Monday, October 30, 2023

Thanks For The Memories

 I started reading a little bit of Thanks for the Memories Bob Hope and Kissinger weirdos extraordinaire- I often ask myself is this true but she is a self publisher w/out money as a motive it appears- How stories like this that get censored and blocked from the MSM is the reason why many people do not respect them to say the least

Monday, October 23, 2023

High Crimes

THE ORGANIZED CRIMINAL RACKET AND THEIR FELONIES The forensic path and recorded documentary history detailed here was never about public health. Rather, it was, and has always been, an organized crime racket to coerce the public’s adoption of a novel technology that has NEVER been shown to be safe or effective under the definitions of the FDA, the Federal Trade Commission’s Deceptive Medical Practices standard, or under any other statutory criteria. It is long past time to hold the criminals accountable for the following crimes: • Domestic and International Terrorism;64 • Deceptive Medical Practices;65 • Reckless Endangerment and Homicide;66 • Racketeering and Anti-trust collusion;67 and• Biological Weapons Construction and Deployment.6 David Martin -Some Of The Suspects

Dr. Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer GAVI Alliance; • Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General, World Health Organization (WHO); • Dr. Christopher Elias, President, Global Development Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; • Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, US National Institute of Allergies, and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); • Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); and • Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023


 Not only is amazon a monopoly they are also a monopsony- Tepper also mentions the fee racket with all of the schools- Cosmetology license etc thousands. There is a middle way to reach but it hasn't been resolved yet- There is too much money being made w/ all of the fees for certification etc-

I will say security licence people have to pay to get certified just to qualify for the job- It isn't that bad under 500 but what happened to the days of being recruited after applying and then having a company pay for your training- How much loyalty to a company is somebody going to have when they have to pay for their own training.

Same as the Uber and Dominoes racket nobody pays for your wear and tear its on you as a contractor here today gone tomorrow- At Dominos we arent even considered contractors actually employees and they are still able to get away w/ doing nothing when our car slips a transmission on the job. The behemoth shareholders and the owners are the ones making the money and I know they aren't working that hard-  

Lets take a look at the massage therapy racket- If you are licensed in another state that doesn't correspond to Fla so another 10k out of your pocket just to qualify for a job in Fla- I saw the injustice of this a long time ago-

There are some things that you need certifications for to prove you have a solid mind- It just should be subsidized by the company not the prospective employee- College is no different the only people making money are the institutions and the Black Rocks of our world- Not a good set up to say the least

The people w/ enough money to retire on many times over are too busy trying to make more. Instead they should be trying to do something about this but they are just pushing  their line of whatever they are promoting at the moment- Oh we need money donate here these presidential candidates and others give me a break I am getting sick of all of them.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Big Three

 The upper echelons of our educational system have been corrupted by the cartel over the years- Lets take a look at medical school- Its allopathic all the way specialized there is no mention of  holistic and functional medicinal  remedies- At the end of the 19 century the medical mafia ostracized the chiropractors labeled them  as quacks no different then what they are still trying to do today

Law schools if I had wishful thinking I would like to feel that these are pristine but lets face it we have a deep state- Our FBI and DOJ  is corrupted and because of that we really have nothing- We have tech behemoths that sensor information that challenge and destroy their narrative something tells me this isn't exactly ethical nor legal- That is being a bully without competition

Now lets look at our MBAs they are in the same boat as med and law school- What is capitalism if there is no competition- MBAs are trained to analyze the level of competition within an industry and avoid those w/ competition- Tepper breaks it down at the end of chapter 1- The paradox is what is beneficial for the corporation is not beneficial for the economy as a whole- The growth of monopolies does not lead to growth in the economy.

 There you have it the big three our masters level medical legal and business schools all corrupted by the cartel  

Friday, October 13, 2023

Greed Galore

Pro running and any high level training is not healthy for the girls- I have yet to be convinced that all of that grueling regimen makes you faster- Coleen should spare her body retire early and become a fitness model and analyst- She can also become a whistle blower about the grueling nature not only of the sport but of the greedy sponsors who didn't give her whats she deserves - She is right on the money w/ how the over training has become counter productive-

Coleen Quigley and many other young women who sacrifice themselves for a blood money sport that exploit their talents and run them into the ground- Like this young girl who was recruited by Alberto Salazar Nike- She was shamed about her weight and humiliated by this jerk- Just because you won a few races back in the day doesn't mean you know a dam thing about how to get the best out of your girls performance wise- She said it wasn't high level at all it was a bunch of Salazars friends there were no specialists or sports psychologists- In other words it was really low level and this is what they do in order to win races to get the prize money and endorsements-

