Thursday, October 12, 2023

Monopoly Buster

 Something is amiss in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves- Oligolopolists and modern day robber barons- It makes the American dream not 100% unattainable but rather a far distance on the horizon- I found it interesting that some authors in the alternative media were touting going after the bad guys but then promoted their book on Amazon

If that is not indicative of our modern day plight I dont know what is- I avoided Amazon like the plague until it became almost un avoidable- I knew then we were in a lose lose situation- I want to write positive reviews for hard working and creative authors but that time has come to an end on Amazon as well

I have my own unique writing style and opinions I am not going to cow tow to some oligarch with cookie cutter policies on what I can and cant say- And I am not going to write my analysis twice once for my blog and once for some billionaires platform who just happens to own the Washington Post 

I along with many others would love nothing more then to be  monopoly busters- When you have only a few companies in every sector dominating that field this isnt exactly a healthy market environment

So I was banned from fb for creating and no longer writing reviews on Amazon so it looks like I am off to a good start

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