Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Dems Stole The Election

 Newsome is as clueless as Creepy Joe- This is an anti American situation because in the real world in  a capitalist society people get rewarded for success not failure- So it goes something like this I just destroyed my state w/ crime and homelessness- Nobody in their right mind would want to visit once historic venues.

Millions of dollars of potential tourism revenue is now down the drain- I dictatorially locked down my own state  for years and pushed an unvetted jab- Morale is at an all time low because I witness what the residents have to say- As a result of this disaster now maybe I should run for president and turn America into a shithole too.

Politicians dont live in the real world they get rewarded for interminable emergencies and just get more grants and special interests to cover up their tracks- I wonder how many small to mid size businesses were forced to go under due to this covid con- Fear mongering day after day most of our politicians are a pathetic joke

Creepy Joe never worked a real job he hides behind his puppet pullers since he just slithered his way into power by stealing the 2020 election- That is a crime and we haven't forgotten it- It took me a while to fully grasp that this was more then likely pulled off by the corrupt swamp and Marxist democrats

The only way they can get ahead is by lying- cheating- stealing- gas lighting because they never worked an honest days work- If they did at least some of them would come out and say yes their was a coup de tet in 2020 because everybody acknowledged that we didn't have a chance to beat Trump-

If they had real character many would come out and state I am not proud of my party because this is not what we really stand for- What do we have crickets and a bunch of bogus charges against Trump which only increased his poll numbers because by now most people know what a corrupt and inept DOJ and FBI we have

In essence what this means is that the will of the people means nothing to these corrupt shysters who dropped the ball on prosecuting the biggest crimes of the 20 and 21 century. This has  led to horrific corruption and a rigged election as just routine business-  We also didn't forget the failed wars and the lost and ruined lives and the child trafficking that is still being covered up 


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