They need real experts in this field to try to prove that much training actually enhances ones performance- The athletes stop menstruating and as a result of this their bones become more brittle making them more susceptible to injury- This type of training also leads to osteoporosis and cancer at earlier ages making life in mid to later years very uncomfortable-

This is no different from most pro sports or military careers where our country's men and women's bodies and souls have been sacrificed by the greedy a holes at the top- We didn't go over seas to preserve patriotism we went to make some paper tiger shareholder richer-

It must be a good feeling to be a rich a hole invested in all of the military complex stocks and see our boys that came back from  Iraq and Afghanistan w/ no legs or job.- Fraud vitiates everything the i9-11 story was a lie so are we supposed to have faux patriotism- Greedy a holes like Silver stein cashed in on the insurance con and had our FBI go along w/ it

Let me tell you another fraud story- The condo collapse in Miami- Do buildings just implode like that are we really supposed to believe that bs- As a result of this fraud now home insurance premiums have gone through the roof- I am getting tired of these criminals exploiting us w out ever facing their maker

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Myth Of Capitalism- Jonathan Tepper

 Faux capitalism- I am not an advocate of socialism but I have witnessed the disparity between the super rich and the serfs and its obvious that what ever they are spewing out to us hasn't been working-  Lets take a look at the run of the mill corporatism company-

They go out of their way to make sure you cant succeed- What do I mean by that lets see making sure you cant collect overtime because what ever hinders the earnings report and the fat cats is the only thing that matters- How many companies offer real 401ks  great insurance paid 3 week vacation you know what should be the usual but isn't

Why I dont respect the Warren Buffets of our world- First of all he is best pal w/ Gates and I dont want to go down that road at the moment- Secondly the only thing he does is invest in monopolistic duopolies and oligopolies- There is no real competition there when a select few behemoths are running the show- What is good for monopolies is not good for capitalism- pg2- If you are investing in companies w/ competition then you are doing it all wrong-

Bud Foxs dad had it right create and stop living off of the buying and selling of others- If Buffet is the embodiment of modern day capitalism that tells you what is wrong right there- Somebody who invests in only monopolies shouldn't be the face of capitalism it should be just the opposite


Monopoly Buster

 Something is amiss in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves- Oligolopolists and modern day robber barons- It makes the American dream not 100% unattainable but rather a far distance on the horizon- I found it interesting that some authors in the alternative media were touting going after the bad guys but then promoted their book on Amazon

If that is not indicative of our modern day plight I dont know what is- I avoided Amazon like the plague until it became almost un avoidable- I knew then we were in a lose lose situation- I want to write positive reviews for hard working and creative authors but that time has come to an end on Amazon as well

I have my own unique writing style and opinions I am not going to cow tow to some oligarch with cookie cutter policies on what I can and cant say- And I am not going to write my analysis twice once for my blog and once for some billionaires platform who just happens to own the Washington Post 

I along with many others would love nothing more then to be  monopoly busters- When you have only a few companies in every sector dominating that field this isnt exactly a healthy market environment

So I was banned from fb for creating and no longer writing reviews on Amazon so it looks like I am off to a good start

Judge Sends A Message

[𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄] 𝐅𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟓 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝐉. 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟; 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
ROSEVILLE, Calif. – On Oct. 10, 2023, the Honorable Angus Saint-Evans sentenced Nathaniel Cabacungan, age 22, to 15 years to life in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation following his murder conviction for the death of local Roseville teen, J. Wolf.
On July 12, 2022, Cabacungan pled guilty to murder as well as selling a controlled substance to a minor for causing the fentanyl death of local Roseville teen, J. Wolf.
We will see a drastic decrease in deaths w/ these kind of sentences

Monday, October 9, 2023

Political Hacks

 Welcome to America where if you are a politician and you screw up beyond repair and cost people their lives you usually get promoted- Politics is so different from the real world- How is it that nobody can get voted out and there are no term limits

What a racket not only that in the real world you have to abide by expectations if you dont perform you are out- Just  ask any pro athlete on contract they work indefatigably to keep their contract- Not in political land- The exception was Gaetz ousting McCarthy but other then that you can be asleep at the wheel but never get voted out

I think it was a crime for these pathetic politicians  to be pushing both the masks and the jab- Selling fear embellishing numbers day after day- Its also a crime for these policy makers to be putting peoples safety at risk from lawless drug addicted thugs-

