thursday, October 5, 2023

Kabul- Dunleavy and Hasson

 What a shitshow the bureaucrats put our troops through getting out of Afghanistan- Incompetence run amok mostly because the civilians were in charge-How many times is America going to play this same tune of unwinnable wars and bungled exit strategies combined w/ state dept arrogance looking down at our brave military heroes-  

 An inept imposter at the helm in the oval office who made believe pulling out of Afghanistan was a success-  As the clueless state dept officials left their post even before being relieved taking selfies boasting about their accomplishments our Marines and others had to deal w/ hell on earth at Abbeygate.

I am not sure what my plan would be but I would have at least listened to people that have definitely been there before - We were in that shithole country for 20 years and do you mean to tell me that a better exit strategy couldn't have been implemented-

It is very suspicious that w/ that many years in the end game could and would have been planned years in advance as well- Letting innocent civilians to get slaughtered by the Taliban and 13 marines blown up by a suicide bomber- this kind of disaster must have been planned at the tippedy top- You always have to blame the president clueless Joe a career politician who never did anything except get his pockets greased-

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