Friday, September 29, 2023

Digital Wallet Fraud

 its like the banks have colluded w/ the sleazebags on the street to be able to steal- (zelle fraud victim-) banks seem to only cover unauthorized transactions

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Dead To Rights

 Biden sucks big time but Trump aint that great either- Sleepy Creeps dog bit a Secret Service agent again which only proves how out of touch he is- Not only did he have to slither his way into power by stealing an election he has proven that he is an outside more like an impostor by having his dog bite the people that are supposed to be protecting him.

 Talk about biting the hands that protect him that is usually not a good idea- If sleepy creep had it together his dogs would be trained by the Secret Service- They are highly competent  handlers sniffing for drugs bombs bad guys the usual- Apparently they stood down looking for the cocaine culprit I wonder if their were any usual suspects-

It shows that your own house is in disarray if you have an outsider dog who continually feels that the people that are supposed to be protecting them are actual threats-

Maybe its true because most personal protection specialists  have a morale high ground and they dont  respect  shysters who have to cheat to get ahead- Bidenomics following a stolen election and then a mainstream press who continually attempts to gas light us even though many of us know better.

It wasn't a secure election stop lying we are getting tired of this continual corruption. I would say its tough to be a dirty cop when somebody is clean but that isn't true either- The deep state can paint a criminogenic   picture around Trump and it works pretty well because he hasn't exactly been squeaky clean.

But Wolfgang Halbig now this is being taken to another level- A crispy clean national school safety expert asking questions about a suspicious school shooting and then he gets painted as horrible person that is a huge red flag-

 They got Trump dead to rights on financial fraud so how can he claim otherwise- It works both ways- When people know that  you are corrupt it is easy to claim that your charges are bogus- That is the reason the FBI has earned their reputation as not trustworthy- They work at the behest of the DOJ need we say  more-

Colorado Free Press

Robert Heinlein said it best:

A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.1  

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Does USA Trust FBI

IsIs the FBI actually involved in continuing vote fraud in America?
98% (725 Votes)
2% (12 Votes)
2% (12 Votes   No    )
  F  BI actually involved in continuing vote fraud in America?
98% (725 Votes) Yes WND poll result
 (12 Votes)gg

Addiction Gold Mine

n 2014, a rehab chain called American Addiction Centers went public on the New York Stock Exchange, attracting investments from the likes of Morgan Stanley and BlackRock Mother Jones- Blackrock not known for being so great

Color Of Law

On February 25, 2022, School Safety Expert and Former Law Enforcement veteran Wolfgang Halbig filed a lawsuit against the Lake County, Florida Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and other defendants for violations of his US Constitutional first, fourth, fifth, and fourteen amendments rights. The Complaint lists a second cause as a RICO complaint, each seeking compensatory relief. 

The suit claims that Defendant’s unlawful acts caused damage to Wolfgang Halbig. Halbig alleges they conspired, planned, and designed their actions to embarrass him publicly, damage him economically, silence his FOIA inquiries, and silence his investigations directed to government agencies. 

Additionally, Halbig claims Officers of LCSO, acting under the color of law, intentionally, willfully, and wantonly subjected him to unnecessary force, illegal arrest, false imprisonment, and public humiliation. gov rag

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Double Standard

Ridiculous leave Lauren alone everybody this is way to eye in the sky- The only thing she did wrong was vape and bother a few people other then that no patrons should be observing where her hands are going and certainly no infrared camera footage should be given it to various news outlets- Its bad enough we live in a smart phone panapticon- Now everything we do and say is being recorded people should get a life stop invading peoples privacy and stop persecuting sensual Christians- I did things in public low key and I am pretty sure I am not going to hell- Let peoples private life be their own-It was a dark theater too

We have real problems like human and child trafficking and not enough people are going down for this- Instead we have a double standard like sentencing a female school teacher to 20 years in AZ for sleeping w/a 13 year old boy- Welcome to our hypocrisy driven penal system no its more like the Salem witch trials- From what I gather the boy was the instigator the teacher not a predator and now they are going to ruin her life by throwing her in the clink for 20 years.