Like Portland Oregon and many other pc stand down on crime cities- I give the politicians credit on how to destroy once livable cities-  Most addicts are not violent however many major cities have turned into dystopian nightmares thanks to our politicians in charge- When you have a high priority call on 911 and it takes 20 min to 1 hour for cops to arrive something is seriously wrong w/ this picture- Defund the police that makes a lot of sense 

Afghan Fiasco

 War is hell and from what I gather most are not too fond of it- If you are going to go to war at least make sure you are there to win- And absolutely make sure you dont have some half sassed pull out approach- Leave it to the Bidens of our world to get 13 American warriors killed trying to get out of that shit hole country-

I have met both indigenous Afghan and Iraqi people there was something way off about the Afghans- Iraqis seemed to be way ahead of the Afghans in more ways then one. At Abbeygate some of the fathers ran across the divide leaving their wives and children behind in an attempt to get free from the Taliban- Cowardice at its finest leaving their loved ones to get murdered by the Taliban.   

The best that Afghanistan has to offer and what were we doing there? I wouldn't mind wiping out the Taliban but they would have to get totally wiped out and I dont think that is an easy task- The head sheds knew that too but it could have been done early on if we stayed out of Iraq.

If it wasn't bad enough they made our military vets suffer for interminable rotations for unwinnable wars but then humiliating our Marines  at the very end with some bogus poop and trash patrol- Devil dogs are trained to fight and win not do bogus peace keeping shit patrol  pull out missions.

Americas higher ups have done a grave dis service to our military heroes over the years going back to at least Vietnam more then likely Korea- Korea had so many American Marines lose their lives it is truly the forgotten war.

Afghanistan and Iraqi were both military failures initiated by the incompetents at the helm- Afghanistan was good going in w/ Cofer Blacks cia paramilitary and more but then Iraqs fiasco we just didn't have enough conventional and unconventional soldiers to reign supreme in both of those countries.

So now we have Biden and company screwing things up beyond repair and hundreds of thousands of wounded war vets ruined for life both mentally and physically- I didn't have a problem pulling out of Afghanistan but it could have been done the right way without serious casualties or leaving anybody behind.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Kabul- Dunleavy and Hasson

 What a shitshow the bureaucrats put our troops through getting out of Afghanistan- Incompetence run amok mostly because the civilians were in charge-How many times is America going to play this same tune of unwinnable wars and bungled exit strategies combined w/ state dept arrogance looking down at our brave military heroes-  

 An inept imposter at the helm in the oval office who made believe pulling out of Afghanistan was a success-  As the clueless state dept officials left their post even before being relieved taking selfies boasting about their accomplishments our Marines and others had to deal w/ hell on earth at Abbeygate.

I am not sure what my plan would be but I would have at least listened to people that have definitely been there before - We were in that shithole country for 20 years and do you mean to tell me that a better exit strategy couldn't have been implemented-

It is very suspicious that w/ that many years in the end game could and would have been planned years in advance as well- Letting innocent civilians to get slaughtered by the Taliban and 13 marines blown up by a suicide bomber- this kind of disaster must have been planned at the tippedy top- You always have to blame the president clueless Joe a career politician who never did anything except get his pockets greased-

Many Rogue Alphabets

 if I had a criminal mind I could think about committing something nefarious however if I was a criminal cartel I could carry out the objective- This would be along the lines of rigging a presidential election and then having my co conspirators demonize and censor everybody that spoke out.

As a criminal cartel I would have rogue factions of various alphabets working at my behest- My next plan of attack would be to entrap many patriots and proceed to charge them w/ serious crimes who were not only upset about the rigging but indignant about a huge laundry list of criminal activity as well.

That would be along the lines of a plandemic where fear was used as a weapon but it didn't work on many-The patriots who stormed the capital out of righteous indignation after a stolen election were not domestic terrorists- It goes much further back and how the cartel  has lied about virtually everything-

What could be worse then having a rogue alphabet agency label the proud and pure Americans as the bad guys when in fact it is quite the opposite- On top of this nefarious cartel esque behavior I would kill hundreds of thousands of young people w/ fentanyl and older folks w/ a poison un vetted jab. Along the way charge the man they stole the election from  and throw everything at him including the kitchen sink.

The clueless imposter lets us know that he is the enemy because his dog keeps biting the secret service agents

Afghan Pull Out

Here in the U.S., Fox News reported that over $7 billion of equipment was left behind in a withdrawal that saw the rapid-fire fall of the Afghan forces and the return to power of the Taliban, not to mention the needless deaths of 13 U.S. service members. How can that even be remotely construed as a success, logistic or otherwise? WND