Saturday, September 26, 2015

Building 7

How long does it take to rig a building for controlled demolition? How could Building 7 be rigged in a few hours when the decision to pull it by Silvercrook was ordered? Inquiring people want to know

Lost Count

I lost count on how many open cases there are. I am talking about the ones that have been closed and classified already by cia and all of their partners in crime. I remember Flight 800 and the late Pierre Salinger who swore that he saw a missile take out that jet that plunged into the LI Sound. People thought he was a tin foil hat right? There are hundreds of solid witnesses that have been threatened killed and harassed and been given life time gag orders. These people need to be allowed to testify in the court of law when the case files get ripped open for the plethora of horror stories. Lets see what else Stens jet 2 months after 9-11 and just out of curiosity what was the cia doing classifying JFK juniors investigation? I believe the cia good guy involved in that was almost killed overseas because of what he was sickened by. In other words many times real investigations are conducted but the investigators are told to shut the f up or be killed and then the investigation and final report becomes an entirely different scenario. When you have every single entity and alphabet agency ruled by an out of control mob this is what we have. How about the Flight in Scotland that killed a bunch of Syracuse students what was that one really about? Inquiring people want to know

Pay Pal Scam

Paypal has many fraudulent aspects to it. The fact that they just deleted Wolfgangs account says it all. Didn't that NASA guy found Paypal, somebody correct me if I am wrong? They claim impartial, fair and balanced judiciary process but nothing can be further from the truth. For example there are hard core predators who spend their life finding ways to deceive others and they take advantage of every single loophole there is. Last time I checked sellers on e-bay have very little recourse. This means that somebody can do everything right, get their items authenticated and still get screwed over by scumbags across the flat earth who hide behind international jurisdictions. I am talking about Hermes bags and everything else in between. Don't worry Wolf is going to have plenty of funding for his multiple cases. People are going to be wheel barreling tons of cash to his home, the last thing he needs is Paypal or those other predators Go Fund Me. These are the people that sit on the Board Of Directors on The Council Of Foreign Relations and get off on having multiple aliases like Peter Lanza. Prof Doom is a very solid guy and I have a lot of respect for him. He is definitely somebody you need in your corner because he is great with paper trails protocol and just about everything else when it comes to investigative journalism. He broke that story with GCMAF and this one will go down in the history books. If its true that at least 6 holistic doctors have been Arkansided then there is going to be hell to pay down the road.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cops Need A Break

Cops need a break because nobody really knows what kind of scenario they have to deal with a lot of the time. I am not going to research the specific details time date etc however there was a firefight in 1999 inside a vestibule with NYPD that caused a huge uproar and race war. There is something called contagion shooting with ricochets that can make it appear that a lot of bullets are coming their way from the bad guys. I love Law and Order SVU and this was displayed in a recent episode with Detective Nick Amaro, this was as realistic as it gets with their great acting. Until somebody has been in the particular situation themselves then it is unjust to rush to judgment. Cops need to be respected for the job that they do day in and day out and unfortunately the only time we ever here what they do is when something makes the news and something bad happens, this isn't a good situation for anybody. 

Must Be Accountable

The people behind doping up our veterans and taking their weapons away need to go to jail. This is how bad of a situation there is. When a solid warrior wants to do the right thing and serve his/her country they get put through the wringer. In other words its like vetting for a security clearance and there is a huge deal for anybody that has ever used any prescription drug. Then after they are used abused and lied to about the real reason they signed on the dotted line it becomes way too late. These scumbags have doped up our vets with drug cocktails that would kill an elephant. What a perfect excuse to take their weapons away when they come back stateside. In essence they went overseas to fight for us and specifically for the second amendment only to have their rights and lives ruined if and when they ever come back. Apparently we have people that pull the strings that get off on this and really like the Hellstorms they have created. How many deployments were our warriors forced to endure for what they thought were legit reasons? It looks like we have people that hate America and what it really stands for isn't this a little obvious? Big Brother is a scam they could prevent so many violent scenarios with the technology they have. Trillions of dollars of stolen money only to play dumb once something bad happens. Oops looks like we dropped the ball on that one therefore we need more funding, how much longer can we really take this kind of abuse?