This would have been a non issue if the boys holier then thous father didn't get involved- Murders and vicious rapists get less time then this young woman- From what I gather there are young children who are kidnapped trafficked continually raped murdered and then these sick disguising peaces of garbage drink their blood for energy- Nobody seems to be getting locked up for this heinous crime

If this keeps up much sooner rasher then later there is going to be extra judiciary privileges- The kind where pedophiles arent protected in prison type thing but this is going to happen on the outside.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Great Awakening

 Its not easy for a grateful heart to get drunk- I just celebrated 8 years my twin sis brought up the medallion- Sometimes we hear about rebirth for me there was a before life and after- I was out there so to speak for 10 plus years actually more because synthetic opiates had me long before.

Big pharma is diabolical but no doc was shoving pills down my throat- In fact my docs told me the drugs I were seeking were really for dying cancer patients- I went to three rehabs in 10 years and my spiritual experience came when I realized that one more strike and I would be out of the game forever.

I never smoked meth or crack but I was smoking weed like it was so ya weed is addictive especially for drunks like me. I specialized in uppers downers and all arounders but none of them seemed to work out very well- There was no way out of my self constructed prison except for more spiritual experiences- Maybe stop being so angry and put a little more love in the heart is usually a good start.

A new earth  the great awakening its all in the here and now- I am looking forward to experiencing it w/ my super twin- We shared a womb together now we are sharing a room.  

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Violent Thug

All the comm enters talk tough about what a horrible job this cop did- I would like to see these exact same individuals in this particular scenario to see how they would have reacted- Its easy to talk tough behind the computer- Its not easy to de escalate a violent punk w/ obvious mental issues like that and I could almost guarantee that that thug would kick the ass of most of if not all of these comm enters- Yes the cop could lose a few and benefit from more continuous training but that still is a tough job all the way around- It may be administrative but ts still not easy- Violent thug in Ohio who attacked the cop at the station

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


What about the news media’s obsession with climate apocalypse? Starting well over a century ago, way back in 1895 – when Grover Cleveland was president, "America the Beautiful" was first published and volleyball had just been invented – the New York Times scared its readers to death with warnings of a coming “new ice age.” This media-driven hysteria lasted into the late 1920s, when the Times suddenly switched gears and warned “the earth is steadily growing warmer.” That lasted until 1954, when Fortune magazine led the way with a warning that another ice age was coming. Although the New York Times stoked “global warming” fears into the late 1950s, by 1975 it was back to “new ice age” hysteria. A few years later, the Times reverted back to panicking its readers over global warming of an “almost unprecedented magnitude.” WND

  A former green peacer Michael Shellenberger wrote a book and went onto various platforms like Megyn Kelly speaking about the climate change hoax- The climate change hucksters and rubes like Al Gore are quite transparent- If he won the presidency like he was supposed to in 2000 we would have been inundated w/ this garbage.

 They should make up their minds w/ all of the sky is falling and the world will end by 2030- Is it the ice age or are we going to burn down the house. Reading the Green New Deal was like reading the 9-11 commission it was cartoonish in its stupidly. This is what we have w/ the democratic globalist agenda at the moment.

I actually fell for their gas lighting for a few that the election was fraud free but times have changed-  Its really the string pullers above both political parties but as of now most of the crimes appear to be coming from the left side of the fence-

Dr David Martin

He charges that the World Health Organization, to be a "criminal cartel," orchestrated COVID to "subordinate the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves by impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity."

Biological Warfare Crime- In reference to prosecutions Martin states that Rand Paul is a joke who is in on it and if he was serious about a criminal referral he would provide evidence- Paul doesn't come across as an aggressive ball of fire who would like to pursue justice and actually put people into the ground for crimes against humanity-

I often felt  what a sad state of affairs the only person people refer to as a white hat good guy in congress is Paul and he doesn't even provide evidence along w/ his criminal referral

I respect Martin and the way he speaks and he seems to be the lone wolf in a sea of sheep- Martin not impressed w/ law enforcement either- One sheriff in Okl out of 50 states that wants to cut the head off of the snake- The criminal cartel that has most people fooled w/ their MSM-

Martin wants to keep us focused on the ball which includes three things- Bio/domestic terrorism- deceptive medical practices murder- and criminal racketeering


Only a few days before his impeachment, AG Paxton had launched a burning investigation not only into the damage caused by Covid vaccines but also into the “Gain-of-Function” research of Anthony Fauci (former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – NIAID) on coronaviruses and SARS viruses from which the Covid-19 was created in the laboratory.

