Tuesday, September 19, 2023


The SHES shooting was a fraud time to wake up YT- Alex Jones did nothing wrong- except speak the truth- The families are greedy fraudsters who had the MSM terrorize us w/ a bogus story of a video game nerd taking out students in a school that wasn't even opened at the time- Adam Lanza didn't even exist please stop the morale high ground garbage- A real investigator would dig a little deeper.

Lenny Posners death certificate of his alleged son is a fraud and this was confirmed by a licensed private investigator- Posner the smarmy fraudster mocked one of the real investigators by stating all anomalies would never see the light of day in the MSM

So now we have the YT who are not the MSM and should be independent and claim to be an investigative journalism outlet chastising Alex Jones about money he is supposed to owe the greedy families who are accomplices in a criminal conspiracy.

The President at the time signed the Smith Munct in late Dec 2012 which falls after the fairy tale story of Sandy Hook which was nothing more then a DHS drill made to look like a real shooting through their criminal co conspirators of the MSM .

Hubris will be their downfall and I knew this would happen after Posner mocked a real investigator- America used to have real investigators but they don't appear to be in the FBI- They have allowed blatant criminality to transpire in plain sight w/ out doing a dam thing except continuing to cover up the crimes

That would be both 9-11 and Sandy Hook covid and election fraud the list goes on- Another thing is that terrorism is cruel and unusual and this will not be forgotten- To continue on w/ these false flag shootings after 2012 terrorizing the masses who actually believe the pathetic crisis actors who continue to bleed America dry using staged events as a political platform to advance their immoral agenda and taking our tax dollars acting like grieving family members and then try to sue and destroy anybody that stands up to their brazen greed and criminality

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