Big Pharma Scam

Big Pharma is a scam. The name of the game is to keep everybody on the grid doped up on non narcotics and narcotics. I know this because I have been to hell and back, however I have nobody to blame but myself. Big Pharma has gorgeous women supplying doctors with scrips pushing their drug of the day. We are guinea pigs because just listening to the warning labels is enough to make anybody throw up. And then we have Xanax and Ambien that make people go insane and sleepwalk. These are people with no real history of mental disorders. Most md docs etc are definitely in it for the right reasons and I believe that they were taken by surprise by the real malevolent motive for a lot of these big pharma operations. These drugs are so addictive even to those with no history of alcoholism or mental illness. Many lives have been lost and ruined already and this is due to the big Pharma scam Racketeering operation. Weed is the only answer but unfortunately that can be abused as well. I felt like I was in Dantes Inferno coming off of Xanax cold turkey and I may have had a shot until I was locked up the next day for a vop. Again this was completely of my own making however I have a lot of experience that can hopefully benefit others

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Save Lives Not Money

I started reading Black Banners again- John Oneill stated that their job was to save lives not money. He got great intel by wining and dining his sources and this rubbed a lot of people that were jealous of him the wrong way. I am not really for that Stand Your Ground Law in Fla. because it makes it to easy to take a life. When I saw that a little kid had a weapon on a bus and just because he was picked on and bullied this made it ok for him to use it in a fight what are you kidding me? Nobody should be carrying weapons around like that especially a little kid what he cant fight his own battles like we used to? I believe that Tasers should definitely be the primary weapon as well because I feel this would have saved Demetrius Dubois- I met him once, He was a great man, Capt of Notre Dame football in the early 90s as a linebacker and then proceeded to play in the NFL. This is a very sad and tragic story. Anyway these high speed militarized Swat raids are bad news. I believe that in Hallandale  they busted down a door with a warrant and took the life of an innocent man that hardly had any dope are you kidding me? This has to stop because this isn't what our country is all about. The rich people who pull all of the strings want to clean up their town? Why don't they find out what is really going on and how people in the inner cities have been victimized by big brother their entire lives. Then they should do something about it by speaking the truth. Heroin coming back in body bags in Nam, crack in the 80s coming from cia black ops Nicaguraga etc.. If they don't speak out and put their money where their mouth is this means that they are culpable in aiding and abetting this race war that we have had for centuries. Deadly force is the absolute last resort, unfortunately many people on both sides- law enforcement as well as the so called bad guys have already lost their lives. Nobody needs to bust down doors like gangbusters for little or nothing this is insane. Very few people are armed and dangerous. Lt Grossman makes this very clear in his book On Killing. It isn't natural to kill there has to be a lot of training and muscle memory to do this correctly. People that go out and get their permit usually aren't trained correctly and unfortunately may use deadly force when it clearly could have been avoided. It is a complex situation when we have an out of control gun snatching govt hell bent on disarming the public with their false flags operations, I understand this. Most Leos are more then indignant about the current situation that is why we must all try to find a peaceful resolution. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Gravity Scam

The first question I had when a trusted source told me that the world may be flat was that guy in what 1963? He allegedly jumped from 100 miles high or something to that effect? It showed the curve of the earth. Well apparently Go Pro Lenses and Free Mason Hand signals were what they were really all about. Jeranism did a test with a Nano Laser and I  trust him any day of the week. I trust absolutely nobody in any main stream news organization. How big of a lie could this really be? This one looks like the biggest lie of them all. These Nasa spokespeople are pathetic and so arrogant. If they say its true then it must be right? How many trillions of dollars are abused by Nasa and the only thing they can show us are cgi photos form 1973? How pathetic is that? Where are the real pics from the real satellites and Hubble telescopes that is what I am many other inquiring people want to know?