And then all of a sudden Russel Brand gets persecuted- Christians who speak the truth are getting persecuted


The SHES shooting was a fraud time to wake up YT- Alex Jones did nothing wrong- except speak the truth- The families are greedy fraudsters who had the MSM terrorize us w/ a bogus story of a video game nerd taking out students in a school that wasn't even opened at the time- Adam Lanza didn't even exist please stop the morale high ground garbage- A real investigator would dig a little deeper.

Lenny Posners death certificate of his alleged son is a fraud and this was confirmed by a licensed private investigator- Posner the smarmy fraudster mocked one of the real investigators by stating all anomalies would never see the light of day in the MSM

So now we have the YT who are not the MSM and should be independent and claim to be an investigative journalism outlet chastising Alex Jones about money he is supposed to owe the greedy families who are accomplices in a criminal conspiracy.

The President at the time signed the Smith Munct in late Dec 2012 which falls after the fairy tale story of Sandy Hook which was nothing more then a DHS drill made to look like a real shooting through their criminal co conspirators of the MSM .

Hubris will be their downfall and I knew this would happen after Posner mocked a real investigator- America used to have real investigators but they don't appear to be in the FBI- They have allowed blatant criminality to transpire in plain sight w/ out doing a dam thing except continuing to cover up the crimes

That would be both 9-11 and Sandy Hook covid and election fraud the list goes on- Another thing is that terrorism is cruel and unusual and this will not be forgotten- To continue on w/ these false flag shootings after 2012 terrorizing the masses who actually believe the pathetic crisis actors who continue to bleed America dry using staged events as a political platform to advance their immoral agenda and taking our tax dollars acting like grieving family members and then try to sue and destroy anybody that stands up to their brazen greed and criminality

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Dems Stole The Election

 Newsome is as clueless as Creepy Joe- This is an anti American situation because in the real world in  a capitalist society people get rewarded for success not failure- So it goes something like this I just destroyed my state w/ crime and homelessness- Nobody in their right mind would want to visit once historic venues.

Millions of dollars of potential tourism revenue is now down the drain- I dictatorially locked down my own state  for years and pushed an unvetted jab- Morale is at an all time low because I witness what the residents have to say- As a result of this disaster now maybe I should run for president and turn America into a shithole too.

Politicians dont live in the real world they get rewarded for interminable emergencies and just get more grants and special interests to cover up their tracks- I wonder how many small to mid size businesses were forced to go under due to this covid con- Fear mongering day after day most of our politicians are a pathetic joke

Creepy Joe never worked a real job he hides behind his puppet pullers since he just slithered his way into power by stealing the 2020 election- That is a crime and we haven't forgotten it- It took me a while to fully grasp that this was more then likely pulled off by the corrupt swamp and Marxist democrats

The only way they can get ahead is by lying- cheating- stealing- gas lighting because they never worked an honest days work- If they did at least some of them would come out and say yes their was a coup de tet in 2020 because everybody acknowledged that we didn't have a chance to beat Trump-

If they had real character many would come out and state I am not proud of my party because this is not what we really stand for- What do we have crickets and a bunch of bogus charges against Trump which only increased his poll numbers because by now most people know what a corrupt and inept DOJ and FBI we have

In essence what this means is that the will of the people means nothing to these corrupt shysters who dropped the ball on prosecuting the biggest crimes of the 20 and 21 century. This has  led to horrific corruption and a rigged election as just routine business-  We also didn't forget the failed wars and the lost and ruined lives and the child trafficking that is still being covered up 


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Law And Crime

She is under the legal limit oo7- that is ;like 1.5 maybe 2 drinks dwi not dui doesn't make sense in order to be charged w being intoxicated they should need to demonstrate that she failed the field sobriety test- this woman is clearly not intoxicated- I am not condoning a teacher having alcohol in her system but she shouldn't have been arrested

