Saturday, September 9, 2023

More PA Deceit

 in 2019 they changed the laws to allow ballot harvesting mail in ballots w/ out a legitimate reason- Trump lost PA before he even started- All of these states changing laws right before the election in an obvious pattern-

Wouldn't it be great if we had an honest individual in the press to explain to us how this complex convoluted scam titled the electorate process actually is supposed to work- If something seems too complicated that is a huge red flag for fraud-

When you have a sec. of state that doesn't adhere to his job responsibilities and who leaked a legitimate phone call to the blood thirsty press that was taken way out of context this is unacceptable. When DAs conduct what appear to be sham investigations this isn't going to work out very well long term- I have also  noticed that nobody actually explained to us "well  you can have criminal acts in multiple states but that is ok because Biden actually won in the most secure election in history" and we are expected to actually believe this?  There is confusion regarding the role of judges, justices and the legal system in relation to the unique process for electing US presidents- pg196

Why is there confusion in what is supposed to be the best and fairest country in the world- I am not partisan and my previous writings substantiate this however it has come quite apparent that there is obvious subterfuge and motives that are less then benevolent coming from up above- In the USA in our corrupted system it appears to be true that you really can indite a ham sandwich

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