Just Wondering

I was just wondering how many people in our mass main stream media knew 9-11 was coming? Well for starters BBC told us that building 7 was down when it was still clearly visible in the background. How many people on Wall Street because their were put options placed on American Airlines. I clearly remember Sean Hannity telling the world that Hussain more then likely had his fingerprints all over 9-11? Failure of intel agencies is that what it really was? A lot and I mean a lot of people were told not to go in that day and this also includes many people that were told not to fly as well. I wonder if CNN knew what was up? The only thing I know for certain is that Anderson Cooper turned James Tracys life into a living hell when he questioned Sandyhook. The only thing that saved James Tracy was the fact that he has tenure otherwise I am certain his life would have been absolutely ruined like they have to countless other innocent people. Let us show gratitude to James Tracy because he really is a hero and one of the smartest guys I ever had the privilege of reading about. If anybody wants a definition of what good cia is supposed to be then check out www.memoryholeblog  

Everybody Must Unite

Matt Powell from Canada the Nasa artist please unite with Eric Dubay. Shill no shill I don't really care the only thing I know for sure is that we need every swinging dick possible for this Antartica mission and this means a lot of advance work. This is a serious mission and it isn't for weaklings because I have a lot of respect for both Matt and Eric Dubay. Let us lock in tight and get ready to roll because many people before me have been waiting years and years to prove that our earth really may be flat

Bad News

I am trying to figure out if the LIRR  massacre in 1993 was a false flag operation. The only thing I know for certain is that cockroach should have ben sentenced to death. What makes this even worse it that he went Prose in court representing himself. Anyway these Nasa freaks think its ok to fake their death like Christa McAuliffe. There are so many people before me that have conducted  many years of intense investigative journalism. These people are our real hero's and deserve so much respect and credit for the efforts that they have put fourth. The only thing I am doing is reading their work because it certainly isn't mine. I am full of righteous indignation and this is what I bring to the table. I was always horrible with facial recognition and I mean pathetically horrible. That is why our detectives and investigative teams that have to do this for a living are really great at what they do because it definitely isn't easy. Some very smart people have pointed out that the Challenger scumbags are still alive, the ones that allegedly blew up in 1986. Christa McAulliffe the teacher from New Hampshire that was a real gut wrencher wasn't it? How many real Astronauts did these Free Masons kill to cover up their horrific crimes? Am I the only one that is supposed to be extremely upset by this?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

No Other Choice

With all due respect to Jim Dean The Donald is the only hope for our future. He is a patriot at the highest possible level and this comes from his heart and soul- I know this and this comes from my heart and soul. The biggest question I have is how to make sure the gangsters don't rig another election. The Donald doesn't need to kiss anybody's ass that is why he is who he is and that is why he is where he is in life. We need a leader that we can absolutely stand behind and that means to fight and die if need be. When was the last time we really had this in our president?

Evolution Scam

These Nasa geeks have the audacity to ask Donald Trump a question about how great they are w/ all of their Cosmos Mars and moon missions? Evolution is a scam- Intelligent Design is what we really have in this flat earth universe of ours. The name of the game is to keep everybody confused- dumbed down and inferior when we cant quite grasp the esoteric concepts of Trig- Advanced Physics and everything else these Free Mason Pseudo Scientists came up with so they could rule the world. It looks like everything revolves around our flat earth and the sun really isn't 93 million miles away. If everybody is confused and just says yes to whatever bs they throw at us this is why we are in the situation that we are in. It took me many years to accept certain truths this has been the hardest thing I have ever done. Writing about it is the only thing that has kept me relatively sane. The big bang the sun moon and stars is all just a way for these psychopaths to keep us feeling like insignificant cattle. How much is Nasas black hole budget? It resides in Langly wow what a surprise the cia and Nasa are in bed together. I want to set up a team of rock solid demon chasers. A task force of lean mean fire breathing fighting machines that cant wait to be fast roped into Antarctica and I will  be with them. The only weapon I really know how to shoot (not very well) is a glock so that's what I will have. Lets go- We will have plenty of cover and pre assault fire and we will absolutely have Blackhawks not pieces of shit Chinooks. We will have plenty of donations from our people all across our  flat earth because I know how upset they really are as well