She was compliant and made a mistake- She should not be forced to resign or get terminated a little draconian- In the so called real world one needs to demonstrate a consistent pattern of inappropriate behavior like drinking on the job before they get the book thrown at them

The place where people need consequences is when they already crossed that threshold and are in the system so to speak- In other words when you fail a test while on probation or when residing in sober living- This is when the bar is raised- Doing what they did to this teacher was crossing the line into the punitive realm

Friday, September 15, 2023

A Warning

 A Warning- By Anonymous- We have since learned the identity of Anonymous- Miles Taylor seems like a decent person- Every dog has fleas some more then others- I read the follow up book in detail so I have no inclination to peruse this book like I am going to take an exam at the end.

The basic premise is the same Potus Trump may be difficult to work w/ or for but we have already spoken- 

We voted for him in 2020 but that choice was taken away from us- If that is not immoral I dont know what is-  We know he is far from perfect and maybe needs some more powerful flea bomb but he has our heart and that is all that counts-

He is a patriot through and through and on top of that he knows we know that he has flaws and that is another reason why we like him- No phony airs when it comes to Trump- He was right about the disaster of pulling out of Afghanistan-

Our military the best in the world prides itself w/ leaving no man behind- When the young boys were cruising their ships to Normandy and Iwo Jima when they fell out of the ship it was quite callous to let them drown- That is not the American way however that was a telling sign about how the war machine operates-

Causalities are expected and compared to WW2 the GWOT was light in numbers- It does matter because that is not how we roll- Every human life matters we see how the coast guard rescue team rolls- They expend everything to save just one-

Our inept faux president left a whole bunch of our soldiers in Afghanistan when we pulled out and that is abhorrent- Just about everything the higher ups have done has been the wrong move including WMDs- The best is how they want to inoculate our troops Agent Orange-  Gulf War Syndrome the new vax the list goes on.

Uncle Sam doesn't seem to care especially how our soldiers have horrible Styrofoam ear plugs which is guarantees to cause Tinnitus-

Mich Voter Fraud

Yesterday, Shane Trejo of Big League Politics was threatened by Michigan’s far-left, radical Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel with a ‘cease and desist’ letter that was sent to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks. The letter warned them to delete Trejo’s audio recordings of the training session across every platform. For the record, I also attended a training session for poll workers in Wayne County, and at no time were ever told we could not record the training session. We were also never given any written instructions explaining that it was illegal to record the training session.

An AG not doing her job instead of using this information to open a case on criminal behavior she attempted to threaten and eliminate the source

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Battle For Truth

 Shady Nook where some 90 pound non existent spook no actually a  ghost with no digital footprint took out his classmates in a school that wasn't even operable- A very tough task for a skilled operator but impossible for some video game weirdo w/ no real tactical experience-

An arrogant MSM who demonized the skeptics and a bloodthirsty den of thieves who profited handsomely from the faux tragedy- Lets talk about greed and criminality- If it wasn't bad enough that they enacted laws and terrorized the populace one payout wasn't good enough-

They had to bleed every last ounce of money from Alex Jones much more then hes actually worth when he did nothing wrong except speak the truth- Why so sensitive if he is a nut job crack pot he is still entitled to his free speech- The money they made off of the fraud itself wasn't enough- This is greed gone wild-

Real sub par pictures and a fraudulent death certificates it doesn't matter because MSM always controls the narrative- Wolfgang Halbig-  Jim Fetzer - Stephanie Sledge plus many more people  have something else to say about that joke of a school shooting-

There is no record of the alleged shooter as far as a background is concerned and their was no digital footprint- Those are only two red flags but they are plenty more

FBI Whistleblower

 FBI Whistle blower- Sibel Edmunds  said that Osama Bin Laden – and several other members of his family – were working with U.S. agencies as part of Gladio B right up until 9/11. Edmonds notes that Bin Laden and his family members were helping the West set up terrorist groups in Chechnya up until 9/11.

