Friday, October 13, 2023

Greed Galore

Pro running and any high level training is not healthy for the girls- I have yet to be convinced that all of that grueling regimen makes you faster- Coleen should spare her body retire early and become a fitness model and analyst- She can also become a whistle blower about the grueling nature not only of the sport but of the greedy sponsors who didn't give her whats she deserves - She is right on the money w/ how the over training has become counter productive-

Coleen Quigley and many other young women who sacrifice themselves for a blood money sport that exploit their talents and run them into the ground- Like this young girl who was recruited by Alberto Salazar Nike- She was shamed about her weight and humiliated by this jerk- Just because you won a few races back in the day doesn't mean you know a dam thing about how to get the best out of your girls performance wise- She said it wasn't high level at all it was a bunch of Salazars friends there were no specialists or sports psychologists- In other words it was really low level and this is what they do in order to win races to get the prize money and endorsements-

They need real experts in this field to try to prove that much training actually enhances ones performance- The athletes stop menstruating and as a result of this their bones become more brittle making them more susceptible to injury- This type of training also leads to osteoporosis and cancer at earlier ages making life in mid to later years very uncomfortable-

This is no different from most pro sports or military careers where our country's men and women's bodies and souls have been sacrificed by the greedy a holes at the top- We didn't go over seas to preserve patriotism we went to make some paper tiger shareholder richer-

It must be a good feeling to be a rich a hole invested in all of the military complex stocks and see our boys that came back from  Iraq and Afghanistan w/ no legs or job.- Fraud vitiates everything the i9-11 story was a lie so are we supposed to have faux patriotism- Greedy a holes like Silver stein cashed in on the insurance con and had our FBI go along w/ it

Let me tell you another fraud story- The condo collapse in Miami- Do buildings just implode like that are we really supposed to believe that bs- As a result of this fraud now home insurance premiums have gone through the roof- I am getting tired of these criminals exploiting us w out ever facing their maker

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