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kill The Messenger

It took the cia 7 years to kill Gary Webb after he was forced out of his career by a bunch of inhumane drug smuggling freaks. If anybody doesn't think the media is not complicit in this then I have some Kool Aide for you to drink. Why wasn't Gary Webb offered a mandatory ep detail or some type of witness protection from good cia? I cant take this anymore this has been going on for so many years it has to end. They dirtied up our cities and sent  hundreds of thousands of innocent people to jail w/ their Racketeering crack cocaine operation in the 80s. With crack it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from once you start you are pretty much addicted right away.  Gary Webb was making a modest living, he uncovered one of if not the biggest stories of the decade and what did he get out of it? Stress, humiliation and ultimately 7 years to the day of his resignation an Arkanside. This is as miserable and horrible as it ever gets and this has sent a message to all of our whistle blowers and investigative journalists. Let me tell you something I don't care how much god dam money it cost we need to start protecting our people from now on

I Am Done

I am done with all of these pejorative comments about bw/xe you people are absolutely making me sick. The latest is that bw has been killing for fun since 1997. Nobody kills for fun unless they are flat out sociopaths and this is a very small percentage 3-5% of the population. I believe that Eric Prince was manipulated by a bunch of psychopathic con artists in the Bush Administration. He absolutely was because he even mentioned that what these freaks did to him was worse then what they did to Valerie Plame. Does anybody have a realistic analysis of what kind of pressure his men were under going into the Iraqi quagmire? Who gets the blame when a principle ends up dead? I also believe that they were ambushed in Nissor Square I don't give a flying f what the final report ended up stating. Yes we know about the Lucifarian Free Masons and the Military Industrial Complex but why is everybody blaming bw/xe? The majority of people working in all of our federal agencies are Green Badgers not direct Blue Badger Federal Agents. This means that everybody is a part of it. Black Sites were absolutely not his idea this came directly from the cia based off of a sociopathic mindset of a hardened terrorist w/ no empirical track record. He is a Patriot at the highest level of the spiritual sense. The psychopaths at the top manipulated our soldiers and private contractors and this turned into a feeding frenzy of epic proportions. Waxman shook Prince down and turned his life into a living hell by sending his BATF boys to his complex to confiscate his weapons, wouldn't this piss anybody off? What did bw/xe do wrong? They went into high speed theaters of operation completely undermanned under tremendous scrutiny, it didn't matter what they did right whatever non existent issue they did do was turned into front page news in the New York Times. I am not stating that some contractors didn't go  overboard but this was addressed and the contractors were terminated. Every American was conned manipulated used and abused by this phony hoax war on terror. Eric Prince is all about the safety and security of the American people so you people please stop bad mouthing bw/xe. Gitmo and places like it were horrific examples of how to gain intel, punish and whatever else you disgusting pedophiles do to get off on. This came from way up above and I repeat it had absolutely nothing to do with a particular private military firm. Hey New York Times please start talking about who was really responsible for 9-11 and the PNAC plan and everything else in between

Sunday, September 20, 2015

FBI Cointelpro?

I was checking out a new Extortion 17 book that Pete Shiltilli had on his show this is when I learned about what he did to Vinny Eastwood. Guerilla Marketing that is his that is a very sleazy move. Also recording Gordon Duff And Fetzer during commercial breaks without their knowledge and then letting the world know what was stated that is about as low as you can get. Alternative News media is that what we have? I know Stew Webb is no fan of Shiltilli either. I saw Vinny Eastwood crying because of what you put him through, this has shaken me to the very core, I am a big boy so come at me Shiltilli lets get this war started

Open Letter To All Sell Outs

It doesn't matter what you have stated off the record because the only thing people will ever remember you by is what you did to us. All of your books, magazine articles, blogs, shills, trolls, bots ad infinitum. All of your phony synthetic terrorism, poison vaccines, chem trails and con jobs, fluoride in the water that you ignored as well. You are killing my people and hiding behind trillion are psychopaths that pay mds huge money to legitimize your claims. You are killing our people we the people all across this flat earth. Eric Dubay has 200 proofs so continue to hide behind your cgi photos that are now what  an oblate spheroid? This is an insult to even my 8 year old niece. Ike warned us about you Lucifarian criminally insane psychopaths and this is when NASA was created. You get off on lying, cheating and stealing and we all know that you will never stop, this is why you all need to be eliminated. We never went to the moon so stop the bs because fraud vitiates everything. I have been in a flat out rage for many years. The past two years I have learned about Hegelian- Dialectic- Problem- Reaction- Solution so this has made my rage even worse