Edmonds also said that the FBI failed to prosecute any of the criminal activities occurring in the United States as revealed by these documents. SOTN

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


You are right this is a political persecution- I didn't think so at first but have been convinced otherwise- This is a important issue as you say Liz because we need to fix this issue before the 24 election- There was so many irregularities and unethical activity going on before 2020 and we dont even know the full extent of it because an independent audit hasn't been conducted- The arrogance of the MSM and others who still cling to the fair election story and that Trump is the bad guy is going to be met w/ fierce resistance

Our judicial system has proven itself to be a pathetic disgrace and needs a complete overhaul which includes dissolving the FBI- and cia- An investigative section of our government that is supposed to work for us. There can be nothing worse then to have an FBI that is known to cover up crimes and more then likely actually partake in the crime itself

The one thing the FBI did which meant they were doing their job was they didn't include the Sandy Hook kids as part of the homicide death tolls in 2012- An out of control political elite that traumatized us w/ some story of a 90 pound video game nerd as a shooter that mowed down his classmates in a school that wasn't even operable at the time

The official story is as believable as 9-11s but yet they still cling to it and are allowed to weaponize the judicial system to punish Alex Jones millions of dollars which proves the extent of their arrogance and punitive motives-

The entire system needs to be taken down and it starts w/ Trump subpoenaing people and witnesses for all of the horrific charges they have hit him with - To say the FBI are ok because they at least did their job w/ the Sandy Hook kids demonstrates how bad it really is-

Doing the right thing once w/ a long tradition of being political hacks by standing down on major investigations and covering up and even participating in the actual crimes themselves is about as bad as it possibly can get- If this doesn't turn around in record time there will be no hope for the future- It starts w/ leos and agencies that are beyond reproach that means many have to go and be put on the stand themselves

Monday, September 11, 2023

Bill Of Indictments

The explicit intentions and deliberate actions referred to herein constitute the basis for the most serious crimes of high treason, premeditated murder and carefully calculated acts of terrorism committed against US and foreign citizens working on US soil on 9/11/01.  It has been recognized that these heinous crimes were surreptitiously carried out in a highly compartmentalized operation, as well as on a strictly need-to-know basis, in which many of the perpetrators were completely unaware of their handlers, accomplices, financiers, logistical supporters, top decision-makers, etc.  In light of such a complex and convoluted scheme, conceived to give justification to a declared “War On Terror”, it will be necessary to rely heavily on the volumes of circumstantial evidence which will certainly convict all involved, from the US President and Vice President down to those anonymous murderers who placed the many explosives in the WTC1, 2 & 7 for their controlled demolition. (SOTN)

Nothing changes until the well-concealed
perpetrators are aggressively prosecuted
and severely punished for the transparent
US government-sponsored, false flag,

terrorist attacks!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

DOJ Sham

 DOJ William Barr didn't investigate the fraud allegations the way he should have- There is the answer I was looking for in reference  to where the fbi was supposed to be- The elections crimes lawyer resigned- Barr did a sham investigation of only 4 days and concluded that there was no fraud-

This was after he warned of the high possibility of fraud w/the mail in ballots a few months before the election- This is where our tax dollars are going not serious law and order types just shady bureaucrats that are afraid to turn over the apple cart

Why dont we trust the FBI because they haven't earned our trust-  Why was the fbi in Hawaii for the fires   collecting DNA- FBI is a federal investigative unit that is supposed to get involved on an interstate level if a crime is suspected- Crimes such as human trafficking- election fraud- mail fraud - money laundering- serial killers  Rico etc- Anything that happens with n the state is supposed to be investigated by the local leos  the feds arent supposed to be there

DOJ was supposed to have a thorough investigation of election fraud that lasted a lot longer then four days- How is it that private citizens have uncovered more evidence of voter fraud then our own paid public servants-

Then when we need them most they conduct sham cursory investigations and get other enablers to cover for them - Why do we have so many investigative bodies that hardly anyone has even heard of but no serious investigations ever seem to take place-

Professional stonewallers that is what these people are- I am not surprised  that Fox news settled w/ Dominion and Smartmatic Fox  has never done right by we the people- 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

More PA Deceit

 in 2019 they changed the laws to allow ballot harvesting mail in ballots w/ out a legitimate reason- Trump lost PA before he even started- All of these states changing laws right before the election in an obvious pattern-

Wouldn't it be great if we had an honest individual in the press to explain to us how this complex convoluted scam titled the electorate process actually is supposed to work- If something seems too complicated that is a huge red flag for fraud-

