Sunday, September 24, 2023

Double Standard

Ridiculous leave Lauren alone everybody this is way to eye in the sky- The only thing she did wrong was vape and bother a few people other then that no patrons should be observing where her hands are going and certainly no infrared camera footage should be given it to various news outlets- Its bad enough we live in a smart phone panapticon- Now everything we do and say is being recorded people should get a life stop invading peoples privacy and stop persecuting sensual Christians- I did things in public low key and I am pretty sure I am not going to hell- Let peoples private life be their own-It was a dark theater too

We have real problems like human and child trafficking and not enough people are going down for this- Instead we have a double standard like sentencing a female school teacher to 20 years in AZ for sleeping w/a 13 year old boy- Welcome to our hypocrisy driven penal system no its more like the Salem witch trials- From what I gather the boy was the instigator the teacher not a predator and now they are going to ruin her life by throwing her in the clink for 20 years.

This would have been a non issue if the boys holier then thous father didn't get involved- Murders and vicious rapists get less time then this young woman- From what I gather there are young children who are kidnapped trafficked continually raped murdered and then these sick disguising peaces of garbage drink their blood for energy- Nobody seems to be getting locked up for this heinous crime

If this keeps up much sooner rasher then later there is going to be extra judiciary privileges- The kind where pedophiles arent protected in prison type thing but this is going to happen on the outside.

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