When you have a sec. of state that doesn't adhere to his job responsibilities and who leaked a legitimate phone call to the blood thirsty press that was taken way out of context this is unacceptable. When DAs conduct what appear to be sham investigations this isn't going to work out very well long term- I have also  noticed that nobody actually explained to us "well  you can have criminal acts in multiple states but that is ok because Biden actually won in the most secure election in history" and we are expected to actually believe this?  There is confusion regarding the role of judges, justices and the legal system in relation to the unique process for electing US presidents- pg196

Why is there confusion in what is supposed to be the best and fairest country in the world- I am not partisan and my previous writings substantiate this however it has come quite apparent that there is obvious subterfuge and motives that are less then benevolent coming from up above- In the USA in our corrupted system it appears to be true that you really can indite a ham sandwich

Michigan Fraud

 We conclude  Dominion Voting Systems is intentionally and purposefully designed w/ inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system generates and enormously high number of ballot errors- p149- forensic report- Allied Security Operations Group

An AG that censored an audio that proved unethical actions and threatened an individual w/ criminal prosecution- Imagine having an AG that engaged in this type of behavior as the states highest ranking law enforcement official-

Credible allegations of a large scale ballot harvesting scheme in Mich. and other states. Nevadas election results shouldn't have been certified w/ major changes to election laws allowing ballot harvesting under the guise of keeping people safe from COVID

Fraud caught on video in PA- I witnessed very suspicious behavior as well using COVID social distancing and mail in ballots the most secure election in US history what a pathetic joke- Fraud vitiates everything so now we have to be at the mercy of a corrupt and unethical system to have them tell us nothing was off base

We need validation from a system that has already been proven to be corrupt by many unfortunately just not in the court of law where it really counts-  A sham investigation conducted by the DA where there is damming video proof. Imagine that a DA not doing the job he was hired to do by the people who pay his salary

Shady Town

 Shady ways in ga- I knew there have been many unethical actions conducted by certain individuals over the years and believed the election was rigged in 2020- Then certain people convinced me otherwise they were really convincing-

This made me feel good because I could barely tolerate what transpired before 2020- Our system couldn't be that rotten to the core could it- Lets face it w/ out election integrity we have nothing-  How did it get this bad thats a story for another day

How is it that we have such a backward corrupt election process where independent audits are not allowed- Have our civil servants earned the right to be that trusted- I believe the rebellion on Jan 6 gave us the answer to that-

Trust is earned not blindly given businesses and 501 c3s get independently audited so why not our elections where I had to take time out of my day to go through the process- I was the only one in the building not wearing a mask why were people so compliant-

When these wolves in sheeps clothing try to pull another round of this covid con pushback is going to much more severe this time around- I really wanted to believe the people that convinced me not to trust my gut that the election wasn't fair and square-

Once I saw real evidence and criminality in Michigan  that made me livid- Our system is not to be trusted it is as corrupt and as rotten as some say and more then likely even much worse- To have them say the 2020 election was the most secure in history is a joke. If this is true that means they all have been rigged but  the others were even much worse-  And that much is believable

Monday, September 4, 2023


 Weren't allowed to perform a real audit one that a business or 50c3 gets- Joseph Fried CPA author of Debunked-  Auditors were blocked from performing the two most vital audit procedures voter canvassing and signature certification- this was limited in scope while no state received a full and complete audit- Chain of custody was inadequate in many circumstances-

Fried goes on to explain that censorship is the real threat to democracy and that the alliance between media and government are disgraceful threats to the principles set fourth in the US constitution- xv11

Trump the only incumbent Potus in US history to lose the reelection while his own party gained seats in the House

He won 94% of the primary vote- No incumbent who has received 75% or more has ever lost an election pg-10

Mailman are no angels- some postal workers were in on the scam-p 34  Suspicious data dumps in swing states

The smartest man in the room worked a huge criminal fraud case and he had some interesting things to say- pg 58  

AZ was looking very shady and the election certification looks to have been premature with fraud that was likely according to Dr Shiva- Between ballot harvesting and mail in ballots these individuals that have been responsible for setting up this sham of a 2020 electorate process need to be held into account.

The arrogance involved in all of this is disturbing to say the least- Google censors- it is quite apparent that big tech are in cahoots w/ these election scam artists and they all need to be broken up


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Problem In Fulton County

It was one thing to not take the claims of illegal votes seriously but leaking an audio to a press corps that was out for blood was a different matter entirely- It spoke to a level of unprofessional ism if not downright corruption, that was unimaginable in an official acting in good faith-p306 Rigged First Things First- It really doesn't matter who endorses who for 2024 because as of now it doesn't matter the system is completely failed- There are so many red flags that transpired for what many have called a rigged election in 2020 that unless things change in record time it will continue to be an insult to we the people- Potus Trump worked real hard and took alot of slings and arrows to for intensive purposes win the election in 2020- We felt it in our soul- That is one of the many reasons the capital riots transpired- For the amount of lies our institutions have exposed us to they got off light as far as push back is concerned, The indignant patriots that are sick of the bs- I got fooled again and felt Trump was over reacting and possibly even deserving of these latest charges but I was wrong- The election process going into 2020 was a pathetic joke- Another major thing I remembered from fraud school is that when things seem too complicated that is a huge red flag- That is why there was so much fraud w/ the derivatives going into the 08 crash- The Fulton County voting machine was new complicated and full of holes -Even the dems were complaining- Kamela Harris going into 2020 The other thing that is upsetting that it is tough to actually prove electorate fraud and the establishment knows this- Our system has failed us miserably- It needs to be kept simple- All of these jurisdictions and supreme court justices that dont want to get involved due to lack of standing- Keep the judges out of it until somebody gets arrested for voter fraud- In the interim every state has an AG leave the governor and sec of state out of it and bring in independent auditors to expose the previous fraud and then set up a system which is bullet proof which can be done as long as the weasel special interest groups are kept out of it- Why do many people state the fbi should be obliterated- They are arrogant and continue to have people write cover stories/books for them talking about how amazing they are. Americas premier investigative legends right- They should be all over this voter fraud instead our country has turned into a third world wasteland Not only that they have covered up the biggest crimes of the previous century as well as this one- So to put it in even clearer terms they have dropped the ball and have failed us in the hugest of all ways in the very thing they were hired to do in the worlds biggest cases

Friday, September 1, 2023

Independent Audit

Trump doesn't pay what a surprise- The big shark that embellishes his net worth allegedly being worth 2 bill but saying hes worth 5 bil if true isnt exactly of high character- Why exaggerate at all Mr embellish er in chief? Its kind of like it makes the other allegations somewhat believable when you have a track record of doing this- Leaving your co-defendants out to dry when you are already make a ton off of your super hero dolls and super pacs from all of your worshipers- Thais a red flag 101 anybody that is worshiped or aspires to be is not on the right path Also if doj is weaponizing their hooks Trump has been most guilty of this himself- He has sued so many people over the years but others haven't been able to get a leg up because they didn't have the cash because in Trumps world cash is always king- So he launched a frivolous lawsuit against the New York Times and others just for printing the truth of his advantage in life from his dad- Launching frivolous lawsuits is an attempted weaponize of the justice system- The world class athletes that have just competed in Budapest did their best- The American women like Anna Hall a silver medal almost the worlds best athlete- There is an expectation that everybody will play fair as in peds- That means across the board w/ their own teammates that are competing against other countries- If information came out that showed a chance of serious cheating as in maybe not showing up for a test we wouldn't want that info censored from us even as member of ones own team- So why was information censored from us about potential election fraud and why were people demonized for throwing up serious red flags. And what makes this even more disturbing is that many card carrying democrats would actually put up w/ this- I wouldn't want cheating w/ in my own party just like I wouldn't want a male to compete in a woman's sport- There seems to be a lot that has been censored from us- Our election process is a pathetic joke and a travesty of justice- The number one thing I remembered from becoming a fraud examiner is that you always need an independent audit.  The fox can not be allowed to guard the hen house and we shouldn't have this information shielded from us by tech billionaires like Zuck Town and most MSM outlets- Zuckerberg has a shady past himself w/ allegedly stealing Leader Technology and Michael Mckibons patents- British SES